
Majesty Enchantress

H_K_555 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 2

Exactly at 08:01 Pm her phone ring she picked up the phone & when she looked up Enchantress vanished in thin air. She takes the call and after that, her eyes filled with tears. It was her parents on the phone who failed to understand her situation and blamed her for the failure in the relationship & scrolled her a lot. After that, he received a call from her cheater boyfriend & his playboy brother John who wants that she come back home quickly or ready to face her worse nightmare.

Her eyes are filled with tears & her hands are shaking in fear. She looked at the moonflower it is shinning like a star. After that, she wiped her tears and look at her watch. She bolted but it seems like she is running round and round in same block. She first thought that Enchantress was a liar but soon she realized that it is a test. She tried to remember what Enchantress told her, she looks at the moonflower and smelled it with full belief in what she said to her. When she smelled the flower it feels like that she and the flower had become one. She again runs but this time she reached the Enchantress house in no time and knock the door a handsome man dressed as a butler opens the door. Ms Lucy My Lady is waiting for you in the hall. In the hall Enchantress standing near the window, Lucy have a seat and wiped you tears time has come to flip the side and punish those who hurt you and even tried to robbed, your honor.

Lucy sits on the chair & said "I accept your offer what I have to do."     

I know you are going to accept my offer. Now your face shows that you are completely dead from inside & ready to hit the dance floor.

But before that, I like to answer your question. 

But their flow of conversation is interrupted by a handsome looking man who opens the door. My lady here is tea for you & another cup for a lady to be. Shut up Tom & she utters some words and swings her hand and tom turn into a lizard. 

Lucy was scared a little bit but she decided to face the music. She asked the Enchantress, "What I have to do? Please, tell me" Lucy don't be scared, I already tell you who I am. 

I am not scared Enchantress, it just little bit nervous as all this things are not normal.

Ok, now let's come back to the point. This beautiful gift comes with curses & rules! 

Enchantress, I am ready for anything just speak & I will do that. I will take my revenge at any cost. 

As you choose to be the next Enchantress you have thousand years if you get bored and wanted to break the curse find true love and during this time you meet many shitty people you are free to give them punishment. You are going to enjoy so many powers but if you aren't able to find real love or don't want to find someone whom you can love. Then you are going to live for another thousand years & if you don't want or don't find anyone even in the second attempt after that you are remaining to be an Enchantress till the end of the world. If you are capable enough to learn & understand your power to full capacity you can also able to become Queen and after that Majesty Enchantress. But as time passed all your loved ones will left you as they are normally being and going to die on one or other day and you left alone in this world, as being an Enchantress you will never get old or be affected by any disease. 

But Enchantress I still has one question why are you giving me the power?

Lucy, earlier I decided not to transfer my blessing to someone but when I touch you I realized that it is your faith and I also take your test and you passed it. Further in the World of Unknown this power is of no use only Queen & Majesty Enchantress enjoys her powers there also.

Now Lucy, did you finally decided what you want? It's a one-way road after that you cannot able to go back or blame anyone.

Lucy eyes filled with tears when she thinks of how other people behave with her & how they made it even difficult for her to breathe. 

She replied to Enchantress question "Yes, I have to take my revenge." 

Then hold my hands and closed your eyes. As she holds her hand the whole sky is covered with dark clouds. The clouds started roaring, lightning flashed and it started raining. As both of them hold the hand light started coming out from Enchantress body & transferring into Lucy body and suddenly lightning that flashing in the sky burn the house roof & hit Lucy.

She feels like a thousand-volt current passed through her body & she felt on the ground. Enchantress swings her hand in the air Tom again turn into a handsome man. Tom takes her home when she wakes up to bring her to my marriage now at least I have few guests at my side. As warlock is also bring some guest.