
Make Me.

Lyannah Storm - A rich, rebellious brat with a good heart and bad attitude collides with ruthless badass Kian. The mysterious anti-hero! Lyannah is being forced to marry an abusive monster, a not so random stalker on the brink of blood and chaos joins in on the trouble. Is this mysterious stalker her savior or worst nightmare. The exhilarating drama will end only when Lyannah decides it does, but at what costs?

EFL · Urban
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9 Chs


A few days pass and I still can't get over the mystery man, he was young, buff and nothing like the stuffy guests. My father is in the business of heavy artillery, he's like super smart at building dangerous shit he sells to the government. Even so I don't think that's the company he sits with let alone inviting to a personal party.

His hands were rugged, but the scent... it's the scent I can't rid. He smelled of a blend of musk and like a creamy wood. It was new and hard to describe. Lost in thought I hear my phone ding.

It's the unsaved number again.

' If I see you out again, I might just take you this time ...... Fair warning. '

What does that even mean, who is he? And why does this stranger want me or what does he want with me? Should I be worried, I've read about people getting taken and held for Ransome.. I know my parents would pay, especially because of Micah.

I light up trying to drag my attention elsewhere. I let my curiosity get the best of me.. I text back something I never should have.

'Then do it coward'

My heart races as I see bubbles in response..

All it says is 'Bet'

I can't help but smile because what the hell. I spend the rest of my day in my room. Helenah bursts through my door and plops onto my bed before screeching in excitement.

' OMG we have to go to this party, well club, Morgan Michaels is going to be there.'

I let out a sigh and ask who that is, She almost looks offended..

'Only the hottest man on this planet! Geez do you live under a rock Leah?'

Helenah says dripping in her tone that I hate. I've never met a guy I found to gush over, I mean I'm not a prude, I love men buuut... All the hot ones are either dumb or douches, the average ones are usually boring or there's just no chemistry.

My whole life I've followed everyone's order's and did what was expected of me. But lately I've been different hence the hair change. I mean I can't help that I've never felt a spark with anyone .. except for.. no.. I can't. It doesn't matter I have no choice but to marry and bed a monster.

I throw on a tight club outfit and do a quick face before our driver honks and we head out.

And the sweetest joy is that I know going here will piss mother AND the monster off. We look hot, and knowing Helenah we're not going to have to wait in line. She's always thrived in public with all the attention of being a young, gorgeous wealthy woman. Me.. on the other hand I've always hated it, yes its nice to not have to worry about a thing but for an adrenaline junkie like myself, the dark feels more like me, more like home.

I crave chaos, thrive in it actually. But noone else around me has ever felt the same. Probably why I can't get that mystery stalker out of my head. Is that what stalkers do, get inside your head and play or do they just be creeps in wild? Who knows. Guy is probably just a weirdo who enjoys frightening girls like me.

I take an edible and take some selfies with my gorgeous sister. We've always been close, we're opposites but damn do we pair well together.

It's not long before we pull up to the noisy entrence and make our way inside. Yup. No waiting. I feel all the eyes on us with some words and whistles. The guy let's us inside into the dark abyss that awaits us, I see a lot of colors dancing along with the beats. It's so loud and I feel at peace.

Helenah orders us a top shelf liquor, the whole bottle along with a bottle of chaser. The club is packed but not overwhelmingly packed there's a lot of gorgeous people here, dancing, letting go of their stress of day.

I down a few shots and I hear Helenah squeal.

'Ohmygosh, he's here Leelee, he's finally here!! And he's alone! Lemme go fix that BRB'

I watch as her tall figure disappears into the dark crowd. I check my phone and I notice a text from Micah.

'Are you with your sister?'

'Lyannah, don't keep me waiting!!'

'You have 5 minutes to answer me'

I sent back a simple 'Yes' hoping it'll make him leave me alone, what I'm doing is none of his business. It takes him no time to respond.

'Good, you didn't lie to me, we're off to a good start. Now remember to be a good girl and behave because I have eyes everywhere and they're always watching you'

I shiver at the text as I just stare at my screen. Not knowing how to feel, I take another shot and I feel my phone go off once again. I don't open it right away dreading it might be Micah.. Feeling a bit paranoid I can't shake the feeling I'm being watched, but he did tell me he's watching so am I wrong? I'm hesitant but I check the message.

'You look pretty tasty tonight.... what'd I tell you would happen!'

