
Make Me Back To You

Due to a wildfire in the California forest, Oliver finds himself trapped in the flames. He is a fourth-year student at the university, and unfortunately, one of his friends loses their life. After being hospitalized, Oliver wakes up with no recollection of the past three years. Olivia, also a fourth-year student, is dedicated to completing her research on assisting orphanages in the state. She initiates a project that involves collaboration with wealthy individuals from New Jersey. Olivia decides to seek approvals in New Jersey and invites Oliver to accompany her, urging him to complete his graduation and help her locate a childhood friend residing there. The reasons behind Olivia's choice, the events during the lost three years, and the true cause of the fire for which Oliver is accused are all perplexing questions haunting Oliver's mind. Among the mysteries are Olivia's identity and the reason for her consistently somber gaze towards him. This journey unravels another unexpected secret for Oliver, exposing long-buried truths from his past during the forgotten years

mustafawinged · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 6 Moonlit night


In the soft luminosity of Olivia's room, a ritual unfolds. She delicately removes the ring from her slender finger, placing it with reverence on the wooden table next to the gently glowing lamp. The play of light dances upon the intricate details of the jewel, casting ethereal shadows that seem to echo the complex narrative hidden within its design. Olivia, ensconced in her thoughts, rests her chin on her hands, her gaze fixed on the ring as if it bears the profound weight of an entire universe.

Drawn to the window, Olivia stands amidst the quietude of her room, watching the vibrant city lights paint a captivating tableau outside her apartment. Despite the room's undeniable allure, its walls, once a sanctuary, now seem to close in on her. The very space that once offered solace now feels confining, and a poignant solitude settles in Olivia's heart. Her fingers instinctively reach for the ring, a tether to a mysterious tale that eludes her grasp. In this moment of introspection, Olivia yearns for something beyond the opulence of her surroundings.

Yet, as her hand searches for the familiar presence of the ring, a flicker of panic momentarily disrupts her tranquility. The ring is absent from her finger, and confusion momentarily clouds her mind until she spots it resting beside the lamp. A brief lapse in memory replaced by the comforting glimmer of the cherished jewel.

Overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, Olivia retreats to the bed, its soft contours a refuge for her tears. Silently, she weeps, the room absorbing the echoes of her melancholy. Her eyes, concealed by the sanctuary of her palms, transform the once-beautiful space into a realm veiled in shadow.

Abruptly, a sharp knock resonates through the room, cutting through the somber atmosphere. Startled, Olivia rises from her bed, eyes still glistening with unshed tears. Another knock, accompanied by a reassuring voice behind the door. "Oliver, I am Oliver," the voice declares. Relief washes over her, hues of color returning to the room, the outside world beyond the window regaining its lively symphony.

With trepidation, Olivia opens the door, revealing Oliver standing there—a familiar face in the doorway. The shadows retreat, replaced by the warm glow of friendship and understanding. The once-intimidating sounds of the city become less foreboding in the presence of someone who comprehends the unspoken struggles within the confines of Olivia's room.


The door to Olivia's room swung open with a measured grace, revealing Oliver's smiling countenance inch by inch. His greeting, wrapped in warmth and sincerity, permeated the room, but Olivia, momentarily ensnared in the enchantment of his presence, found herself oblivious to the substance of his words. The gradual disclosure of Oliver's face acted as a soothing balm, banishing the remnants of her recent emotional turbulence. It was as if he had stepped into her world as an unexpected yet welcomed guardian, dispelling the shadows that had cast a pall over her living space just moments ago.

Symbolically, the door's unhurried opening mirrored the gradual revelation of Oliver's influence on Olivia's fragile emotional state. His smile, like a beacon of positivity, filled the room, transforming the somber echoes into a harmonious melody.

As the scene unfolded, Oliver initiated conversation, his words blending seamlessly with the newfound serenity in the room. Olivia, caught in the spell of his benevolent aura, momentarily lost track of her surroundings. The return of auditory awareness startled her, and she responded with a confused acknowledgment, her gaze reflecting a mixture of gratitude and bewilderment.

The traces of redness in Olivia's eyes did not escape Oliver's perceptive gaze, prompting him to inquire about her sleepless night. Olivia, taken aback by his unexpected visit and the waves of warmth he emanated, stumbled over her words. A tentative smile, tinged with gratitude and a hint of perplexity, graced her lips.

