
Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel

an earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! but Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. he didn't wish to be a Saiyan. he didn't wish to a Kryptonian. he chose to be... a SYMBIOTE with unlimited evolution and growth! and his host? his host will be the one loved by all, the one and only, black widow, Natasha Romanoff! but he also wished for something more. to have his soul turned to pieces and sent to different multiverses in the unending Omniverse. such as the douluo dalu multiverse and Yu-Gi-Oh multiverse while this Ali was sent to marvel. but one day, they will all unite, and they will complete the puzzle that is their soul. and on that day, he will become one of the strongest beings in all of the omniverse! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to warn you all and clear some misunderstandings: 1: This story is being rewritten because I wasn't satisfied with how I wrote it originally. you may have seen a review here and there that states that MC says that he was from another multiverse to others. that was the case before, but it was the reason why I'm rewriting this story. so you don't need to worry about it anymore. 2: This story was originally supposed to be just in the MCU, but I decided to make it happen in the normal Marvel. 3: love interest: in case you didn't know, I didn't know if I should make this a harem or not before I wrote it. so I gave the choice to the readers. And harem got more votes. so it became a small harem of two, Natasha and Wanda. but since this story would be pretty boring if it was just the movies, I changed it to the normal marvel. BUT, you see, this story wasn't going to be THAT deep and complicated. It was just going to be a mcu movies universe, so I was okay with making it a harem of two. But now that the story is in the real marvel universe, there are a lot of pretty girls. So I have been thinking about it and having headaches about it. If I make it like that and have the mc get all the beauties, it would be just like any other story with mc taking girls like they are pokemons. And so, I decided that this story is a sole love interest with Natasha as the love interest. Cause you see, the reason why I made the mc a Symbiote, wasn't just about them being cool. They were unique, like no other. They aren't the strongest race there is, like Kryptonians or Saiyans. But they have one unique trait that made me love them and want one even if it could drive me crazy. A Symbiote isn't just a powerful alien, it is a partner. A best friend that you can trust with all your heart and mind. A being that is just for you, a bond that is just with you two. A being that will stick with you through thick and thin. Making this a harem, will take away the reason why I love the symbiote race. 4: MC will sleep and fuck other girls, but he won't get into any relationships with them like Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), etc. Natasha will be okay with it because she will also fuck them like a guy since Ali can make a dick for her. So it will basically be double penetration. Ali and Natasha will also NTR some people and fuck their wives or girlfriends, like Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Jean Grey (Phoenix), etc.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

CH 19: Ali and Natasha P6

<Guys, I know that some of you may not like how I want this fanfic to be a slice of life as well and not just an action one, but I just want to try and at least write a few chapters for fluff and for them to spend time together instead of just action>


"Alright, we ready?" Natasha said as she looked at the snacks on the table. Ali, who had come out of her shoulder blade, nodded with a smile :"Let's see, a few chips, cans of soda, chocolate bars, orange juice, pizzas, cakes... I think we're all set!"

Natasha nodded with a smile as she laid on the bed and picked up the TV remote and opened it :"Then let's get this show started." Tonight, they had a plan. A plan that Natasha had come up with.

To get used to his emotions and to understand them better, Natasha proposed to watch some emotional movies and cartoons. It would help him learn better and it would be a nice way of spending time together.

Ali didn't have any reason to refuse, in fact, he was happy to spend some fun time with Natasha. So he agreed and they began looking for cartoons to watch.

"By the way, why cartoons? Wouldn't watching movies be better?" Ali asked as Natasha went through the TV :"In a sense, you're still a child... Well, I guess literally since you're barely a few months old.

Anyway, cartoons aren't that complicated to understand, don't take that long to watch, and are fun too. Emotional cartoons tend to be better than movies. So we will watch them instead."

Ali shrugged as he picked up a chocolate bar :"Whatever you say, you're more experienced here. So what are we going to watch anyway?" Natasha sighed at how he had already picked up something to eat :"Don't finish the snacks even before we start. You'll know as we watch. We're going to watch them all night!"

They turned off the lights and selected the cartoon. With Ali's Night Vision and senses, they didn't have any problems with figuring out where the snacks were.

And the first movie was one that Ali knew pretty well. Up... One that would make people either tear up or just straight up cry.

So they watch the movie of how a kid watches a short film of this dude going to a place called Paradise Falls to bring back a super rare, undiscovered bird, alive so that he can show off to his science buddies.

Then the kid goes and meets this girl in an old and shitty house who has the same passion as that guy in the film. Gets his arm broken accidentally, then the girl breaks into his house, completely normal shit.

She shows him her top secret adventure book where she wants to put the pictures of that Paradise Falls place after she goes there. Then she makes him promise to take them there when they grow.

Ali bit his chocolate bar with a smirk and a snort :"No pressure at all." The girl then leaves and the power of the boy's boner is super strong, so he marries her when he grows up.

And then there's the montage of their life as to how they bought that shitty house, immediately get to work to fix it up without even taking their wedding clothes off, they fix the house, they're names being Carl and Ellie is revealed, they turn the house to their dream house which she had painted in her book, he starts selling balloons, she becomes a zookeeper or something, and then they decide to make babies.

