
Make Some Noise

Izuku Midoriya was diagnosed quirkless at age 4, stopped talking at age 5, found out he actually had a quirk at age 6, started to like high places at age 7 and at age 8 his dreams changed.

Insomniaddict · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Broken? | Ch. 2


3rd POV

Izuku and his mother went for some ice cream that day. It was a cloudy day, the air was thin, and you could smell the rain. He always loved the rain, he didn't have a specific reason really, Izuku just loved it.

Izuku was feeling really happy that day for no particular reason. Maybe it was the threat of rain, that made his day that much better.

While walking across the street it started to rain. Izuku saw everything in slow motion as it happened. His mother got hit by a truck that didn't care for a red light. Inko's body smacked against the truck and died on impact.A loud thud resounded, even with the trucks horn the thud was VERY auidible.The blood splattered the road as the rain started washing it away. Rain mixed with tears slid down his face as he looked at his mother's body. He got flashbacks of his dad's death and he starred to hyperventilate as the flashbacks got faster the last thing he saw was his mother's dead eyes with the fear still in them, then everything went black.

The boy woke up in a hospital, he hated the place. He woke up and immediately thought of his mother. Izuku woke up and immediately started to sob.

Doctors rushed in and checked him out. They said that when he fell, he hit his head and it did something to his nerves so now he might have a way higher pain tolerance. They also broke the news about his mother.

At age 9, he lost another family member. Izuku was notified that his uncle is his new guardian and he is on his way now.

His uncle moved into the apartment. The apartment once filled with a comfortable silence, felt suffocating. Izuku felt like he was drowning, he had to get out.

This was a very dark chapter in his life. Izuku refused to get close to his uncle, because what if he died too? He started hacking into the police station and sending them villains hide outs he found through the camera feed. Izuku's podcast was also doing amazing. It was the number one podcast. Slowly, Izuku got a little bit happier. He finally gave his uncle a chance.

One night, Izuku walked into the living room and plops down next to his uncle.

Izuku: " Let's watch a movie." He said very quietly.

His uncle was so happy. His nephew finally talked to him!

Feron(His uncle): "Yeah sure! Lets watch one of those new American movies." he say excitedly "Wait you don't know English, do you?" he asked a little less excited.

Izuku: "I know French, English and German." he corrects.

Feron: "Hell yeah let's watch some American movies then!" he fist pumps.

His uncle was 23 years old and never expected to get the news his sister died. Never expected to have to take care of a 9 year old kid, who watched both his parents die right in front of him but here he was.

Izuku and Feron got a lot closer and they bonded over American stuff. His uncle also told him about The Nocturnal Podcast, which Izuku let out a rare snort and proceeded to show him his set up. His uncle was amazed that he was Sleepy. The boy's following all thought he was a teenager, not some 9 year old kid.

Feron was also worried about schooling, but Izuku waved him off and showed him his online school. That was a load off of his uncles shoulders and was amazed that his nephew was such a genius.

His uncle didn't know about his hobby of turning in criminals still and Izuku was gonna keep it that way.

Izuku's POV

That is criminal number 25, now to send it to my favorite detective and pro hero, Tsukauchi and Eraserhead.

//I am a Criminal\\

SleeperAgent: Casefile25.fld

Naochi: Nightly reminder: This is illegal.

Deadman: You should tell us who you are.

SleeperAgent: I will tell you when you finally trace me.

Naochi: You should be in bed.

SleeperAgent: I have told you this many times, I am nocturnal.

Naochi: *sighh*

SleeperAgent: He just wrote out sigh lol

3rd POV

You see, Izuku made his computer VERY hard to trace and left no tracks when he hacked into stuff. Which helped when he hacked into stuff. When he first started he was almost traced but he quickly fixed his mistake and threw them off.

After 5 years, he solved 138,098 cases and they still aren't any closer to catching him.

The U.A. entrance exams are tomorrow and Izuku got his computer authorized to bring, as well as a bo staff. Izuku is confident in passing the everything but the practical. He has trained his quirk at a dojo that had the paperwork for it and can do some serious damage but he doesn't know what the test will be.

Izuku's POV

Shit. U.A. is bigger than I thought. Fuck at least I am early so not as many people will be here yet. God damnit this is so scary. I haven't been to a real school since I was 6. Alright I can get through this.

Present Mic is so cool. I love his radio show so much. He is originally the reason I started podcasting! We also have similar quirks.

Present Mic: "WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MY LIVE SHOW! EVERYONE SAY HEEEY" Present Mic screams across the crowd

Oh my god I love him, he is amazing. Awbsbbaabdjdiug. I am yelling hey in my head I swear!


3rd POV

In the middle of explaining the robots blue boy wonder stands up and complains about 'if a mistake was made then you are a disgrace' then pointed at Izuku and said something along the lines of 'and you! Your tapping on the desk is distracting stop' then Izuku tenses and puts his head in his arms.

The blonde boy next to Izuku was also giving him weird looks and Izuku was getting uncomfortable.

When they got outside the field, Izuku saw a girl who looked a little nervous. Despite his better judgement he was starting to walk over, when surprise surprise blue boy wonder interrupts him.

Blue Boy: "Are you going over there to distract her? She is obviously concentrating." He 'reprimands'.

Izuku shrugged off his hand and walked up to the girl and tapped on her arm.

She looks at him and he waves then holds up a piece of paper that had a few tips for nervousness. She looked confused but then understood.

Brown Haired Girl: "Thanks a lot! I am Ochako Uraraka by the way!" She says slightly nervously but joyful none the less.

Izuku waves and pulls up a flash card with his name on it and smiled.

She once again looked confused but she was starting to put the pieces together.

Present Mic: "AND GO!" He screamed over the crowd.

And so Izuku started running leaving the rest of the bumbling idiots in confusion.