
Make You or Break You

An Enemies to Lovers Story Xavier Woods is the CEO of Woods Enterprises Ltd, who is a ruthless, heartless, and unforgiving businessman. After being betrayed by his ex-lover, he now sees quiet and shy women as opportunists, selfish and untrustworthy. Rosaline Barker, a quiet, shy, reserved and ambitious young woman. Who has a lifelong dream of working in one of the best company in New York, but growing up in an abusive home and a very small town had her doubting herself. What will happen when these two crosses path with each other? Will Rosaline’s charms be enough to win the ruthless billionaire over?

Mirabelliousgem · Urban
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25 Chs


𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝

I woke up feeling a little bit motivated so I'm sure today's going to be a great day. I'm staying positive as ever.

I took a long bath cause I woke up earlier than normal, it is day 5 of working with Woods Enterprises LTD and I am proud of myself for avoiding any trouble up till now.

My quest of avoiding that arrogant jerk has been working so far, and he hasn't exactly said much to me since I started working there.

Just a few irritated stare, and some snide words here and there but it's something I didn't take to heart cause I knew Xavier would never be nice to me anyway.

Oouuu Xavier? Girl you're getting too comfortable.

Anyway I got ready as quickly as possible and rushed down to the garage to meet my lovely best friend who has been taking me to work.

She dropped me off at the cafe and I quickly got Mr grumpy his coffee and hurried inside the building. I haven't made any friends yet so I didn't bother to say hi to anyone, I just walked straight to the elevator and when it got to the last floor, I got out and walked to my desk.

Surprisingly, Mr Woods has not arrived yet which is strange. He's usually already in his office when I get here. So I settled down and got straight to work.

I got his daily schedule ready and took down some notes about each meetings today. I got so lost in what I was doing that I didn't notice him standing very close to my desk.

It wasn't until a wave of his cologne fogged my senses before I realized he was here.

My head snapped up immediately and I found myself standing up in shock.

"M-Mr Wo-Woods." I stuttered. "I'm sorry I didn't realize you had arrived already." I cleared my throat.

He had his usual cold look plastered on his face and he looked me up and down as if taking in my outfit before his mesmerizing eyes finally met mine and I felt like time had stopped. After staring for a while i lazily took my eyes off of his and looked everywhere else but him.

He dropped a few folders on my desk before picking up his coffee and taking a quick sip.

"I need you to fax these documents and get them ready for our next meeting, which is in.." he checked his watch. "About 10 minutes time."

He walked off to his large desk and plumped down on his chair. I bet that's comforting as hell, I wish I felt how comfy it was.

Shaking my head back to reality, I picked up the folders and walked out of the office to the 14th floor which is where most of the machines were.

I started faxing the documents and after a few minutes I was done. I was about to leave for the office when someone blocked the way. I cocked my eyebrow and stared at the bimbo.

She was like a model with blonde hair, hazel eyes, gorgeous body, and skimpy outfit. Her cleavage was very open, her skirt was mid-thigh and had a slit at the back almost exposing her perfectly round buttocks. I'm afraid there'll be very little to see if she bends over.

She had a scowl on her face and I couldn't care less cause I had a meeting in about 5 minutes and I wasn't in anyway prepared for this.

I sighed heavily and stared at her. "Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked obviously irritated.

"Feisty now are we?" She snarled.

"I have a meeting to attend in about 4 minutes, so can we do this later?" I moved to corner her and walk to the elevator but she roughly pulled me back by my forearm.

"You better watch your back slut. Mr Woods never keeps his whore around for too long." She smiled sinisterly at me and then let my arm go before sashaying away.

I rubbed my arm awkwardly and shook my head in amusement. I hurried to the meeting and then after we were done, I left for the office to prepare for the second meeting that's happening in 30 minutes.

Again, Mr Woods handed me a few folders to print out and then fax before the meeting.

With my printer suddenly running out of ink which was strange, i grunted in frustration and picked up the folders to head to the 14th floor again to use the company machine.

I dreaded meeting that bimbo again and silently prayed she was nowhere to be seen, but God had other plans for me cause she was in fact there with two other bimbos.

Just great.

I walked past them to the machine and started printing out the documents before they approached me almost immediately.

Lily, one of the new girls cleared her throat before flashing me her pearly white teeth.

"And what do we have here? Isn't it miss slutty." She spoke in a derisive voice which made me cringe.

I ignored her and dropped my head low in a way to avoid all three of them but they never left.

"Look Tia, she ignored me!" She spoke again, but this time to the other girl I want to assume was Tia. And they all laughed.

Whatever confidence I had earlier had disappeared and I was now feeling extremely intimidated. I was done printing the documents and went straight to faxing when Lily aggressively pulled me back causing me to stumble a few steps and dropping most of the documents.

I hissed at the burning sensation I felt around my arm and swallowed hard, I closed my eyes tight to calm myself before opening them back.

"What do you want from me? Do you realize this is assault? I can have you three reported to Mr Woods immediately." I weakly threatened and they all laughed.

"Assault? Do you have any idea of how many well educated people went for the job interview you got? People who truly deserve to work here, not whores like you who sleep their way up the ladder. I saw your résumé, and bitch you're not even half as qualified as the educational background of a cleaner to even work here."

"It's a Miracle someone like you can even work as a cleaner here, talk more a personal assistant to the boss. You must think you're above everyone here by walking so high and mighty everyday without greeting any of us." Tia spat.

Then miss blondie finally spoke after watching her minions bully me.

"Enjoy it all while it last, cause I assure you that you won't last a month."

Then Lily picked up the documents that had fallen off my hands and handed them to me whilst having a sinister look on her face. Then they walked off.

That seemed to have gone on forever.

I got back to the office and almost immediately Mr Woods walked up to me.

"Where have you been?" His voice boomed all over the office. I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"I went to print out the documents for the meeting Sir." I said shyly.

"We leave in 3 minutes, so get ready." Then he walked back to his desk.

"Leave? Isn't the meeting going to happen in the building Sir?"

"No. Plans change all the time. Maybe if you had been in the office you'd have heard about the change of plans." He spat. I dropped my head in shame and sighed.

"I'm sorry Sir." Then I got everything I needed ready for the meeting. I packed the folders up and then picked up my notebook and pen. I adjusted my blouse and then followed Mr Woods out of the building to where a sleek four-door black car that looked like it was owned by someone with money and power was parked waiting for us to get in.

My jaw dropped and I eyed the car in awe. "Wow." I slipped.

"Haven't you seen a Jaguar before?" He suddenly asked nonchalantly. I smiled and nodded briefly. I haven't actually. I only recently just got away from prison. I said to myself.

I couldn't exactly see him in any other car except this one cause it fits his personality so well.

He held the door open for me and I climbed in immediately, trying to sit gracefully as possible so I don't flash anyone my barely covered lace panties.

After shutting the door, he walked around to his side and got in. Feeling the car rev to life with a purr, I brushed my hands over the black leather seats and smiled inwardly.

Then he drove off to our next destination.