
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 13: Monshiro's Troubles

Kuki Monshiro, the youngest child of Mikado. Her mother didn't reach out to the Kukis. Deciding to raise her alone.

But she got sick and the woman just wanted Monshiro to have a good life. So she attempted to make contact with Mikado at her death bed.

"I guess the Kuhahaha, runs in the family. Why don't you try it?" Miyo looked at Ronin.

He then raised a brow at her. "Do you really wanna hear me speak like them?" Ronin asked seriously and the twins paled.

Shaking their heads vigorously, the twins bowed in apology. "Please forgive us, Ronin-sama. Don't." They were completely in sync.

Ronin then coughed up a bit as he cleared his throat.

"Kuhahaha! Welcome, Kuki Monshiro. We are your anigimi! As a kindred soul, we welcome you to your new home!" Ronin acted like his siblings.

"Why did you have to ask him that!?" Aka glared at Miyo.

"Sorry! I didn't know that he would do it!" Miyo was horrified and Aka was starting to get pale.

"Anigimi... Umu, it is good to be where I belong." Monshiro nodded at him and Ronin snorted at the twins for testing fate.

"We are Kuki Ageha, nice to meet you. Monshiro. Kuhahaha!" Ageha hugged Monshiro as she thought that the loli looked quite cute.

"Kuhahaha! Witness your ani-ue for the first time! Kuki Hideo!" Hideo posed.

"Kyaaah! Hideo-sama is so cool!" Azumi cheered for him like she was his personal cheerleader.

"Everyone..." Monshiro got emotional as she never thought that her siblings would accept her like that.

"The Kuki blood is strong, huh?" Yamato whispered to Gakuto who nodded.

"Ronin-senpai is the only one who doesn't laugh like that... Maybe it's because he's special?" Gakuto was thinking of conspiracy theories.

"Ugh, don't laugh like that again Ronin... It's just... Wrong." Momoyo was disgusted at his perfect acting.

He ignored them and Ronin gave her a smile. "Come on, Monshiro. I prepared something for you." Ronin pointed at the food on the tables.

"Truly? You prepared this for us?" Monshiro blinked in surprise.

"Umu, expect to be blown away. Anigimi's food is the best in the world." Ageha gestured for her to start eating.

"Yo, welcome. Kuki loli." Gakuto greeted nonchalantly.

"Gakuto, I think you just messed up." Moro looked around and Claudio was eyeing Gakuto up.

"Y-you got it all wrong! I'm not a lolicon!" Gakuto denied vehemently.

"Yes officer, this perv right here. Calling little kids a loli." Aka's threats were giving him major flashbacks.

"A loli?" Monshiro tilted her head and Ageha glared at Gakuto.

"Gottagobye!" Gakuto ran away immediately, he couldn't handle the pressure.

"Hume, rough him up a little bit for trying to taint our oto." Ageha squinted her eyes.

"Gladly." Hume disappeared and they heard Gakuto's screams.

"Where is chichi-ue?" Monshiro fidgeted a bit. She was excited to see Mikado.

"Hmm, chichi-ue is a busy man. And he is mostly overseas. He's currently on a business trip. But worry not! We, Kuki Hideo will entertain you! Azumi!" Hideo called out to Azumi.

"Yes! Hideo-sama!" Azumi ran away to the doors and she came back with a mobile stage.

"Umu! Ladies swoon when they see us, criminals and vagrants fear us. We are a hero that will lead the peasants!" Hideo started posing and Azumi prepared a complicated party popper for Hideo.

"Talk about dramatic..." Kazuko winced as she saw Hideo's little performance for Monshiro.

"Ohhh! As expected of ani-ue! Kuhahaha! This Kuki Monshiro, will aspire to be like you!" Monshiro clapped.

Though the assassins noticed that Monshiro was still a bit distracted.

They continued partying, having a merry time. Especially with the Kazama family there, bringing their antics.

"Um, where is our haha-ue?" Monshiro asked about Tsubone and the room went silent.

