
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 94: Ice Fire mouth spring

And in response to his offense, Dugu Bo picked him up using nothing more than his soul power before slamming him to the wall :"San'qe!"

That should've taught San'qe to know his place, but he put his hands on the ground and shakily raised his head :"your poison is indeed effective, but still it's useless.

Poisonous track is to attack orders. Now that you're poisoned too, what are you if you aren't useless?"

Dugu Bo :"you mean I was poisoned by myself? I'm 78 years old. Only I can cast poison to others, never at once I have been poisoned."

San'qe got on one knee as he answered :"is that true? Tell me, when it's cloudy or raining, do your ribs feel numb?

It happens once at noon and 11 p.m.. from what I see, everytime it will last for at least 2 hours.

Besides, during midnight, your head and feet you have pricking pain, right? That overwhelming pain, you won't feel that if you aren't poisoned. Not only you're poisoned, the venom has also entered your marrow."

The green fire on the walls raged before Dugu Bo threw a ball of energy at San'qe who released his external soul bone and used it to defend against it.

He then slammed his hand on the ground and blue silver grass began to rush at Dugu Bo who just stood in place as the blue silver grass just stopped a little away from him without any way to move even further.

But they all suddenly turned to green ashes before Dugu Bo raised his hand and a green light suddenly pulled San'qe!

San'qe stuck his spider legs into the ground to stop himself as he also stuck some blue silver grass to the walls.

I knew that with my current power, I really couldn't do anything against him unless I used powers other than the norm.

So I just got up as I held the place that he had hit me to make me unconscious as I panted. I knew that he wasn't truly looking to kill, otherwise, do you think we would still be alive? Well, no one can kill me, so at least San'qe wouldn't be alive.

"Not reconciled?" Dugu Bu said before squeezed his hand a little, strengthening the force as some of the blue silver grass broke.

"Didn't you say that my poison is useless? Yet you're still defeated by me." He continued as the lights raged in the room.

San'qe struggled to stay in place as he was pulled closer and closer :"that's my biggest regret! If I was given time, even if I didn't use martial soul, I could have killed you too!"

Dugu Bo finally had enough of hearing his bullshit as he strengthened the force of the pull and grabbed him by the neck.

I knew that I couldn't do anything without using special powers, but I still didn't want to seem like I don't care.

So I released my martial soul as I yelled out :"San'qe! Let go of him!" And rushed at him. But when I punched, it felt like an invisible shield was completely blocking my way.

He spared me only a glance as he didn't care about any attacks that me and San'qe threw at him as he focused on San'qe :"your poison not only harms yourself, but also ruins your descendants. You're an ultimate rubbish!"

Dugu Bo glared at him :"what did you say?" And :"you know exactly what I mean." Was all the answer he got from San'qe.

Dugu Bo :"you can cure my poison?"

Tang San :"I won't even if I can. You will only suffer more than I do. Just kill me. Maybe you're not afraid of death, but your dearest pretty granddaughter may not hold as long as you.

She'll only be severer when the poison attacks. Since she was in her mother's womb, she already got in touch with the poison."

His words caused Dugu Bo to let him go as he fell to the ground while coughing and gasping for air :"San'qe! Are you okay?!"

I quickly moved to his side and patted his back comfortably to help him breath before he sat in lotus position.

Dugu Bo turned away as he asked with his hands behind him :"why should I believe that you can cure my poison?"

San'qe didn't take back his external soul bone as he sat with me on one knee beside him :"do I even have to prove it to you? You're killing us anyway.

Having you alive is a threat to the world. Ceiling you is just like handing the candle to the devil."

He started to walk away with a snort as he seemed to think of something :'I've been living with poison all my life, yet I can't even cure the poison within my body. But my granddaughter...'

He turned to us as he looked at San'qe :"alright, if you can cure our poison, I won't kill you two, and I can promise to help you with three things that don't violate my base line."

I looked back at San'qe who answered with a cocked eyebrow :"you're not killing us? Why should I believe you? People like you always repay kindness with ingratitude."

But Dugu Bo seemed to take offence to that as he raised his voice a bit :"isn't my Fame enough to prove it?"

But me and San'qe were not effected nor were we intimidated :"stop making empty promises, unless you make a vow."

"Alright then. As long as you can prove that you can cure my poison, I can make a promise."

San'qe finally calmed down as he took back his external soul bone and stood up after nodding at me :"how do you want me to prove it?"

Dugu Bo didn't turn to face us as he held his hands behind his back :"prove that you can cast poison better than I do, then I'll believe you."

