
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs

So Close

𝑿𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

Deciding against taking her to my home cause of little security, I brought her to my estate, An estate not even Alesia entered. The possessiveness I felt with Rose was just unexplainable, I had this uncontrollable urge to protect her and so the only place safe for her was my secret estate.

She wouldn't betray me, I know she won't. I hope so.

The shock on Ava's face was enough to make Rose guess a few things but with her reaction, she didn't quite seem to think much of it. I haven't told her anything about me anyway, she couldn't have guessed right if she tried.

Seeing her bond immediately with Ava made my heart melt, and seeing Ava already being protective of her made me realize I made a good choice by bringing her here.

I took her to her room and the astonishment she had made me smile but she missed it cause she was so caught up in her own emotions. Suddenly remembering that my walls are coming down fast, I decided to take them up again.

I can't let my guard down even if I'll get hurt by it, I don't want to ever make the same mistake I made with Alesia, I don't think I'll ever move from it if I did. I can't shoulder that pain again, I might even die from it.

I left her feeling confused and walked to my study room, knowing fully well Ava would be waiting there already for me, I sighed.

And I was right, she was waiting in my study room for me. She had a teasing smile on her face and I face palmed myself, I'm in for it tonight.

"What Ava?"

"Who's the girl?." She asked.

"My employee." I answered.

"Don't give me that attitude boy, I know you better than anyone so I'll ask again. Who's the girl and why did you bring her here?"

"To protect her from harm, she's only going to stay for three months and then she'll be gone."

She stared at me unconvincingly as I cleared my throat.

"We haven't exactly defined whatever it is we have, she just reminds me a lot about Alesia." I confessed.

She sighed heavily.

"She's a good girl son, I can feel it. And I can also feel you hurting her in the process of healing and using her as a rebound. If that's the reason why you brought her here then take her back, I can't bear to see her in pain that you caused."

"You don't understand."

"No I do understand. You're trying to be careful about not making the same mistakes with her, but you can clearly see she's ten times different than that whore. Alesia was an instant pain in the butt the moment I set my eyes on her, Rose is different. She's a sweet girl and I like her, I approve of her so please don't play with her feelings." I stared at her speechless until she smiled sweetly at me and walked out of my study room.

She did have a point, Rose is different and I know it but I just can't let my guard down anymore. It's so hard to.

I went back to work and found an email from a client who's deal I've been trying to seal, but haven't been able to due to his stubbornness. I immediately replied and invited him over for a work meeting since Rose is here, it'll be more better and comfortable so I finished up and went to have dinner.

It took everything in me to not go after her when she left the dining hall with her head hung low, feeling Ava's eyes staring daggers at me, I dropped my food on the plate and went after her. She must already be in her room now, I hope she's not crying because of me. I can't bear the pain of seeing her cry because of me.

I got to her door and knocked gently, not hearing a come in from her, I walked in uninvited and to my greatest surprise the room was dark. She had all the lights in the room turned off and there's only one reason for it, she must be crying. Damn!

"Rose?" I called out to her, not wanting to evade her moment by turning on the light. But she didn't respond so I got worried and immediately turned on the light. The room was empty, where could she be? I panicked and ran to the closet in a frantic attempt to search the place for her.

Closet was empty so I ran to the bathroom, I opened the door and saw a half naked Rose staring back at me wide eyed and in an instant my eyes roamed her entire body and my fist clenched.

She had bruises all over her body, both very old ones and fresh ones. She scrambled to hide her scars from me but it was too late already. I saw them and I can't unsee them now, I need to know what happened. What exactly has my Rose been through in the hands of her family?

Did she run away from home cause she was being abused? That's the only explanation for the scars on her body. I totally zoned out into my thoughts and almost forgot she was still standing in front of me with tears now gushing out from her eyes.

She stared at me with her teary doe eyes and I felt weak in the knees.

"Say something." She whispered softly.

I was immediately speechless.

"Why? You don't want me anymore?" I saw the look of hurt flash in her eyes and I closed my eyes shut and sighed heavily.

"Why wouldn't I want you anymore?" I asked her as I felt my blood pressure drop.

"Cause I'm not as gorgeous as the women you're used to, although my scars are hidden once I put on clothes, they're still disgusting to look at. You might not want….." I jammed my lips on hers hungrily and she returned the kiss with same energy.

I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entry and her lips parted. My tongue caressed hers and the taste of her had me intoxicated.

My free hand trailed down her back to her bare ass and I squeezed one of her cheeks, earning a low moan from her. Loving the feeling of her hand in my hair and neck, I deepened the kiss as I expertly walked us back to her bed.

Still standing close to the bed but resting her back on the wall, I kissed down her neck and pulled her closer, needing to feel her body all over me.

"We should stop now Rose, I'm losing control already." My breath fanned against the skin of her neck as I breathed in and out for control. She yelped in surprise as I placed a gentle kiss on the skin there.


I didn't know what she was asking for but I waited for her to ask more clearly.

"Don't stop…..please.." I stared at her with so much lust clouding my thoughts.

"You're not ready Rose, I don't want you making decisions that you're not ready for." I gazed down her eyes.

She stood by the wall, looking defeated.

"I just don't want you regretting your decision and if this is something you want, then I'll go at your pace." I said as I stared her down.

She had a little smile plastered on her lips as she nodded.

"Take me..Xavier." She breathed my name and I lost it.

Picking her up and gently placing her on the bed, I shrugged off my suit jacket, pulled my button-on out of my pants, and began unbuttoning it.

She propped herself up on her elbows and looked up at me through hooded eyes as I let my shirt fall off my shoulders.

She blushed as she noticed I caught her staring and I smirked.

"Like what you see?"

I began unbuckling my belt before ripping it through the loops in one swift move.