"Ahhh, haha-ue is tired. So she decided to sleep early. She has a lot on her plate, Monshiro. Don't worry about haha-ue." Ageha smiled wryly.

"Is that so?" Monshiro was disappointed that none of her parents will be meeting with her.

"Do not worry, Mon. Can I call you that?" Aka smiled at her and she took out a camera.

"Y-yes." Monshiro was surprised as Aka and Miyo took off their visors, showing their divine beauty.

"T-they're so beautiful... Ahh, forgive us for our rudeness." Monshiro blushed in embarrassment.

The twins chuckled and they called in the others. "Do not worry, Mon. Come on, we will commemorate this day." Aka gave the camera to Claudio.

"Squeeze together tightly, one, two, three." Claudio took a photo of them and Monshiro looked at them with teary eyes.

"Ronin prepared that device just for this day. It will result in a picture that is as clear as pure water." Miyo smiled at her while showing her the photo.

"T-this... We have never been this happy before." Monshiro stared at the photo.

"Welcome, Mon. You don't have to worry about being alone here." Ronin patted her head.

"Un!" Monshiro beamed at them and they finished the party in a good note.


Eating breakfast, it was one of the rare times where the full family will be able to face each other.

It was Mikado's idea so they could talk together about how their daily life is going.

"Don't be nervous, Monshiro. We don't believe that haha-ue will have a grudge on you. After all, she accepted anigimi quite quickly, kuhahaha!" Hideo assured her.

"Uh, okay." Mon was still nervous though, a mix of excitement and anxiety was making her shake like a leaf.

'Hmmm... I won't be so sure about that.' Ronin waited for Tsubone to arrive.

Ageha was also silent as she knew that the circumstances were different. Vastly different, actually.

And when Tsubone got to the dining room, Monshiro looked at her expectantly.

"Good morning children. Finish your food, Ronin, Aka, and Miyo prepared it dilligently for you." Tsubone said and she didn't even look at Monshiro.

Monshiro almost frowned, but she held it in. "Kuhahaha! Of course haha-ue. Monshiro has been waiting for you as well." Hideo couldn't read the mood.

Even Azumi got uncomfortable after Hideo brought attention to Monshiro.

"Um... Good morning, haha-ue." Monshiro fidgeted around shyly.

"Hello... Oh dear, it seems that I am still unwell. Claudio, can you bring my meal to my room? I need to rest." Tsubone stood up and she left.

Ronin sighed and the twins behind him shook their heads. Humans are quite simple beings. And their emotions drive them most of the time.

Monshiro's face fell and even Hideo frowned. But he didn't react, choosing to eat quickly so he could go to school.

"As I thought. Haha-ue is still hurt due to discovering chichi-ue's infidelity." Ageha shook her head with a sigh.

Ronin walked up to Monshiro and she looked at him with a sad expression. "Come here, Monshiro."

He picked her up and Hume who was designated as Monshiro's personal servant until she could find one for herself immediately acted.

The grumpy old man had a heart under his gruff exterior. Quickly putting her plate besides Ronin's.

"Say ahh." Ronin rubbed her head while feeding her and Monshiro blushed like a tomato.

"Anigimi! You are embarrassing us!" Monshiro looked around and the servants looked at her warmly.

"Nonsense, this is my duty as your oldest brother. Now, come on and eat." Ronin pinched her cheek and she forgot about Tsubone for now.

'Anigimi is so kind and thoughtful...' Ageha smiled upon seeing Ronin's actions.

"Rock! Makes your heart warm eh?" Stacy nudged Azumi.

"Well, we haven't been here long yet. But I would say that Ronin-sama is considerate and compassionate." Azumi nodded at him.

"Heh, I never expected you to compliment another guy like that. How about your Hideo-sama~ kyah~" Stacy chortled.

"S-shut up, Hideo-sama is the best in the world." Azumi blushed as Stacy teased her.

"Anigimi, thank you very much for caring for us." Monshiro looked up at him and he couldn't help but remember some unpleasant memories.