Oliver's concern, expressed through both words and demeanor, offered a stark contrast to the emotional storm Olivia had weathered in solitude. The exchange between them unfolded as a delicate dance of emotions, with Oliver suggesting they step outside for a respite. Olivia, genuinely appreciative, agreed, requesting a few moments to compose herself. As Oliver patiently waited by the door, Olivia, behind the veil of privacy, grappled with the sudden shift in her emotional landscape.

The closed door became a symbolic threshold, separating the remnants of melancholy within from the potential for renewal outside. Oliver, stationed outside, personified the promise of companionship and solace, hinting at the possibility of a brighter moment amid the shadows of Olivia's recent struggles. The anticipation in the air lingered, promising a nuanced interplay of emotions as the narrative continued to unfold.


In the subdued glow of the hallway, Oliver found himself immersed in playful banter as he patiently awaited Olivia's emergence from her room. His witty commentary on the perceived temporal peculiarities of women carried a tone of both endearment and genuine amusement, injecting a moment of levity into the quiet space. The gentle tease, a commentary on the timeless dance of waiting and anticipation, bespoke a nuanced understanding of the intricacies that define human connection.

As the door to Olivia's room swung open, the atmosphere underwent an enchanting transformation. There, bathed in the soft illumination of the hallway, stood Olivia, adorned in resplendent dresses that rendered her a celestial vision. The impact of her presence was palpable, momentarily suspending time and casting a spell of magic upon the scene.

Her question about the perceived clown-like or regal nature of her attire unveiled a facet of Olivia's character that delighted in the interplay of whimsy and grandeur. The juxtaposition of her playful inquiry and the regal connotation hinted at a complexity that Oliver found captivating, a delightful dichotomy that mirrored the multifaceted nature of their burgeoning connection.

Responding with a smile, Oliver's use of the word "crazy" resonated with a fond familiarity, underscoring a shared language between them. The affectionate tease hinted at a connection that had evolved beyond the surface, suggesting a history of shared moments and unspoken understandings.

As Olivia gracefully navigated the hall, Oliver's laughter lingered in the air,. The banter, marked by humor and playfulness, acted as a bridge, transcending the confines of the present moment. Their interaction, a dance of words and laughter, painted a delicate picture of a connection in bloom.

With Olivia's departure, Oliver's acknowledgment of her return served as a subtle undercurrent of anticipation, acknowledging her reentrance into the shared space. The hallway, witness to their banter and Olivia's swift return, became a stage where the nuances of their relationship unfolded. In this brief interlude, the tapestry of their interactions grew richer, weaving together threads of shared laughter, mutual understanding, and the promise of a connection that extended beyond the immediate encounter. As they ventured forth together, the hallway echoed with the resonance of their burgeoning story, poised to unfurl in unforeseen directions.


In the heart of their cozy home, Emily, Olivia's mother, orchestrated the evening meal with practiced precision. While the aroma of dinner wafted through the air, Alfie, Olivia's father, found solace by the comforting glow of the fireplace. As Emily's thoughts converged on Olivia, she sought solace in Alfie's place. Expressing her concern about their decision not to accompany Olivia to New Jersey, Alfie, with a wisdom earned through years, imparted a sense of trust in their daughter's journey. Emily, comforted by her husband's assurance, returned to the kitchen, her mind temporarily at ease.

Elsewhere, on the vibrant streets near their apartment, Olivia and Oliver embarked on an impromptu exploration. Illuminated by the warm evening hues, the lively tableau of elegant figures, joyful children, and festooned storefronts breathed life into the neighborhood. The atmosphere pulsated with a communal vibrancy, captivating residents and visitors alike.

The vivid tapestry of the street, adorned with playful colors, showcased the essence of the community. Storefronts stood adorned with delightful displays, and the streets hummed with diverse activities, creating a lively spectacle. The palpable warmth in the air beckoned people to engage in the communal spirit, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

Olivia, swept up in the midst of this lively scene, gazed towards her apartment from a distance, reflecting on her past sorrows. Standing beside Oliver, her once sorrowful vantage point now radiated with newfound joy. Oliver, attuned to Olivia's emotions, playfully inquired about their next destination .

Amid the dynamic energy of the street, Olivia's reminiscence gave way to the anticipation of a special place nearby. Oliver, embodying the spirit of adventure, embraced the opportunity, acknowledging Olivia's newfound role as their guide. The duo, navigating through the lively street, arrived at an enchanting locale at its end.

