
Make Love, Not Warcraft: Game of Thrones

The man who inspired the antagonist in South Parks "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episodes dies under mysterious circumstances. Upon death he was met with a ROB who he finds out is the reason for his death. The ROB had enjoyed the man's real life antics as well as the attempted backlash his character suffered in the game. Offering to grant him his in game character and allowing him to keep his gear and all his in game hard work in exchange for his memories of his past life only allowing him to keep his in game knowledge, Cyrus Anders readily accepted with no hesitation. He didn't care what world he was going to be sent to, or of his life he just lived. He was about to live the life he always dreamed of, becoming a real life gamer. If you want to support me and my work you van donate on cash app $Sykocyrus

Sykocyrus · Book&Literature
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61 Chs

Chapter 28

After waiting till first light he made his way to the port to hitch a ride to Dragonstone after leaving a coded message for his father. Just in case, he was not in friendly territory after all.

After he was able to find a ferry to the island he boarded and just stared at the volcano, he felt it. Like a magnetic pull telling him exactly where he needed to go to complete the connection. It was bugging him so bad but he knew it was good but possibly one of those double edged infamous catch 22. You gain something great but suffer greatly or some other fated disaster.

He could think of a few powerful entities that were fire based. Black Rock Mountain and Molten Core prime examples.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his arrival at the docks of Dragonstone, Shireens mother was the only one waiting for him with a gleeful face. Her eyes are red due to crying. She thought maybe Cyrus would be upset by not having the Lord of Dragonstone greet him so she was crying while praying to the Old Gods and the New that he would still treat her daughter and not turn away.

Seeing the woman's condition he couldn't help but be reminded of his own mother and her having this similar look not long ago with Bran and he felt bad for thinking how he did.

He quickly greeted her, taking her hand and using [Soothe Mind] a very useful tool both in and out of battle.

Makes the target calm and more susceptible to mind control or mind reading or it can be used to calm a friend allowing time to breathe and process everything.

Once she calmed down he was able to get her to take her to see Shireen. On the way he explained he only wished to explore the island and maybe take a bit of Dragonglass as a souvenir.

Upon hearing his request Selyse Baratheon tried to offer more such as gold or a ship but he turned her down stating it wasn't necessary, finally after arriving in front of Shireens door to her room. He saw a very plain room, no mirror or reflective surface of any kind, just candles everywhere. Different color wax candles, scattered across the room giving that hint of childishness.

This was someone who felt very alone and afraid. Keeping a smile he walked over in front of her to examine the scar. Shireen not meeting his eyes or looking at him just stared at the candles wishing she had more colors.

With a smile he moved his right hand so she could clearly see his hand, snapping his finger the flames all increased and changed to all different colors then small flakes of ice appeared, reflected the light just right to simulate stars of various colors showing different shapes of animals in the stars.

He cast the required curse removal easily clearing the curse, it wasn't a natural curse or affliction, it was man made. Feeding off the magic in their blood thus calcifying the skin. After he touched her face where the scar was she froze, first because no one actually touched the area and she also felt his touch. Normally she only felt the touch with her hand not anywhere on her face but now she was feeling.

He quickly left not wanting to be a light bulb and just mentioned he would walk around a bit. Not hearing a reply due to mother and daughter crying together, he shrugged and walked straight to the large volcano on the island. He could observe the areas used by the dragons settling in kn the island at the opening of the cave.

Making his way inside he followed the outcrop of earth following the path deeper into the volcano. It did give the same impression as the Black Rock depths. Many walkways almost like a maze ran thru the interior of the mountain. Had he not known where to go thru the connection, getting lost would've been his only choice.

As he got closer excitement started to build, this is definitely a good thing. He sped up making his way deeper, although the heat was increasing the further he went in it didn't bother him, he continued down into the mountain finally reaching a large door. He tried to read the inscriptions but they were in a language he didn't recognize enough to read but he did recognize it.

"Dragon Tongue"

Running his hand over the surface, suddenly an image flashed thru his mind, it was the event of the doom of Valyria. The screams of the people living there during the event hurt his head, backing away and grabbing his head due to the pain, he didn't notice the door slide open just enough for him to squeeze inside.

Shaking the vision and the suffering of so many, he finally looked at the door with hesitation but his eyes widened at it now was open. Although it was clearly a door, there wasn't a knob or visible way to open it but now it was. He hesitated but for a moment, his curiosity and the connection were driving him forward. Entering into the chamber, when he entered he saw an amazing sight, beautiful lava flows and large murals of the dragons spoken of in legends, but when he reached the center he froze.

