
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 99: The results are getting closer

"little freak, little devil, stop there!" Old freak shouted as he ran after me and San'qe while I was flying while holding San'qe.

As I sped up, San'qe shouted back :"you allowed me to take the herbs. Never break your promise!"

As I maneuvered from the trees to get some distance, I heard him he'll yet again :"I allowed you to take it! But it doesn't mean to take all of it!"

I laughed as I kicked a tree and shot us when I saw him nearly reaching us with a hand :"hahaha! How do you expect us to go easy on such a treasure land when you have given us the perfect opportunity?!"

"You!" He yelled out before San'qe shouted back :"we did leave the roots and seeds for you. They'll grow in a few years. Since you're going back to Shrek school with us, you won't need many herbs."

I stopped suddenly on the ground and so did he when he reached us and heard San'qe :"sigh, forget it. I'll keep my promise instead of arguing with you two little freak and little devil."

We rushed to his sides as San'qe asked :"you're not mad anymore?" And in response, old freak raised his hand and knocked on his head :", I hope you will not do it again."

San'qe and I smiled at each other as we walked with him :"old freak, you're suitable for our school.

Our shrek school is also known as devils School. It will be wonderful to see old freak teach little freak."

But it seems that the old freak was still feeling salty about getting his herb garden completely emptied :"stop the nonsense!

Hurry up and lead the way. When I arrived at the school later, I'll take Yan Yan over there for you to cure."


After walking for quite a bit, we finally reached the school's gate. As we looked up, the new sign of the school caught our attention.

Shrek school, with a slightly smaller Flender written below the sign above the Shrek logo. As I scoffed with a smile, San'qe walked towards the gate guardian :"please help me make an inform."

The gatekeeper was also a soul master, because he just easily pushed that enormous door open like it was nothing and then ran inside.

After a little while, we saw the original teachers of the Shrek school walking towards us. But someone was running, Erlong!

As Erlong rushed at me with the speed of a soul douluo, I could hardly prepare myself as she tackled me into a bone crushing hug :"Ali, you're finally back!"

Through her strong embrace, I could feel just how she was trembling. The poor girl must've have missed me

After all, I came back to her after more than 20 years, but then suddenly disappeared again for 6 months, she must've really missed me.

But she was still fighting against the urge to cry as she held me in embrace. I smiled as I moved my hand and have her a warm hug back :"I'm back, Erlong. I missed you."

She sniffed once before kissing my head, I was still 13 and still slightly shorter than her after all.

She suddenly grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face into her cleavage :"don't you fucking dare leave me like that again."

I couldn't stop the dirty chuckle that left my lips as I buried my face inside of this heaven on earth :"hehehehehe, I would stay here till the end of time of I could."

I could FEEL the jealous gazes of the other guys on me before Erlong pulled me back and sighed before flicking my forehead :"you pervert." But then she gave me a sweet smile :"welcome back."

I smiled warmly as I nodded before kissing the hand that was on my cheek :"I'm back, my love."

She blushed charmingly before smiling and coming to my side after I held her hand. As I looked back, I saw that everyone had arrived.

Me and San'qe bowed a little as we smiled :"dean Flender, teachers, we are back. It's great to meet you again."

Dean Flender looked at us with worry as he glanced at the old freak :"Xiao San, Ali, how are you? Did he treat you badly?"

We shook our heads in reply as San'qe replied :"no, he didn't. Senior Dugu treated us kindly. Dean Flender, senior Dugu is willing to be a senior advisor of our school."

Everybody present was surprised the moment they heard him :"what?!" And San'qe rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as he whispered :"can't he?"

Dean Flender fixed his glasses as he questioned :"really?" And San'qe replied again :"he said, he will not stay at school. He'll just be an adviser here."

I also gave my word of approval, since my approval meant Erlong's :"dean Flender, senior Dugu may be an arrogant person, but he always keeps his promises."

After he heard me, he nodded at Erlong before jogging towards old freak with a flattering smile and laugh before a bow :"hi, senior Dugu."

Old freak didn't embarrass him either, he just hummed with his back slightly towards him :"I promised little freak and little devil to be here as an advisor. I'm not sure if you're willing to accept me."

Dean Flender kept his flattering smile as he nodded :"of course, We're much delighted! Your presence will definitely make Shrek be more marvellous."

Old freak swung his arm before he walked to the school :"since all of you have agreed, you'll find me a quiet place then.

I've brought Tang San and Tang Ali to you all. I'm tired now. Please take me for a rest." Every teacher bowed a little as they opened up a path for him to follow dean Flender :"senior, please follow me."

After the two walked away, Erlong looked at me and San'qe with a raised eyebrow :"Ali, Xiao San, how did you make it? This old freak is willing to come to our school? This is unbelievable!"