Tang San :"I have nothing with me now. How do I prove I'm stronger than you?"

Dugu Bo :"easy. This is my house. All herbs are widely grown here. I'll give you one day to figure out all sorts of antidotes yourself.

After that, I'll cast three types of poison on you. If you can cure my poisons with your antidotes, that means you're qualified. Or else, to hell you go."

Tang San :"bring us to your herb garden. Don't disturb us for a day."

As we exited the cave, I saw that the cave was on a cliff that was completely covered with fog.

"Is there a hot spring here? Your herb garden is near a hot spring? It's a great place." San'qe suddenly said while I just stayed silent.

I am a confident person, but not an arrogant one. I know that I can destroy this entire universe if I want to, but I have already decided to not use my CS powers.

So I wanted to just follow along without messing anything up. Dugu Bo's eyes glowed green :"follow me."

He said before jumping up and a green, big, energy like snake appearing that he stood on the head of as he flew down using it :"kid, aren't you arrogant? Let me see how you get down."

It seemed that San'qe didn't want to lose to this old fellow's mockery, so he released his external soul bone and started to climb down.

I shook my head with an eye roll as I spread my wings and flew down. When we landed, I saw an extremely strange view, red and blue large iced everywhere.

There were all kinds of herbs that I didn't know of, but I had no doubt in them being special in their own way.

But these herbs that probably could hardly be found, were actually like grass, everywhere. seeing that San'qe started to make his way towards somewhere, I also started to follow after him.

As we walked in silence and passed many herbs, San'qe looked up before he jumped around and onto a large piece of ice.

I flapped my wings and landed behind him to hear :"this... This is... Ice fire mouth spring." When I looked down, a view that the word "weird" would be an understatement appeared in my field of vision.

Under us, there was a huge hot spring, but what was special about this hot spring was that one of was completely blue while the other half was completely red!

The hot and cold were combined just like a yin yang symbol, taking on a unique beauty for the hot spring.

San'qe glanced at Dugu Bo who jumped and came to beside him :"ice fire mouth spring? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. I just didn't expect such a great place exists. If I was 30% confident to cure your poison, now, with this ice fire mouth spring, it can be raised to 50%."

What? Only 50%?! "What? Only 50%? Kid, you've been lying to me all this while?" Yes, thank you Dugu Bo.

What are you thinking, San'qe? You were so confident that even I thought you were completed sure.

Tang San :"you've been soaked with poison for years, 50% is already my best to cure you. But, even if you're not fully recovered, it'll ease your pain too. But I'm positive to cure your granddaughter."

Dugu Bo had a slightly relieved face as he pointed at the place below us :"all my herbs are planted here, you may use them.

If you dare to ruin my place, I'll make sure you go through living hell. I'll give you more time. If you can't pass my test the morning after tomorrow, it'll be your Doomsday."

How ironic to hear that name against myself. :"This is a famous soul beast Forest. Except this mountain is being sealed by my poison formation and the soul beasts dare not enter, millennium soul beasts are out there. If you run away, before I find you, the soul beasts will tear you apart."

But as the moon light shone upon him, a dark green mist began to emit from some parts of him as he grabbed his head in pain :"kids, remember, don't touch those too hot springs.

Even I can'. Withstand the heat and frost for too long. No one can save you by then." After he jumped away and to who knows where, San'qe jumped down as well.

I quickly followed him as I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around :"San'qe, what is this place? You seem kind of excited by it."

He smiled as he nodded :"mhm, this is a real treasure land, Xiao Ali! This place is extremely good for growing certain herbs.

And in fact, it's the only reason that old poison could live for so long and even reach titled douluo level."

I already remembered that from the anime, but I still had to act surprised as my eyes went wide :"what?! So amazing?!"

He nodded as he looked at the hot spring :"humans or beasts who stay by the ice fire eyes will be hurt by the extreme heaven and earth auras in a short time.

Their bodies will explode if they don't leave immediately. But, for someone who is poisoned like Dugu Bo this is the greatest place. Extreme Frost or heat is effective against the venom."

I had a look of realization as this could honestly help me since I have both fire and ice :"so that's how it is. I understand now."

He suddenly started to walk towards the hot spring, causing me to grab him from behind and pull him back without thinking about it :"whoa! What are you doing?! Didn't you just say just how dangerous this place is?!"

He chuckled as he patted my hand and I released him :"relax, Xiao Ali. I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't go near it otherwise."

He then walked towards the hot spring and kneeled beside it as he kept his hand a little above it.