Children even younger than Monshiro that just needed a bit of help. Unable to receive it and ultimately living a cruel and short life.

"It's no problem, Mon. Come on, eat quickly. You'll be needing to go to school." Ronin smiled at her softly.

"Un! We will work hard!" Monshiro regained her determination in order for Tsubone to look towards her favorably.

After feeding her, Hume took her to school and Ageha looked at him with a wry smile.

"You didn't have to do that, anigimi. It is chichi-ue's responsibility to make haha-ue accept Mon. Yet you still did." Ageha shook her head wistfully at his compassion.

"It is, Ageha. But the more people that would help, the easier it will be for Monshiro. Things are a little different here than my circumstances." Ronin sighed at Mikado's mistake.

"We have to say though, you did not do that for us back then." Ageha pouted at him and Ronin raised a brow.

"Then come here, Ageha. Would you like your anigimi to spoil you as well?" He had a small smirk on his face, thinking that she would be a sputtering mess.

But Ageha walked up to him confidently and she went close, opening her mouth. "Ahhh~"

He blinked... But he won't be outdone and he fed Ageha. "Umu, as excellent as always. Your cooking is consistent and it improves day by day." Ageha nodded at him with a smug expression.

"Of course, but you have a little something ok your face, Ageha." He wiped some sauce on her lips with his finger and he put it in his mouth.

With an audible pop, Ageha's mind almost exploded and the twins who were holding back were in an outrage.

"Stop flirting, you two." The twins glared at them and Ronin snorted.

"Prepare for school Ageha, you don't wanna be late." Ronin left with Aka and Miyo. Leaving Ageha who was stunned in place.

"Uh... Fuck, I've noticed this. But Ageha-sama has a bit of a brother complex, doesn't she?" Stacy talked to Azumi quietly.

"A bit? Are you fucking blind? Look at her, being a teen. She must be imagining all kinds of things." Azumi pointed at Ageha who was touching her lips with a dazed expression.

"Sweet home Alabama. Is this America?" Stacy was still a bit in shock and Azumi face palmed.

__After school__

Ronin sent his most trusted people; Aka and Miyo to the HQ in order to run the company.

He went back to the Kuki estate and he looked for Tsubone.

"Ronin? This is a surprise. You don't look for me, ever." Tsubone was curious about what his purpose was.

"Hah, you must have an idea why I am here, Tsubone." Ronin sighed and she frowned.

"I am being civil, Ronin. Isn't that enough?" Tsubone had a scowl on her face and Ronin raised a brow at her.

"It's nearly not enough, the child just lost her mother. And she seeks your approval. Now, I'm not gonna say to love her like your own. That's just silly." Ronin confronted her.

"Then what do you want me to do? Everytime I look at her, I am reminded of Mikado's unfaithfulness to me." Tsubone's face scrunched up.

"All I'm asking is to give her a chance. Monshiro didn't ask to be born, Tsubone. No child does, they are given what they have by chance." Ronin patted her shoulder.

Tsubone sobered up after hearing him and she decided to listen intently.

"This sounds cheesy, but what if Hideo and Ageha were in her position? What would you want as their mother?" Ronin changed the perspective.

"I... I would want them to live full lives." Tsubone frowned, it was hard to swallow. But his logic was impeccable.

"And Monshiro only has Mikado left in this world. I'm not saying to forget that Monshiro is the result of Mikado's mistake. But if you forgive Mikado and treat Monshiro badly, then you are being unfair." Ronin set her straight.

"It's difficult..." Tsubone frowned and he nodded. "It is, of course it is. But this will put a wedge on the family. And it's your sole decision that will fix it." Ronin reminded her.

"I'll try... Damn you, Mikado." Tsubone cursed her husband.

"Good, that's all I ask of you." Ronin sighed once again. Mikado should be here for Monshiro and he is the one that's supposed to try and fix this.

But he can't just let Monshiro live in depression. Being unwanted and treated like you don't exist will worsen anyone's mental health.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.