But turns out her baby over AKA her womb isn't right and her ovaries have problems. And immediately as that scene comes up, the air in the room gets heavy.

Ali curled his lips as he could clearly sense how Natasha got sad at that scene. "Sigh, alright, pause." He said and used his Technomancy to pause the TV.

Natasha turned to him with a confused face as she raised a questioning eyebrow. Ali scratched his cheek before sighing :"I'm not gonna beat around the bush and am gonna cut to the chase instead. I can fix your womb."

Normally, people would take a little while to process that kind of response. After all, that was a very sensitive and regretful subject to Natasha. But she was someone who could get used to things really fast.

So the moment his voice fell, her eyes went wide as she stuttered :"W-what?" And Ali calmly explained :"Have you forgotten how messed up my Regeneration Powers are? I can fix anything and everything in your body."

Natasha was happy, but she was even more confused :"Why didn't I think of that sooner...? Wait, then why haven't you ever told me about that? Since you've bonded with me and know everything about me, don't you know how important that subject is to me?!"

Ali sighed and nodded :"Yeah, I do, that's why I didn't tell you so soon. I might've said that since you're my Perfect Host, I would try my best to stick with you.

But you had set it straight that you would separate us if I stepped out of line. Why would I do such a big favor for someone who would throw me away like trash?

I'm only telling you this now because our emotional bond has gotten a lot stronger and you've already known how I am. Also, the subject kinda never came up, so I couldn't tell you."

Natasha sighed as she rubbed her temples :"... I'm a little annoyed and frustrated that you didn't tell me this sooner despite knowing how sensitive I am to it. I'm also frustrated with myself for not thinking that you can do it too...

Sigh, but I get your point. You're not a human, and don't have the same morals as humans, you've made that clear in the time we've been together. It would be completely normal for you to not fix my problems if there was a chance that I would get rid of you right after, so I understand.

I wouldn't help someone who might turn against me either. But don't you think I would open up to you a lot sooner if you offered that deal?"

Ali shook his head :"I wasn't going to risk it. Even though the chances of you accepting me would be a lot higher, there was also the high chance of you trying to just take advantage of me and then throw me away."

"Mhm..." Natasha nodded gently as she looked away. But then she turned to him with honest, vulnerable and hopeful eyes :"Ali, can you seriously do it...?

Even though I did get powers that put me above normal people and I was trained into the most dangerous spy, the cost was too much. Can you seriously heal me?"

A gentle smile formed on Ali's face as he nodded :"Mhm, I can." He saw a drop of tears in the corner of her eyes before he was embraced by her. Natasha hugged him tightly as she buried her face into his liquid, silk like body :"Thank you, Ali... Thank you..."

She wasn't crying and sobbing, but the thought of her biggest regret and sadness going away was just too much for her to keep calm. Ali hummed as he put his head on her shoulder with a smile :"You're welcome, dear."

Natasha didn't immediately let go of him. She just kept her arms around him while he also hugged her back with his liquid like body. After a minute or two, she finally loosened her hold and he gently moved away.

He smiled fondly as a hand came out from his side and he wiped away the single drop of tear out of her eye in silence. Natasha chuckled softly at his act before smiling and looking into his eyes :"So when will you fix me up?"

Ali chuckled as he gently flicked her forehead :"Patience, my dear. I won't tell you when I will heal you, I'm going to make it a surprise. One day, you will suddenly find out that you're all fixed up."

Natasha sighed as she mock glared at him :"So you're going to get my hopes up and then just tell me to wait? Seriously?" Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement :"Tasha, you're being too impatient. I mean, who knows? Maybe I've already fixed you long ago without you finding out?"

Natasha's eyes went wide open again :"... What?" And Ali laughed with a mischievous smile :"Hey, I told you, you just have to be patient and wait. One day, I'll definitely fix you up."

Natasha sighed as she rubbed her temples in annoyance :"You can be such a joker and mischievous asshole at the worst of times... Well, I'm definitely still the same since I haven't gotten my period or anything. So I definitely don't have a uterus right now."

Ali snorted with a mischievous smirk :"Bitch, do you really think you would have those annoying periods with me bonded to you? I could just stop your body from getting your periods so I can conceal the fact that I've recovered your uterus."

Natasha's face scrunched up in annoyance as she clawed her hand in anger :"Bitch, make up your fucking mind already! Give me a clear answer already, you asshole!"

Ali laughed loudly, completely unbothered by her annoyed face :"Patience, Natasha! Patience! Now let's get back to the cartoon already!" Natasha was taken aback by him just dropping the subject like that.

She flared her nose in annoyance and folded her arms under her chest with an annoyed look as she leaned back on the back :"Asshole..." Causing Ali to chuckle mischievously as he bit his chocolate bar.

He played the cartoon and got back to watching it with Natasha, getting angry at some scenes, and getting sad at some, while laughing at some others.

<Hope you liked it>