
Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel

an earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! but Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. he didn't wish to be a Saiyan. he didn't wish to a Kryptonian. he chose to be... a SYMBIOTE with unlimited evolution and growth! and his host? his host will be the one loved by all, the one and only, black widow, Natasha Romanoff! but he also wished for something more. to have his soul turned to pieces and sent to different multiverses in the unending Omniverse. such as the douluo dalu multiverse and Yu-Gi-Oh multiverse while this Ali was sent to marvel. but one day, they will all unite, and they will complete the puzzle that is their soul. and on that day, he will become one of the strongest beings in all of the omniverse! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to warn you all and clear some misunderstandings: 1: This story is being rewritten because I wasn't satisfied with how I wrote it originally. you may have seen a review here and there that states that MC says that he was from another multiverse to others. that was the case before, but it was the reason why I'm rewriting this story. so you don't need to worry about it anymore. 2: This story was originally supposed to be just in the MCU, but I decided to make it happen in the normal Marvel. 3: love interest: in case you didn't know, I didn't know if I should make this a harem or not before I wrote it. so I gave the choice to the readers. And harem got more votes. so it became a small harem of two, Natasha and Wanda. but since this story would be pretty boring if it was just the movies, I changed it to the normal marvel. BUT, you see, this story wasn't going to be THAT deep and complicated. It was just going to be a mcu movies universe, so I was okay with making it a harem of two. But now that the story is in the real marvel universe, there are a lot of pretty girls. So I have been thinking about it and having headaches about it. If I make it like that and have the mc get all the beauties, it would be just like any other story with mc taking girls like they are pokemons. And so, I decided that this story is a sole love interest with Natasha as the love interest. Cause you see, the reason why I made the mc a Symbiote, wasn't just about them being cool. They were unique, like no other. They aren't the strongest race there is, like Kryptonians or Saiyans. But they have one unique trait that made me love them and want one even if it could drive me crazy. A Symbiote isn't just a powerful alien, it is a partner. A best friend that you can trust with all your heart and mind. A being that is just for you, a bond that is just with you two. A being that will stick with you through thick and thin. Making this a harem, will take away the reason why I love the symbiote race. 4: MC will sleep and fuck other girls, but he won't get into any relationships with them like Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), etc. Natasha will be okay with it because she will also fuck them like a guy since Ali can make a dick for her. So it will basically be double penetration. Ali and Natasha will also NTR some people and fuck their wives or girlfriends, like Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Jean Grey (Phoenix), etc.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

CH 26: Enhancements

<If anybody is using Manga Dogs for reading manga, can you tell me which version doesn't have ads? I had it, but I forgot to copy it when factory resetting my phone...

Also, check out the new auxiliary chapter, "Crisis's Abilities">

It hadn't been that long since the sun had risen, and now, Natasha and her Symbiote, Ali, were in the huge training room of the Avengers Tower.

"That was a nice workout." Steve Rogers AKA Captain America groaned gently as he picked up his bottle of water and towel before turning to Natasha :"Alright, I will see you in the living room, Natasha, Ali. Bye for now."

"Bye." The redheaded host called out as she drank from her bottle of water. As she set it aside, she asked :"Alright, Al, what did you want to test out? You said that you wanted to test something out when we were coming to the training room, right?"

A black and dark purple liquid gently came out of her shoulder before Ali and his horrifying face was revealed :"Mhm, I did. As for what it is, I want to test your limits. But, without me empowering you. I want to see how strong you were before I bonded with you."

Natasha raised an eyebrow :"Why is that? What are you planning to do?" And Ali shrugged with a neutral look :"You will find out. Now, get up.

I'm going to make a barbell with my own biomass, you're going to lift it, and I'm going to slowly make it heavier by increasing its density."

Natasha shrugged before she got up. As Ali took away all the enhancements, she couldn't help but frown at losing all the strength that she had gotten so used to having.

Ali had truly made her a lot more powerful than she could have ever imagined. When he took away all of that, she seriously felt like she had become disabled.

She raised her hand as she clenched it, sighing when she clearly felt the lack of strength :"Since you were always with me, I didn't really pay that much attention to how much stronger I felt.

But now that you took away the empowerment, I can clearly feel how weak I was before bonding with you. It's honestly sickening. Heh, I seriously may have become addicted to that power."

Ali chuckled in amusement as he shrugged :"Happy to know that you appreciate me. And well, getting you addicted was the plan all along. But enough of that, let's get to testing."

Natasha got serious as she took a deep breath and lowered herself before picking up the barbell. She was ready for it to be very heavy, but it was almost weightless in her hands.

But as she held it, it began to slowly get heavier. From nothing to 50 pounds (22.5 kg), to 100 pounds (45.3 kg), to 200 pounds (90.7 kg).

When it reached 500 pounds (226.7 kg), she finally began to struggle a little. At 600 pounds (272.1 kg), she was barely holding on. But she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Finally, at about 650 pounds (295 kg), she couldn't hold it anymore and dropped it. But just before it could hit the ground, Ali decreased its density.

He didn't know if an object of around 300 kg could make a dent on the floor of a training room designed for superheroes, but he still didn't want to cause unnecessary damage. <... Motherfucker, aren't you the same guy who destroys properties for no reason?>

Ali hummed as Natasha looked at him :"About 650 pounds or 295 kg. Not bad, now onto another test. We can't really test out much, so we will only test your strength and speed."