Discovering a weathered bench nestled beneath a majestic tree, Olivia and Oliver found themselves in a haven of serenity. The vast expanse of green plains unfolded behind them, untouched by the intrusion of houses. In the absence of artificial lighting, the natural beauty of the surroundings emerged, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight.

In this hidden sanctuary, Olivia and Oliver embraced a respite from the bustling neighborhood. The distant trees and expansive plains, cast in the subtle luminescence of the moon, created an ethereal ambiance. Here, time seemed to suspend its relentless march, inviting Olivia and Oliver to revel in the simplicity and allure of the night.


Olivia settled onto the weathered bench, inviting a wave of nostalgia to wash over her. As her gaze lingered on Oliver, she spoke, her words carrying the weight of cherished memories. "This is where we spent most of our childhood, playing and celebrating with other families," she reminisced, her eyes reflecting the scenes of a bygone era. Her attention shifted to the vacant seat nearby, a silent witness to the shared moments with a childhood friend. "This is where my dear friend used to sit, gazing at the plains with a hint of sorrow," she continued, a tinge of melancholy in her voice.

Oliver, sensing the depth of her emotions, approached with empathy, offering words of reassurance. "Perhaps he passes through here , or maybe his spirit lingers, witnessing our reunion," he suggested, attempting to infuse a comforting perspective into the sentimental atmosphere. Olivia, though touched by the sentiment, couldn't escape the underlying sadness that clung to her memories.

Looking out over the expansive plains, Olivia's demeanor shifted, and she expressed a sentiment that had been growing within her. "I don't want to live in California anymore," she confessed, her voice catching on the weight of her emotions. "This is where I grew up, where my childhood unfolded, and where my fondest memories reside." Tears welled in her eyes as the flood of emotions overwhelmed her, finding solace in the presence of a familiar face.

Oliver, grappling with Olivia's decision, questioned her choice to abandon the familiarity of California. "But this place seems to bring you sorrow. Is the sadness reason enough to abandon everything?" he inquired, his concern evident in his expression. The notion of leaving behind a place so deeply ingrained in Olivia's history prompted a heartfelt exchange between the two.

Olivia, caught in the throes of emotional conflict, acknowledged the poignant truth. "Perhaps it's time to leave, not because I want to, but because I need to," she admitted, her words echoing a profound inner struggle. The intersection of past and present, the convergence of joy and sorrow, created a complex tapestry of sentiments that Oliver and Olivia navigated together beneath the moonlit canopy.


Oliver's voice cut through the quietude of the night, laden with a mixture of skepticism and contemplation. "Do you genuinely anticipate such an implausible stroke of luck? Encountering him here, on this day, at this very hour?" His eyes canvassed the crowd, and he continued, "Even if he were to materialize, after all these years, the chances of him recognizing you are slim. People evolve, features metamorphose, and time inscribes its indelible mark upon us."

As Oliver playfully gestured toward different individuals in the bustling throng, he underscored the notion that amid the pulsating masses, her childhood friend might be adrift. Olivia, however, clung to her optimism, her gaze anchored in the sea of jubilant countenances. "Look at all these joyful people. He might be lost among them," she conjectured, her hope flickering amidst the ocean of strangers.

Yet, Oliver, ever the realist, countered her buoyancy. "Happiness can be deceiving from a distance. Each person carries a concealed sorrow within, unveiled only when you gaze into their eyes or delve into their past," he remarked, his voice imbued with the gravity of experience. Olivia probed further, seeking insight into Oliver's own well of sadness.

In a moment of vulnerability, Oliver confessed, "My sorrow resides in the void left by forgotten memories. The beauty and pain of the past three years, obliterated by the fire accident. At times, I think forgetting is a blessing, but that happiness is ephemeral. There's something precious within reach, yet beyond my grasp. A fragile thread tethering me to moments forgotten. I yearn to reclaim only the beautiful memories, wishing there were a way to selectively expunge the unwanted, leaving behind serenity and lucidity."

His words painted a poignant tableau of a soul grappling with the enigmatic soul between remembering and forgetting. A reminder that the tapestry of one's past, woven with threads of joy and sorrow, can elude even the most fervent seeker. Oliver's desire to retrieve fragments of his lost self mirrored Olivia's yearning for the past, creating a shared odyssey of self-discovery and what Oliver and Olivia lost beneath the moonlit sky.