
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 92: Fluff with Zhuqing and Erlong

Erlong then looked at Zhuqing while nodding her head :"but I have to say, level 38 when you are this young, you are a real genius!"

Zhuqing wasn't one to Give empty flatters, so she nodded with a smile :"mhm, thank you, sister Erlong. You are really strong yourself.

You are both young and are just one step away from being a titled douluo! You are truly amazing."

Erlong laughed in satisfaction as she patted her head :"oh you, you have a sweet tongue. We two sisters should spend some time with each and get along."

Zhuqing smiled and nodded with genuine happiness, guess she really started to see her as a sister :"mhm, I hope to spend time with sister Erlong as well."

I chuckled as I looked at the two with gentle eyes :"you two are getting along really well already. I'm happy to see that. We are like a family from now on after all."

"A family, huh?" Zhuqing said with a little sadness in her voice which didn't go unnoticed by Erlong.

The matter of family had become a sore spot for her, huh? Erlong seemed to be experienced, so she patted her back with a smile :"he's right. We're a family from now on. Later on, sister will take you to shopping and buy you whatever you like.

We should spend time together after all. Why not go shopping and enjoy ourselves. What do you think, Ali?"

I chuckled as I nodded lovingly :"mhm, we'll go and eat some snacks as well. You don't need to worry about the money either.

I will buy you whatever you want. I am a stubborn person, but I am certainly not stingy. Especially for my beloveds."

As we three enjoyed our own world of happiness and fluff, our atmosphere was interrupted by a cough from dean Flender :"so, that is all fixed? You are all together now?"

As we looked around, we saw how everyone was staring at us with dumbfounded and confused expressions.

I chuckled with embarrassment while Erlong just acted as straightforward as ever as she circled her hand around Zhuqing's arm :"yes, seeing that Ali has already gotten his claws on this innocent girl, I must also protect her."

The old men sighed while shaking their heads while Fatty and Oscar looked at me with envy :"nghhh! How come you are so lucky, boss Ali?!"

I deadpanned at them before I raised my hands and presented myself :"do you really think the phrase "looks doesn't matter" is real?

Of course it's real at first. And besides, have you forgotten my talent? If I don't get the girls, there won't be a single man who won't die alone."

Fatty had a pained look as he clenched his fists comically :"I... I know that as well, but stilllll! When will I meet a pretty girl and have her?!"

I put my hand under my chin with a thoughtful look as I thought about it for a few seconds :"probably... Never, heh! Hahahaha!"

Me and the boys laughed at him as we all knew my humor before dean Flender coughed again :"sister Erlong, aren't you letting us in?"

She was really straightforward, cause she turned to him and furrowed her pretty eyebrows :"boss Fu, can my hut fit so many people? What happened to you? Since when have you fallen to this point?"

He sighed with a sad chuckle as he put his hands behind him :"it's a long story." And so we walked into her hut and sat on the chairs as dean Flender told the story.

And after a while, *bang* Erlong slammed her fist on the table, spilling the tea and causing among the students.

"What a Tian Dou Imperial School. How dare they bully boss Fu and Zhuqing while me and Ali are away!

Boss Fu, don't say it anymore! My place is also your place! Everyone can stay on. This will be your place."

Dean Flender glanced at me on the other side of Erlong with a hint of mischief as he took a sip from his tea :"our requirements on our payments are very high. Can you bear it?"

This motherfucker... He knows that I'm very, VERY, EXTREMELY rich, so he wants to get high salary by making me reach out to my deep pockets since Erlong is my lover and I should financially help her!

But it seems that my lover was smart as she smirked and patted his shoulder :"payment? This is your problem now, Boss Fu.

You are the boss of golden iron triangle. From now on, this school is yours. Tomorrow I will hold a facility meeting to announce that this school will change its name to Shrek."

Everyone was surprised by her words, even I was a little surprised by how straightforward she is.

But she continued :"Mr. Yin Shu. Please announce a meeting to be held tomorrow with all teachers and students. These are my friends. Let the canteen prepare a feast on the second floor."

This guy who I will definitely forget bowed a little as he didn't argue :"yes, dean." But she shook her head :"no. I am the deputy dean now."

Dean Flender just shook his head along with Yu Xiaogang at her actions as she came to me and Zhuqing who was sitting beside me on :"now, we three can have fun and spend time together as we wish without any interruption!"

Me and Zhuqing looked at each other before chuckling at her antics before I stood up :"alright, till the food gets ready, we three will have a private chat."

I didn't care about the others opinions as the girls nodded and walked out with me. As we walked in the evening, I looked at the sky as each of them walked by each of my sides.

