
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 95: Magical soul skill

His eyes began to glow purple as he looked around and got up. As he walked around and I followed him, he suddenly walked towards a few herbs.

As I followed him, he kneeled on one knee as he looked at a white thing on the ground :"is... Is this snow silkworm?

It's the ultimate herb of the winter worm and summer grass." I didn't understand anything about herbs, so I just followed him as he went for another one :"the vermilion lotus can grow up to this size?"

But he sniffed a fragrance that came and suddenly stood up as he looked at where the smell was coming from :"this is..."

After he hurriedly walked away, I followed him with an amused shake of head. After a little walk, he spread some huge leaves to see a beautiful flower :"the fragrant silk woven flower?!"

I looked at him as I kept my hands behind my head :"San'qe, is there something special about this flower? You seem awfully excited about this particular one."

He nodded at me with an excited smile :"that's right, Xiao Ali, this is our solution. This is the best antidote that I know of.

Within it's range, none of the poisons are effective. Its fragrance can neutralize all sorts of poison, too bad it can't cure it."

After that, we walked around some more as we looked around and saw really weird shaped herbs in all kinds of sizes.

After that, we came to the hot spring again before he turned to me with a serious face :"Xiao Ali, weather Dugu Bo keeps his promise, I have to hedge my bet."

I grew serious as well as I brought my hands down to my sides and nodded at him seriously :"okay, what are you planning to do?"

He smiled before growing serious again :"I am planning on taking two herbs and consuming them."

I raised an eyebrow at him as I tilted my head a bit :"absorbing one will take a long time, forget about two. Shouldn't you spend that time on crafting whatever antidotes that you should to get us out?"

He nodded :"I know, but I have to take this bet. The problem will then be solved. So, will you listen to me?"

I sighed as I smiled and nodded :"fine, which ones are you planning on taking. Tell me beforehand."

He smiled as he nodded and then pointed at the land beside the ice part of the hot spring and I saw another weird herb that was emitting a cold aura visible to the naked eye.

He introduced it then :"Octa Dark Forest, a unique winter flower. Even if it's a great item, but it's poisonous too. It causes freezing chill and numbness."

He then pointed at its opposite side, the land beside the hot part of the hot spring, and I saw a flower that seemed to be literally on flames :"that Fiery Soft Apricot is extremely poisonous.

It's important to understand the nature and prescription of these herbs. Neither of these two can be taken, unless it's at the same time.

The ice and fire of these two herbs will neutralise each other, so they can then be taken. So they must be together. And I'm planning to do that."

I nodded before a thoughtful expression took over my face, causing San'qe to look at me with confusion :"Xiao Ali, is something the matter? What are you thinking about?"

I didn't answer him for a few seconds as I thought if I should do that or not. In the end, I sighed as I released my martial soul.

His confusion grew as he cocked an eyebrow :"Xiao Ali, why are you releasing your martial soul?"

I looked at him seriously :"San'qe, I want to tell you something. Something that not even my master knows about. I want you to keep it a secret until I tell you, alright?"

It was rare for me to get serious like this considering how nonchalant I am, so he knew that something was up as he nodded :"alright, I promise that I won't reveal whatever you are going to tell me."

I nodded as I brought up my right hand up and released my second martial soul, Majesty's Katana :"you already know about my second martial soul.

You remember it from the day that we awakened out martial soul, right?" He nodded seriously as he looked at it :"yes, I remember it very well and how powerful it seems to be."

I then thought about it again before raising my left hand :"but what if I told you, I have another martial soul?"

And a cashew nut appeared floating in my left hand with a black ring circling it. San'qe's eyes went wide open to the point where I was worried they were gonna pop out :"you... You have a thir-mhm!"

But I quickly shut him up with one of my wing hands as I shushed him :"shh! Are you crazy?! What if he hears you with how loud you are?!"

He mumbled a :"I'm sorry." Behind my hand before I let go of him with a sigh :"yeah, I have a third martial soul.

This is, as you can see, a food branch martial soul. I call my second martial soul Majesty's Katana and this one... Majesty's Nut..."

My face turned into one of trying really hard not to laugh as I tried really, seriously to not just burst into laughter at my sense of humor.

San'qe deadpanned at me before I coughed into my fist with a small blush of embarrassment :"cough cough, anyway this is what I wanted to show you."

He sighed before nodding :"alright, I get why you were so serious just now. I promise that I will definitely keep it a secret till you reveal it yourself.

But, why now? Why did you reveal it right now? Is there a special reason? Can it be related to your third martial soul?"