Natasha nodded and walked towards a treadmill. All of the equipments in the room were designed for superheroes, so they could use them without much worry.

<mph = miles per hour

kph = kilometers per hour>

It started out slow and casual as it slowly rose from 1 mph (1.6 kph) to 5 mph (8 kph), to 10 mph (16.1 kph), to 20 mph (32.2 kph), to 30 mph (48.3 kph).

When it was about 32-36 mph (51.5-57.9 kph), she was finally beginning to struggle. She was almost at her limit, but she still wanted to push herself to her limit.

In the end, Ali finally turned off the treadmill when he thought that she had reached her limit, about 40 mph (64.4 kph). As she panted with some sweat forming on her body, Ali picked up the towel with a tendril and brought it to her.

"Thanks." Natasha thanked as she wiped away the sweat while frowning. Ali tilted his head with a confused look :"Why you looking like that? Turn that frown upside down please."

"..." Natasha was silent for a moment before sighing :"I'm just annoyed at how weak I am. I'm not complaining that I need you, but it's still annoying to realize just how weak I am without your empowerment..."

Normally, Ali would've calmly talked with her, try to comfort his host. However, he just smiled with a smug chuckle :"Well, my dear host, that's going to change! How? Just give me a minute or two."

Natasha looked at him with confusion, but didn't ask anything when he went back into her body. She just walked towards one of the benches and sat down.

She waited patiently for about a minute or two before Ali came out of her shoulder blade with a smirk :"So? How do you feel?"

Natasha raised a confused eyebrow as she shrugged :"Nothing? Just a little refreshed since I rested a bit... Hm... Now that I think about it, did you strengthen me a little bit?

I feel a little stronger. Not as strong as when you're completely empowering me, but still stronger than without your complete power."

Ali chuckled smugly again as he made a barbell again :"Well, why don't we check just how much faster you've become? We'll do it like before."

Natasha looked at him curiously, but gave up after a second with a sigh :"Alright, fine. Let's see what you've got." And she got up before grabbing the barbell again.

Just like before, the barbell's weight began to increase, from almost weightless to 50 kg (110 pounds), to 100 kg (220 pounds), to 200 kg (440 pounds).

Ali was actually telling her in her mind how much he was increasing the weight of the barbell, so she was a little surprised when the weight suddenly reached 500 kg (1102 pounds) and she wasn't affected at all.

But since she felt like Ali was checking if he could control how much he strengthened her, she didn't pay that much attention to it.

Gradually, the weight increased even more, to 1 ton (2204 pounds), then to 5 tons (11023 pounds), to 10 tons (22046 pounds). She began struggling once again when the weight reached 20 tons (44092 pounds).

And she gave up when it reached about 25 tons (55115 pounds). As Ali returned his biomass to himself like before, the sweaty Natasha looked at him :"So what are we doing exactly anyway?

Are you trying to see if you can control how much you're strengthening me or something? Is that why I was so much weaker than when you were using your full power?"

Ali smirked smugly as he wiggled his eyebrows :"Natasha, in case you didn't notice, I wasn't strengthening you one bit." Causing Natasha to get confused :"What??? Then how did I manage to lift 25 tons (55115 pounds)?"

With the smug smirk still on his face, Ali explained :"That's because I made you permanently stronger! Remember how I copied Silk's (Cindy Moon) abilities, I copied those abilities into your DNA just now!"

Natasha's eyes immediately went wide open :"Wait, what?! You did what now?! You can actually do that?!" Ali nodded with a now calm smile :"Yes, I can.

In fact, every Symbiote can. Other Symbiotes don't do it since they try their best to stick with only one host. It's called Parasitic Inheritance.

The Symbiotes can copy the powers and abilities of other beings by interfacing with their genetic code. We are also capable of recalling that information from previous hosts and imprinting it upon our current host.

However, since I can copy someone's powers and abilities in just a single contact, I don't have that problem. So now, you have all of Silk's powers and abilities. You're welcome."

Natasha looked down at her hands in amazement as she clenched her fists to get a better feel. Even though this power was nothing compared to Ali's, it was still amazing since it was her own.

Ali smirked smugly when Natasha suddenly grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a hot, deep, passionate kiss. He was a little surprised, but he didn't fight back as he kissed her back.

However, it ended quickly as Natasha pulled away. He smiled lazily as he raised an eyebrow :"I'm not complaining, but what was that for?"

Natasha chuckled softly as she pecked his lips with a sweet smile :"Just thought that I should give you a little reward for such an amazing gift. I honestly didn't think you would do something like this."

Ali chuckled as he leaned into her touch :"Oh? You like it that much?" And Natasha chuckled back :"Yeah, a lot. Almost as much as that video where you put a Lego piece in Tony's shoe and recorded it."

Ali honestly had to try his best to hold in his laughter because he didn't want to ruin the sweet mood. But he did make a mental note to watch that video later.

He smiled mischievously as he raised an eyebrow :"I'm thankful for my little gift, but you don't think just that will make up for it, right~?"

Natasha gently bit her bottom lip as she looked at him seductively :"Of course not. But don't worry, I have an idea of what kind of reward you deserve for being such a good boy~."

Ali smirked hungrily as Natasha nodded towards the female locker room and shower :"Let's just go to a more private place to have our little... Fun."

<Y'all want next chapter to be smut?>