


A place, where Seth's restless mind, would finally only pay attention to him, and him alone, instead of his enemies, plans and worries... Where he could be himself, and show the boy, who he was fully...

He wanted to own Seth, defeat him again and again, then have him sleep next to him, unbothered by nightmares or the terrors of his past.

But how does one say that, without sounding like a ravenous, impatient predator?

/"Excitement, isn't a fitting word for what I feel... But I'm afraid, humans haven't invented anything that could describe this urge/" despite the mild wording, both of them could clearly touch the weight of that sentence. Seth's lips parted ever so slightly, seemingly mesmorized by the other man, even though he couldn't see his face at the moment. It wasn't rare, that each other's mere presence was too heavy to bare for them, and Jude enjoyed each and every moment, when he could feel that Seth was overwhelmed with him. Overwhelemed to a point, that he had no choice, but to only think about Jude, and only acknowledge him, and him alone.

/"How do you paint such horrifying things, so beautiful?/" the boy breathed out, with defeated calmness.

The demon smiled, as if carrying a secret that cannot ever be told, and glanced down at the sketched portrait of his sleeping face.

/"I could ask the same/"

And it was true for both of them... They've very well seen the worst in each other, and somehow managed to fall in love with those parts. The darkness, that lingered around both of their lives, and which consumed their mind so unstoppably. Though Seth was never an angel, Jude always felt like, he made him a fallen... He saw a boy, dancing on the very edge of the cliff of reason, and he couldn't resist to push and jump with him into the darkness. He always thought, Seth belonged to hell more than anyone else, but not as a punishment. Just... Seth seemed to be the very essence of what hell meant and was. Chaotic, sorrowful anger. Even the parts of the boy, that urged him to the right things, were sins, like pride and wrath.

The demon broke their hypnotic state with a small kiss to the other's neck, and rose to his full height.

/"Why don't we have breakfast, dear?/" he offered quietly, and Seth replied with nothing but a nod, also standing up to accompany his mate to the kitchen. Neither of them ate dinner yesterday... They meant to but, it's hard to concentrate on cooking, when Seth is sitting on the counter.

Jude smiled under his nose, as they stepped into the small kitchen area, and he lifted Seth's boxers off of the counter-top, sending a knowing look towards the other.

/"Shut up/"

/"I didn't say a word/" the demon defended with a sly smile.

/"I can hear your... smile/" With that final, and very understandable sentence, Seth fell on the couch, waiting for the other to cook something for him, like a nobleman, and Jude obliged without a word.

/"I was thinking, we could visit Lucifer/" he blurted out, not turning towards the boy, as he prepared the ingredients he needed for the omlett.

/"And why exactly would we do that?/" judging from how sharp and unsettled Seth's voice became, it wasn't hard to guess, what he thought about the idea in general, but that didn't stop the demon from continuing. He was, after all, great at convincing people.

/"We haven't seen him in a while, now have we?/"

/"You don't even like him/"

/"If I wouldn't like him, he would be dead/" he cleared that misunderstanding up quickly, and sighed. It was hard to explain, why he acted the way he did with Lucifer. As the prophecy proved more and more to be right, he didn't want to risk Lucifer's life once more... it was best to be cold, and distant, than to let himself get wrapped up in something, that could lead to the devil's doom... Lucifer was a lying, childish jerk, but he was the most loyal friend anyone could wish for, and though Jude never mentioned it, he was more than grateful for that.

/"Your... wound is getting worse. Maybe he could-/" Jude's words stopped suddenly, as he felt a pair of hands wrapping around his torso from behind. A dark, amused smile danced in the corner of his lips, as he recognized what his lover was doing...

Learned from the best, when it comes to avoiding topics...

/"I don't wanna hear about it/" Seth purred deeply, yet on a barely audible volume, while drawing small circles with his finger on Jude's chest.

/"You are trying to take on my bad habits, I see/" the demon chuckled, and despite having a hard time not turning around and fucking his match right there, he pretended to be unbothered by the teasing touches, and continued cooking.

/"I'm worried about you, is all. And Lucifer knows more about that dagger, than I do. Or the power, for that matter. He could help you co..cont-rol it./" he could almost feel the grin on Seth's face, when his voice broke off for a second. It really wasn't his fault though, the boy didn't know when to stop, and his hands quickly travelled down to Jude's belt, and bellow that, tracing the obvious outline of a bulge.

Somewhere between anger, irritation, amusement and arousal, Jude was conflicted weather to fuck Seth senseless, or just punish him by continuing with the topic.

If only they were in hell...

/"I want to visit your castle instead/" Seth continued his coaxing.

/"You are not going to visit that, until' you'll live in hell permanently./" Jude stated what he had a thousand times before that, turning around and locking eyes with his sly little match, towering over the other's height by almost 2 heads. It was obvious Seth became less brave, now that they were face to face, but his pride didn't let him move, and the demon used that to his advantage, as always.

/"Why is it so important to you, that I'm dead when we go there?/"

For a silent second, Jude was just wearing an absent smile, but his eyes were twinkling with the same sinister darkness as always, as he leaned down almost touching lips with his boy.

/"Because once I'll have you there.../" he began, his threatening, soft words as if he was trying to get the other in bed /"I'll lock all the doors... and never, ever let you out again.../"

Seth swallowed so loud, Jude almost heard it echo in the room, but he repressed his amused smile as he watched the boy battle with his own emotions. It was adorable, seeing him trying to tell himself, he would hate be locked up with Jude, helpless and defenseless... and the further this appearant thought went in his head, the boy got redder and redder, obviously having a hard time to function. At times like this, the scar, the years, and the wicked, viscous things he had done, disappeared from his face, and he was nothing but a confused and tempted man, staring at the demon as if he had seen him for the first time.

Maybe he did... In a way. Seth had only seen glimpses of Jude's twisted and malicious side, but in hell, it was ought to get a little more complicated.

/"I was joking, obviously/" Jude broke the silence with a wide grin, even though he wasn't joking whatsoever. He ruffled Seth's hair a little, and turned back to the eggs he was busy cooking until' now.

/"I'm glad we agree though. We shall visit Lucifer then/" he closed the conversation, using that Seth had a hard time even breathing.

/"Dick/" the boy mumbled, turning away from him, and apparently stroming out of the room like an angry kindergartener.

/"I love you too, honey!/"