The unsaved number strikes again. I look around as if I'd recognize him, although I could if I could smell him.

'Keep looking love I'm enjoying the peekaboo show'

I cross my legs immediately and hard, before responding.

'What do you want?'

I take one last shot while I wait in angst.  Minutes pass before I see a response.

' You! '

I explode on the inside, between the edible and drinks I'm feeling myself a little too much. I'm delusional enough to think if I ignore my problems they will just go away. I jump up and head to Helenah. It doesn't take long before I find her sitting on some guys lap, I'm assuming the guy she's been gushing over.

I sit across from them and talk to her but being very careful about my words, I most certainly refuse to involve anyone. She's so careless, she kisses the man on the cheek and drags me towards the booming crowd. All while telling I need to ' chillax ' . As if I could.

The man follows us and the two of them  grind against each other while I... I dance alone. Not for long though a stranger decided it'd be a good idea to join me, I let him too. If I had half a braincell I'd find someone to fuck in hopes it'd drive Micah away. But I just couldn't do that to myself.

I dance for what feels like an eternity, I feel a pressure pain in my almost healed wrist. What the hell, I'm getting dragged into the dark, by I don't know who, but I have a guess. Not even the bathroom hallway is lit well.

Micah slams me hard against the concrete wall at the end of the hall knocking my clutch from my hand.

'What did I tell you Lyannah, I tell you to behave and I get informed that you're being dirty on the dance floor?.. You really don't know any better do you?'

His eyes are filled with hate, I'm actually extremely nervous, he's never been like this with me before rigid and an ass for sure, but never had he laid his hands on me like this before... All I know is I can not marry this demon... But how do I get out of it.

'You will be packed and ready to move in by the end of the week, your parents have already started on it...'

With all the rage I can't hold my tongue.

'You really think they'll make me marry you if I tell them who you really are? A rage filled little man who likes to beat on... '

And before I can say another word I'm on the ground. In complete shock. I watch as he crouches down beside me with a cringe smile painted..

'You breathe a word of anything to anyone, it'll be the last thing you.. now get up and put on a smile and.... behave I don't want to have to come back here. And you'll be home within the hour.. Are we clear?'

I nod in defeat. I'm fucked. I stand up as I watch his silhouette as it turns the corner assuming he's going to wherever he goes. I walk into the ladies room where the light is barely on trying to see the damage. Why did this man come to such a crap club. It doesn't make sense but I don't care at this point.

I gather myself the best I can preparing to leave but I get a whiff of the oh so sweet musky scent... he's here but where. Is my mind playing tricks on me? I decide not to linger and I go tell Helenah I'm ubering home. She plays 20 questions on why I'm leaving so early and I dodge all of them.

I requested the uber pick me up one street up so I don't have to wait around with everyone else whose waiting. I'm filled with more emotion than I ever have. I'm in a game, a dangerous game... a game I don't know how to play and if I lose I lose for good. I have nowhere to turn. I light up a cigarette and take long drags as I start walking.

I'm about halfway up the street before I smell the musk again. I turn in place and see..

Absolutely nothing.

I take a few more drags before I hear a single step and I'm pulled into darkness once more.. An ally.. And I know this is the mystery man, my nose recognizes him. I'm once again held against this firm chest, his sweet fingers covering my mouth.. only this time something cold is against my neck.

A deep, velvet voice tells me if I scream I die. So I don't make a peep when he moves his hand from my mouth down to my left hip, his fingers tightly holding me still.

'Why are you doing this to me, is it money?' I plead

'I have several reasons, and yes money is a bit involved. But after I seen you I just don't know if I want to continue with the deal.. I never expected the target to be so .... Sweet!' He explains.

What the hell is he talking about... the target. The target of who. I have no idea what any of this is about and I don't think I'd care to.

'Look I don't have anything for you, I'm not as sweet as you think I am, and I apparently am already a target for another monster.. so you'll have to get in line!' I spit out.

He chuckles dryly before speaking again.

'Oh darling, you have no idea what kind of monster I really am.. And I don't wait in lines I usually just take what I want.'

'I could take you right here and now if I wanted to'

His words sting but not as bad as my head. I start to feel funny as I wiggle just enough to be able to feel the back of my head and the wetness that transfers onto my fingertips. I take one look at them before feeling my legs go numb and giving out. I collapse into darkness, without a fight, not even a struggle.

My last thought is why me.