
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs

Trouble in Paradise

𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

With my eyes currently blindfolded, and my hand entwined with Xavier's hand, he drove us to our secret date. Dying of anxiousness, but was loving the feeling of our hands joined together.

My heart pounded with joy and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, I was truly happy. And the only reason for my happiness was my boss, now lover. Thinking about our previous encounter with each other made me almost relinquish my feelings, cause what if one day he goes back to his old self? Will I be able to move on? I doubt it.

The car came to an abrupt stop and I squeaked out in shock. I waited till he walked around and opened the door and I carefully climbed out of the car. With him holding my hand and guiding me into wherever we're headed to, I carefully walked to his direction, trying so hard not to trip.

Curiosity tinged with excitement, as I step through, I could hear the sound of the crashing wave and the scent of the saltwater fill the air. Xavier gently guided me to a spot on the beach.

I immediately relaxed when I felt the warmth of the sand beneath my feet and the gentle breeze caressing my skin. With my heart racing in anticipation, I wondered what he had planned for this date.

Xavier finally removed the blindfold and i audibly gasped. I was seated on a cozy blanket, overlooking the vast ocean. A picnic arrangement set out in front of us, with an array of delectable food and refreshing drinks. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore became the backdrop of our intimate moments.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I stared at the whole arrangement and place. It was completely empty with just the two of us, meaning he cleared out the whole area for our date. Having mentioned that I hadn't been to the beach yet and him planning our first date on the beach made me tear up the more.

He flashed me a concerned look as he rubbed my temple sweetly.

"Everything okay?."

"Yes, I'm just very overwhelmed." I confessed. "It's the first time anyone ever went out of their way for me, except River of course."

"I know you haven't had the best experience yet due to your circumstances but I'll try my possible best to make most of your wishes, if not all, come through. That's the least I could do for someone I deeply care about." He kissed the top of my hand and I blushed crimson red.

A part of me felt disappointed that he didn't use the L word, but I was grateful for the fact that he at least admitted to caring about me. Which is a good sign. We dug in our food and had a few drinks until we were full, Then we decided to take a leisure walk along the shoreline, barefooted. Feeling the sand between our toes and the cool water lapping at our feet. After having a few more conversations we decided it was time to head back to the estate.

We loaded the trunk up with the picnic basket and blanket and embarked on our journey back home. We arrived after a couple of minutes and immediately we got to the door and i alighted from the car, the door opened to reveal a drop dead gorgeous woman.

I felt Xavier tense as she strutted down the stairs to where we stood, she then stopped a few inches from us and a cunning smile spread across her plump lips.

"Hello, dear fiancé."

My heart immediately dropped. I took a moment to look at the woman standing before me.

She had jet black hair, her hair reaching down her butt, her long lashes complimenting her ocean blue eyes, her perfectly round face and her plump lips. She was a petite tall woman, who's figure 8 never went unnoticed, she was a replica of a goddess and I couldn't help it but to compare her to myself.

We did have a few similarities in facial features but I was much bigger than her in shape, now I see why Xavier said I reminded him of someone. It must be her since she just called him her fiancé.

I took the opportunity to stare at Xavier and found him staring at her with his fist clenched and his eyes squinted. I felt my heart beat faster as I watched the emotions flooding his eyes, hurt being amongst them.

Then I realized the painful truth, he still loved her. In as much as he hated her for probably leaving him, he still obviously loved her and it was pretty obvious with the way he stared at her. He finally spoke without sparing me as much as a glance.

"Go inside Rose, I'll be with you shortly."

That's it? He just dismissed me like that without an explanation or proper introduction? My heartbeat increased.

I sighed as I gave them both one more look before walking inside. I was halfway through the door when I heard her say "scared of your little whore finding out who I am?". I felt extremely disconsolate.

I walked to the stairs before I heard Ava call out to me.

"Rose sweetheart, are you okay?." I smiled halfheartedly at her.