I sighed as I glanced at Erlong softly :"Erlong, tell me, are you really sure that I'm your Ali? Am I the same as I am in the future?"

She sighed as she looked at the sky, at the moon, as if recalling the past :"my Ali, wasn't any different than you were.

Charming, gentle, loving, confident, caring, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, moon loving, carefree, nonchalant, hahaha rude, perverted, dirty minded, do you want me to go on?"

Zhuqing and I smiled at the start of her sentence, but I nearly stumbled as they both chuckled at the end.

I gulped as I chuckled and scratched my neck :"am I now? Well, happy to know that I haven't changed from how I am even though I hadn't gotten much older."

She chuckled as she shook her head :"as if anything could change you. You told me yourself that you have discovered you personality already.

Gentle, but fierce. Loving, but bloodthirsty. Violent, but caring. It just depends on which one you are feeling like being."

She smiled as she moved from my back and grabbed onto Zhuqing's shoulder's :"but enough about that, I already know a lot of things about you, but it's my first time that I have met little sister Zhuqing.

So come on, tell sister more about yourself! We are a family now, so we have to get along with each other."

She suddenly stopped as she gently turned Zhuqing around and embraced her :"and please, don't leave anything out, okay?

Sister wants to know everything there is about you so that she can comfort you and know everything from the beginning."

Wow, she is a really straightforward person. She really cares for Zhuqing as she said that she will.

And Zhuqing started to see her as a sister as well, cause for us soul masters, it's easy to see how she melted into the hug as she nodded with a slightly sad mood.

After that, we started to walk around as Zhuqing told about herself and introduced herself.

It was the first time I saw her talk so much to someone else but me. But I liked it since it showed that she actually tried to get along with her sister.

Erlong was shocked when she heard her introduce herself and tell her identity as the daughter of the duke of the Star Luo empire.

But she grew enraged to the point where the trees started to tremble and leaves began to fall as she clenched her teeth when she heard Zhuqing tell us about her experience after she awakened her martial soul :"what?!

How could they do something like that do their own daughter?! Even if it's tradition, how dare they treat you like this!

Don't worry, Zhuqing! Sister can't at the moment, but in the future, hmph, she will take of all those bastards who have hurt you and make them pay!"

I remembered a little from my past life, but it still lit my hurt in rage as I heard about just how much betrayal and pain she has went through just because of some shit tradition.

I clenched my fists so hard that I felt my nails dig into my flesh and blood start to flow, but I didn't care as I gritted my teeth :"don't worry, Zhuqing.

Erlong is right. In the future, I will make all those who have hurt you kneel before you and beg for forgiveness."

My heart shook as I saw her eyes tear up as she grabbed our hands as the tears flowed down her sad smile :"N-no, you don't need to worry. I just don't want you guys to get hurt. I just want us to be safe and happy together."

I saw how Erlong had a sad look on her face as she quickly hugged her and pushed her head into her chest for comfort.

She kissed her head as she rubbed the back of her head with care :"oh you sweet girl, you don't need to be so sad.

We will listen to you and keep ourselves safe, alright? You don't need cry. Don't worry, from now on, I will definitely treat you like a sister.

You can tell me whatever you need from now on. We can spend time together and do whatever we want.

As I have said, we are a family from now on. So it's our duty to protect ourselves. We are sister wives, so we should take care of each other. And I am definitely sure that Ali will do his best to protect us."

I hugged them both as Zhuqing's slightly bent form sobbed into Erlong's chest :"alright, sister Erlong."

I also kissed her head as I rubbed her back comfortably :"don't worry, you two. I will definitely protect you all from anything."

Zhuqing continued to cry and sob while in our embrace as we continued to comfort her so that she could let it all out.

After a little while of crying, she raised her head gently with slightly red eyes :"I... I'm okay now, Ali, sister Erlong. Thank you both for caring for me."

Erlong was at that age, so her instincts as a mother really wanted her to protect Zhuqing as she put her hand on her cheek and rubbed the tear stains off :"oh, sweetie. You don't need to thank us for comforting you, but you are welcome.

From now on, just tell us and we will definitely take care of you. You should already know how much of a cuddly person Ali is, so we will just cuddle in our free time."

Zhuqing chuckled as she nodded with a bright and happy smile now that she had let out her sadness :"mhm, we will. But we also shouldn't miss out on training. I want to get strong and reach you two both quickly."

Zhuqing's this kind of smile was rare, but certainly was contagious as we both smiled and Erlong chuckled :"oh? Our little Zhuqing is a hard working girl.

God, good. with your talent, you will definitely get strong really quickly. At that time, we won't worry about anybody trying to harm us."