I nodded with a smug smirk after taking back my martial soul :"you see this black, ten thousand year soul ring? It has a really cool effect."

He looked at me with confusion as he spread his hands a little :"so? What is it? Tell me already. And didn't you know that you shouldn't add a soul ring to it since it would be better to add one when you are stronger?"

I chuckled as I raised my head with a smug look since I knew just how much this skill would amaze him :"I know, but there is a reason for me attaching a soul ring to it.

When I got out of the martial soul hall to come after you, I got really bored in the road, so I entered a slightly low class soul beast forest.

But while I was looking for good soul beasts to have fun with, who would have thought that I would come across an extremely rare soul beast.

Can you guess what it was? My luck was actually good to the point that I came across the extremely rare Carnivorous Vampiric Rose!"

His eyes went wide in shock as he seemed to know just what I was talking about :"what?! You actually came across that soul beast! And a ten thousand year one at that?!"

I nodded eagerly :"yup! Hehehe, as you already know, this soul beast is extremely rare because it's extremely hard to find it.

This flower doesn't have any particular appearance like the other plant soul beasts, just an ordinary looking rose.

But just like its name says, it's a soul beast that unlike most flower soul beasts, it actually consumes the blood of its prey by expanding its leaves and sucking the blood out of them.

Since strong soul masters don't come to that kind of soul beast forest that often, it must've hidden its aura really well to not get noticed.

But who would've thought that I would stumble across it I accident. So, not wanting to let this precious soul beast go to waste, I decided to attach its soul ring to my... Pft... Majesty's Nut...

Cough cough, anyways. After finding out that it's a ten thousand year old soul beast, I decided to hunt it.

It of course put up a fight, but it was still a plant soul beast that was better at sneak attacks, so it still lost to yours truly.

And after absorbing it, I was really shocked by its skill. The skill that I got from it wouldn't help me in a battle, but it was extremely useful for someone like me.

Most people would probably consider this skill as trash, especially since it's a ten thousand year soul ring, but with the right circumstances, it's a treasure."

He was really curious, so he glared at me a little as he punched my shoulder :"tell me what it is already. You've gotten me really curious."

I chuckled as I folded my arms and closed an eye with a smirk :"the skill is really special. If instead of absorbing a herb, I let my Majesty's... Pft, Nut, hehehe... Absorb it with my 1stbsoul ring, I can recreate the same herb any second I want using my soul power!"

His eyes went wide open as did his mouth as he shouted in surprise :"what?! You have such a magical skill?!"

I laughed haughtily as I looked up with arrogance at his shocked state. This was a really fucking magical skill!

If you are rich, like me, and have a very good background, like me, then you can basically get any type of herb you want!

And it's only just once! You can get an unlimited amount of all kinds of herbs for free in exchange for just some soul power that will refill!

I laughed Rimuru style as I closed my eyes :"ha, ha, ha! Praise me, brother, praise my luck more!"

He smiled as he patted my shoulder :"haha, you are really lucky, little brother. Who would have thought that such a magical skill would actually exist?

And just look at where it came to use! This place is a treasure land of herbs! Even outside of here, for someone like your background, you could get all kinds of herbs anytime you want."

I nodded before an embarrassed smile formed on my face as I scratched my cheek with my index finger :"but well, even though it's so useful and powerful, it still has a condition.

The condition for this soul skill is that, I have to absorb the whole herb into the Nut. Meaning while it still hasn't been cut down."

He had a thoughtful expression as he nodded with a slightly serious face :"figures. Such a powerful soul skill would definitely have a condition.

But it doesn't mean that it's any less useful. I mean, just look at where we are! All of these rare treasures around us are at the required condition to be absorbed into your Nut!"

I had to seriously hold myself back from smiling, this day had become a try not to laugh day at this point.

I nodded as I gave him a signature smirk, not a smile, a smirk :"yup. And I'm planning to use this skill on those two plants since you already said that you are going to absorb them.

So here's the plan. I don't need to be in contact with the herb to actually absorb it into the Nut, the But just has to be close to the herb, and will absorb the herb once I activate my soul skill.

After I am done taking care of the absorbing, I will create two of each herbs. One of each for the both of us."

He looked at me with a surprised face :"you're planning to absorb them as well?" I nodded with a small smile :"yup. Because of my ice and fire manipulation, I can sense that these two have very rich elements in them.

And with this ice fire mouth spring, if I can absorb them well, my ability and power in my ice and fire manipulation will definitely grow to a terrifying level!"