

The bedroom was dark and cool with a scent of alcohol soaring across the stretch of the room. That protein rich scent of sperm was faint, but it was there. The curtains were dark red with golden stripes scattered all over them. They covered the windows, blocking the rays of the morning sun from entering into the room, but a few that seeped in through the sides of the curtain, emphasizing the vibrant color of the walls they bounced off.

Being a terribly huge fan of conquerors of old, Seun collected antique from most of their history, antiques that not only filled his room but also underscored his personality. He had his room filled with expensive figurines and paintings, as if that wasn't enough he scattered more all over the house. His favorite painting was that of a Roman emperor, hanging directly opposite his bed and facing him as he was engaged with a call, Julius Cesar.

"Just do as I have told you, if the nurse's information is right then he should be awake soon."