
Make it work

Sarah David is just your everyday average regular girl, I guess? Who am I kidding? She is far better than that!!! Sarah's an headstrong female, and an A student both socially and academically While Daniel Morgan is more of a timid boy that tries not to get noticed But what happens when the two have no choice but to get MARRIED!!! Find out if a popular girl and a timid boy can put aside their differences and form a bond strong enough to take on a tyrant father and other challenges that'll definitively arise in this "marriage" Can they really make it work? TEASER... "So, Sarah you know who Daniel Morgan is right?" My dad asked I looked between my mom and dad wondering why they would call me down by 10pm just to ask me if I knew Daniel Morgan, like, really? I could be having my beauty sleep right now. Anyway, I still answered the question wanting to find out where this was going. "Yes I do, I guess?" My dad gave a nod and my mom looked to the ground for some reason she had a look filled with guilt, in fact they both had the look. But my mom more than my dad. "Well that's good Baby, well, why we called you is to inform you that you are getting married to him next week Saturday, that gives you at least ten days to prepare" he said and my mom nodded in agreement I burst out laughing "That's a good one guys, almost got me there" "Sarah we are not joking, you're getting married to him. We are lucky and thankful that his family agreed when he picked you out of all the options he had" My mom said in a small voice "WHAT!! HAVE YOU BOTH LOST IT?! YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME I AM TO GET MARRIED AT 18, I HAVE BARELY FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL! WORSE, YOU WANT ME TO MARRY A BOY 2YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME AND I HAVE ONLY SOME SPOKEN TO LIKE TWO TIMES? ARE HIS PARENTS MAD? IS HE MAD? WHAT BOY WANTS TO MARRY AT 16? IS THAT EVEN LEGAL?!! AND LASTLY WHAT THE HECK DO YOU MEAN LUCKY AND THANKFUL HE PICKED ME?!! " I replied literally screaming the whole time. N.B. It's fiction guys I'm just letting my mind go wild. A Book cover by: Angela Lynn Carver Book two coming out soon! Title: Make it work too

Godson_Lovely · Teen
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42 Chs

Chapter 5

Sarah's pov

"Bye guys" I said to my friends. They All had drivers that picked them up after school. And right now, we were at the school's parking lott, since the school had let out for the day

"Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off? I really don't get why you dad doesn't hire a driver to pick you up, do you? " Favour asked and stated for the thousandth time. She is literally the most caring in the group and I love her for that

"Naaa I'm good. I want to take a walk home and clear my head and you'll have to ask him that yourself" I replied to her

"Yeah, like i can ever confront your stern looking dad! But,if you're sure about walking, See you tomorrow then!" she said walking away with the rest of our friends

"Yes I'm sure, bye" I replied as I walked towards the school gate

As I walked home, I thought back to today's events and wondered why I felt a pang in my chest when Daniel quickly glanced away from our eye contact. And also why I felt burning sensations of irritation come over me as Favour, Jessica and Angelica talked and touched him the way they did.

I felt so uncomfortable that I made up an excuse to my friends and left before lunch break was over.

Also when they got to class and talked non-stop about their conversation with him, arguing on who he liked among them and also discussed different theories on why he was absent from school for so long. I felt my chest clench a bit and my ears focused on their discussing instead of concentrating on class

What is wrong with me? I don't even know the boy!

I quickly shoved these thoughts out my of my mind, because they were stupid, when I approached the front gate of my home

I entered our compound, got to our front door and walked into the house

"How could you do such a thing!" I heard my mom's voice. I wondered who she was yelling at

"I had no other choice! What else do you want me to do!" I heard my dad say in a frustrated voice. This was confusing for me because my parents never fight so this was strange

"Anything apart from what you did!" Mom replied

"Nothing is settled yet, I just sent in our proposal like other people" my dad replied in a strained voice

"I don't care! It's the fact that you did it at all. It's so morally wrong!" My mom said

"Technically it isn't" he said and then sighed. "Honey, don't give me that look, you know this is my last resort. Can you please support me on this?" He added

Well, I've heard enough and it's really not making much sense to me. And eavesdropping is wrong, so with that in mind, I walked into the living room where they were

"Mom? Dad what's going on?" I asked

"Nothing" they replied together

"But I heard yelling and dad why are back from work at this time?" I asked them

"I needed to talk to your mother" Dad said

"Okay? Not to intrude but what where you talking about that caused so much yelling?" I asked again

"Don't bother about it dear, it's nothing serious, right honey?" He asked my mom. But my mom just looked at him with squinted eyes, shaking her head

"Mom?" I asked

"Yes dear, whatever he said" she replied still giving my dad the look

"Are you sure everything is fine? " I asked again

"Yes, Sarah, you can go. Everything's fine" she said giving me a stern look

I got the message clearly, my presence was not needed there. Taking the cue, I said "ok bye" slowly backing out of the room.

Once I was out of the room I speedwalked up the stairs into my room. I immediately changed from my uniform, putting it in the laundry basket. I'd probably take it downstairs this evening or my mom could pick it up later, that is, if she was in a good mood. But from the heated arguments she and my dad were having. I'm assuming that I'll definitely be the one taking the clothes down

Speaking of, what where arguing about! I replayed their conversation over and over in my head and it still didn't make sense to me

What did dad mean by last resort? I really hope it's nothing too serious

And if it is I hope it gets better soon, because seeing mom and dad fight was an unpleasant event.

And that was the last thought I had before I was taken over by sleep