"I'm fine Ava, I'm just going to rest in my room. I'm extremely tired from the long day."

"Okay darling. Don't forget if you need anything, call me immediately."

"Thanks Ava." I nodded and headed back to my room. I closed my door and leaped into my bed. Closing my eyes as I tried to push the thoughts of Xavier and that strange woman aside. I became extremely restless as I waited for Xavier to come to me with an explanation. I couldn't do anything at all, not even change my clothes, I was shaking with anxiety and was biting my nails while waiting for him.

An hour passed, two hours, three hours, four hours, six hours, it was now dark outside and still Xavier was nowhere to be found. I grew worried and decided to check around for him, but before that, I tried calling him but it went to voicemail so I put on my slippers and walked out of my room.

I tried calling him again and it still went to voicemail, I checked his bedroom and it was empty. I checked the library and he wasn't there, I decided to check the garden and he wasn't there, then I walked to the bar room to check if he's there drinking but he wasn't there. I checked the kitchen and dining hall and it was empty, the only place left to check was his study room and so I hurried over there. I heard his voice faintly as I approached the door, then I took a very deep breath as I opened the door without knocking.

I found a distressed looking Xavier, standing against his large mahogany table with his phone on his hand and his other free hand running through his hair, further disheveling it. My heart churned at seeing him this way, he stared back at me with his expressionless face and I couldn't help but to tear up for him.

I was about to walk up to him when his voice suddenly boomed around the room.

"Don't you know how to knock?. Why barge into my study room like you own it?." I was taken aback by his tone and I immediately stopped.

"I-I..I was looking for you everywhere an-and was worried something bad had happened to you."

"Didn't I ask you to wait in your room!! So what the fuck are you doing here? Trying to be nosy huh. Tell me, did someone put you to it? Did someone ask you to spy on me?."

I felt weak in the knees. Tears brimmed in my eyes and my heart hurt, I stared at him in disbelief and didn't know what to say. I still didn't want to believe he's saying these things to me even when I'm witnessing him say it, so I took one step forward and extended my hand to him.

"What happened Xavier, are you okay?"

He took one step backwards and a look of disgust spread across his face and my heart finally shattered. I stopped dead in my tracks as tears dropped down my eyes frantically. He's disgusted by me now, he doesn't even want me to touch him anymore. This is it. My worst fear is finally happening, he's back to hating me.

So what's next? Will he also ask me to leave his estate? Well I won't let it get to that point, I'll just pack whatever I came here with and leave. I can't stay here for another minute, not after how he just acted towards me like I was a peasant who trespassed, after having a great date, he goes ahead to act this way towards me?

Heavy sobs broke through my body as I stared at him one more time before running out of his study room. I cried my eyes out as I ran to my room and swiftly pack everything up in my luggage without even bothering to fold them all in, I didn't bother to write a long ass good bye message.

I just wrote a quick "Good bye forever." and placed it on my bed stand. I hurriedly left the room and hoped I don't run into Ava cause I won't have an explanation for my sudden departure. Plus I was still a crying mess and I wasn't even going to force myself to act strong cause right now I was weak as fuck.

I successfully vacated the building without being caught, or so I thought. But I didn't exactly care, I punched in the same code Xavier used to open the gate and it opened up wide enough for me to slip out so it closed back almost immediately.

I took out my phone and dialed my best friend's number, and with just three rings she answered.

"Hey best friend, what's up?" She greeted excitedly and it made me cry the more.

"Come get me River, i don't want to stay here and I can't find any taxi right now. I'm walking along this secluded area and you're the only one I could think of calling." I cried like a baby.

"Oh my God Rose, what happened to you? Do you know where you are? Like any idea?" She asked.

"I don't." I sobbed.

"Okay just share me your live location and I'll be on my way. Just stay somewhere safe and call me immediately you sense you're in danger. Then she hung up. I did all she asked me to do and found a bus stop to sit and cry my eyes out while I wait for my life saver to save me.