San'qe sighed as I didn't bother answering :"maybe we're well connected." And teacher Zhao also walked forward :"hahaha! With a titled douluo in our school, it will be very good for this place!"

But San'qe suddenly had a confused face as he looked at Erlong and teacher Zhao :"teacher Zhao, where is teacher? Why is he not here?"

everyone present suddenly had a very weird and awkward faces as they looked away and didn't know how to answer.

My eyes went wide for a moment before I bit the inside of my cheeks to not smile my signature smile!

How could I have forgotten this! I seriously missed Erlong, Zhuqing, Dong'er and sister Nana so much that I completely forgot about that bastard!

Haha! With the looks these people have, it must've worked! He should be 8 months pregnant now!

Hahahahah, serves you right, you son of a whore! I am looking forward to the day that your cervix is completely ruined!

Their awkward silence made San'qe worried as he quickly looked at them :"teacher Liu, teacher Zhao, why are you so quiet? Has something happened?!"

Because of being oh so twisted, I wanted Erlong, the person who should've been Yu Xiaogang's lover to say it :"Erlong, what has happened while we were gone."

She sighed with a furrow as she rubbed her beautiful temples :"sigh, remember 6 months ago how he suddenly began to get fatter and his fatigue showed up a lot?"

Well, the situation got even worse as time went by. He would get tired, couldn't it anything and would easily get emotional.

It was really abnormal for cousin Xiaogang to break character, but he has cried numerous times and gotten sad many time.

So we got really worried and invited a doctor to check up on him. But when the doctor saw him and checked up on him, he became incredibly shocked.

When we asked him what has happened to cousin Xiaogang, he said that cousin Xiaogang has become..."

San'qe had a really worried expression as we both looked at her :"teacher Liu, what has happened to my master?! How is he?!"

Erlong blushed a little as she rubbed her furrowing eyebrows :"the doctor said that your teacher has become... Pregnant. By now, it should be his 8th month of pregnancy."

Me and San'qe's eyes went wide open, his was obviously because of the shock, but mine was because of how hard I was trying not to laugh!


San'qe's trembling mouth opened as he stuttered out :"w-what?! Master is pregnant?! But how is that possible?! He is a man!"

Erlong sighed as she shook her head :"we don't know either. Even the doctor said that it's a miracle how a man has become pregnant."

San'qe whipped his head towards teacher Zhao with a panicking face :"teacher Zhao, please take me to where my master is! I have to see how he is doing!"

Teacher Zhao looked at Erlong who nodded with a sigh before teacher Zhao looked back at San'qe :"alright, Xiao San. Come with me. I will take you to your master. Ali, what about you?"

I scratched the back of my head with an apologetic smile :"sorry, San'qe, but a pregnant man is not something that I think I'm ready to see yet. I will check up on Zhuqing first. I really miss her."

He nodded without minding it since he knew that me and his teacher didn't get along that well from the get go :"it's alright. I'm really shocked myself. I will see you and everybody else later on."

I nodded back while biting the inside of my cheeks so hard that I drew blood so that I wouldn't burst into laughter :"alright. See you later. Me and Erlong will go now to see Zhuqing."

After we separated, me and Erlong walked a little while holding hands before she pulled me into a hug and kept kissing the side of my head while gently sobbing :"I... I thought I lost you again... I thought I could see you anymore..."

I knew that her feelings for me were genuine since I could just feel them, but even I was a little taken aback by how much she loved me.

I smiled warmly after I took of my veil and hugged her as I put her head into my shoulder :"it's alright. It's completely fine. I won't leave you again.

It's okay to cry. Let it all out, my love. I will always be here for you to lean on." After I finished my sentence, she snuggled into my neck as she circled her hands around me and started crying.

Her cries were full of sorrow. Sorrow that was buried in her heart for years. I missed her and Zhuqing this much after just 6 months, the pain that she must've gone through in all of these years is simply unimaginable.

I am not someone who feels bad for the pain that he inflicts upon others, but just the thought of hurting my lovers' hearts breaks me.

So I couldn't help the tears that slowly formed in my eyes as I listened to her cries and broken words of :"I've missed you so much" "I thought that you would never come back to me" "I couldn't stop the thought of you throwing me away because of never coming back"

Her crying kept on going for a good few minutes before her cries only reduced to small sniffled and sobs.

She pushed herself away from me a little as she gave me and her face some distance :"I... I'm alright now. Thank you... Huh? Ali? Why- why are you crying?"

As she placed her hand on my face and gently wiped the tear that slid down my perfect face, I leaned into her hold as I smiled sadly :"just the thought of how much pain you have gone through breaks my heart and saddens me. I'm sorry."

She chuckled as she looked at me with eyes that had nothing but love in them :"the ever so kind Ali, huh? You haven't changed at all. it's alright. You are here now and that's all that matters. Come, let's go and meet Zhuqing."