Immediately he knew why that feeling was so familiar, he knew who it was now but he had refused to believe due to its implications.

"No, No, No, No! You aren't here, you can't be."

He quickly turned to leave, he didn't want THIS it was too much, but when he realized the door was closed he stopped and released a sigh.

"Is that really you, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder"

Without even turning his head he knew the large silver dragon chained to an altar nodded its head.

"And if you're here they are also here?"

Again not even needing to look he knew she once again nodded.

"Fuck me sideways." Releasing another sigh he turned around finally looking at her and continued. "So they got the name wrong, it wasn't the Doom of Valyria it was the Cataclysm of Valyria. Fucken Deathwing. You did this to me didn't you, you brought me here. What the fuck? I got enough on my plate with the Lich King and now fucking Deathwing. You should've brought more." He said in annoyance.

Alexstrasza is one of the five Dragon Aspects that were empowered by the Titans prior to them leaving Azeroth. Each dragon was given a domain to protect and control, Alexstrasza's domain was the broadest: Life. While all the Aspects are interconnected and have sway over others, Alexstrasza was the most connected since she encompasses ALL Life. Many even believed her to be the leader and the strongest, well that was until Wraith showed up.

Even with all her power Alexstrasza was a very compassionate and kind being, she was loved by many considering her job was to 'protect all life'. She was especially revered by druids and hunters and anyone attuned to nature. She was just under Ysera in worship.

But to talk about Alexstrasza you always had to include Neltharion the Earth-Warder the Black Dragon Aspect or better known today as Deathwing the Destroyer. He was once a good dragon, just as good as Alexstrasza, he was friends with all the other Aspects. He was so trusted he was able to convince them to inject their essence into an artifact later named the Dragon Soul. It was supposed to be used to beat back the Burning Legion during the War of Ancients.

To their horror Deathwing had been corrupted, by the time they realized it it was too late. Thru the Dragon Soul Deathwing was able to gain control over the other Aspects partially and used it to enslave the other Aspects, even Alexstraszas's lover the Red Dragon Tyranastrasz was enslaved.

Deathwing's aspect changed from Earth to Death.

Alexstrasza was captured and forced to breed, her eggs taken from her and became the drakes for the Dragonmaw riders.

This is what freaked Cyrus out the most. The entities attached to the aspects were no joke. Lich King is but a footnote compared to Malygos, Illidan, Malfurion or Azshara. Deathwing isn't a joke either but he can be beaten, again using a team.

The familiarity was due to his druid, hunter and shaman classes, and his mind refused to believe the Aspects were here because he already had Lich King to deal with.

While he mussed to himself Alexstrasza spoke up, "The Lich King has summoned Gul'dan"

"WHAT?? God damned it, I thought that was a dream." After hearing her comment his stress skyrocket.

'First undead now demons, alright its time to change gears. I have been hiding my guns and cannons for fear of changing this world. Guns change everything. It's one thing to kill when they are right in front, another to kill at a distance. But this world just forced it.'

"No need to worry 'Lightbringer' the portal will take time." Alexstrasza said after seeing him going thru multiple expressions.

"Why the hell is everyone calling me that, even Lich King called me that?" Cyrus questioningly asked.

"You are the reincarnation of Arthas Menethil little one, that's why the Helm wants you. Arthas was the most powerful Lich King. Even after Bolvar Fordragon took Arthas' place after his defeat, over time the Scourge got away eventually. Then the Universal Reset was caused by the combined strength of Aman'thul and Sageras along with the other Titans return after Wraith attacked. That is why we are here."

Alexstrasza explained.

"So basically you're telling me not only do I need to fight the Lich King but Deathwing who I imagine is still in Old Valyria, which would explain why nobody ever returned visiting after the 'Doom', but also all that come with, I can't do it alone." Cyrus exasperatedly responded, things just piled on.

"You are not alone, you have others. As you have witnessed you are unlocking potential in those around you. Also there are others, you aren't strong enough yet, even now you are too weak to break my chains, for now. I will bond with you Cyrus Stark, together we can bring back the heroes lost in time. They are scattered across the world hidden in time dilations: Thrall, Jaina Proudmoore, Khadgar, Aegwynn, Medivh, Malfurion and Sylvanas Windrunner are all trapped within separate dilations. You will need my help to open them, return my Champion when you are strong enough to break these chains that bind me, do not cower or be afraid, remember you are not alone."

Suddenly Cyrus found himself back in front of the door, he felt the connection was fully in place. He felt if he wanted he could return to her whenever, with but a thought.