
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 91: Common enemy = Sisterhood

<in case some of you didn't know, that song from the previous chapter was the bury the light, Vergil's theme from DMC 5>

I held up my hands in surrender as I felt like I had shrank in the gaze of this two tiger and dragon :"h-how about we talk about this in private, huh?

Cause I really don't have any idea what in the motherfucker is going on! And why you bitches just standing there! Help me out here!!"

Dean Flender finally decided to interrupt as he chuckled nervously :"haha, sister Erlong, I didn't know you were here. We haven't met for years. How are you?"

Liu Erlong and Zhuqing glanced at each other before nodding as she side glared at me :"fine, we will deal with you later. Sigh, boss Fu, cousin Xiaogang, we haven't seen each other for years. You still look the same."

While a shiver ran down my spine, dean Flender chuckled as he fixed his glass :"I'm getting old. Come on. Let me introduce.

These are teachers and students from Shrek School. We saw the recruitment notice of your school coincidentally.

So, we came here to ask for a living. She is Liu Erlong. She's the one who followed master and me.

Wandering around the soul masters' world. She's the third in the Golden iron triangle. The killing point. She was a level 81 soul douluo the last time we met!"

Everybody but me was surprised as they all saluted her. Though I was surprised that her level reached 81 so many years ago.

He coughed when an awkward silence took over :"sister Erlong, it has been many years. Tell me, what level have you reached by now?"

She scoffed proudly as she glanced at me :"hmph, because of the herb that Ali gave me when I was young, my martial soul evolved from the fire dragon to the fire dragon king and my talent skyrocketed. So I have reached level 89 now!"

Everybody gasped as they looked at her with shock! Even I wasn't an exception this time! This is getting weirder and weirder.

First, she knows so many things about me. And second, she said that I have given her a herb that boosted her talent greatly.

That means that it must have been one of the herbs from Dugu Bo's garden. And third, she doesn't seem to have any romantic feelings towards dean Flender or Yu Xiaogang... Can it be that...

Flender's eyes went wide open as he looked at me :"what?! Then, is this Ali the one that you would talk about so many years ago?!

But there is no way for that to be possible! We met more than 20 years ago! And you said that you met Tang Ali even before that!

But Xiao Ali is only 13 this year! You can check his age by his bones yourself if you want to!"

Her eyes went wide with surprise as she grabbed my wrist and put her fingers on my veins :"what?! How is this possible?!

Ali, explain yourself! I have seen myself how you are capable of very weird things! So this must be one of your tricks! You were 15 when we parted ways!"

A thoughtful expression took over my face as I brought my hand under my chin as I said with a serious face :"I am not playing any tricks.

I am really just 13. Hmm... Tell me, what was my soul power level when we first met? And what were the ages of my soul rings?"

She thought for a second seriously before nodding :"the last time that we met, your soul power level was at least above 60. And your soul rings..."

She stopped talking while everyone was shocked and came to whisper something in my ear.

My eyes went wide in shock as I heard her answer :"these cannot be just some mere coincidence... I can only come up with one reasonable answer..."

They all looked at me with curiosity while dean Flender and Liu Erlong looked at me with a serious expression :"say it already."

I sighed as I shrugged with a helpless face :"the only answer that I can come up with is that I somehow will time travel in the future and meet up with you in the past.

Even though it is a really unreasonable answer, it is the one that makes the most sense at the moment."

Dean Flender had a confused face as he cocked his eyebrow :"huh? Time travel? Is that even possible? Ali, are you sure?"

I shrugged with a tired face :"of course I'm not sure. But I am sure of one thing:

Ali and Liu Erlong :"anything and everything is possible."

I looked at her as she smirked after she interrupted me :"you also taught me quite a few things back then. This was one of them."

I spread my hands a little as I looked at them :"see? I told you. That is the only answer that I came up with, and it's the one that most likely happened.

My master has always told me that there are a lot of things that the normal people don't know about, so something should happen in the future that will send me to the past."

Liu Erlong had a look of realization:"so that's what might happen? It makes sense, you did say that you won't remember me, and you have actually gotten weaker."

"So what now? Is she truly your lover?" I looked at Zhuqing who asked me with worried eyes.

My heart ached at the sight of her sad eyes, so I couldn't help myself as I raised my hand and gently rubbed her cheek :"Zhuqing, I told you, I really don't know.

By how much she knows about me, then it must be true that I have traveled to the past. Because I must truly trust her to tell her about my mark.

I know that you can also tell now that we've calmed down her feelings are genuine. She also seems like a very straightforward person.

And you also know just how much I actually care about people's feelings, so you know that I can't just ignore her if the future me has actually accepted her.

You heard her just now, she has waited decades for me faithfully. Wouldn't I be the biggest scumbag if I toyed around with her love and life?"

She was silent as she looked into my eyes, checking for any lies which she couldn't find before she sighed :"yeah, I know how you are. It's also the reason why I like you even more. But, what happens now? W-will you l-leave one of us?"

I looked into her eyes which were filled with worry and sadness as I shook my head in the most serious mood I have ever had :"No. Way.

I have already told you that I want to spend my whole life with you. I am not a person who goes back on the decisions like that.

But you also know that I can't just ignore her. After all, if the future me has decided to have her, that means that I have decided to have her in my life as well. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told her so many things and that she should wait for me."

There was a moment of silence before Liu Erlong who had folded her arms under her large breasts sighed :"sigh, I knew that it would come to this.

You have always been like this. You are a stubborn person who won't go back on his words and feelings.

Fine, I don't have a problem with both of us being your lover. It's not like I was the only one to begin with."

Oh fuck me, don't tell me that I have told her about Dong'er as well :"another girl also fell in love with you back then. I will inform her later on so that she can meet you. She is a lot more patient and calmer than me."

I exhaled a sigh of relief as I found out that she isn't Dong'er, since I am sure that my first meeting with her was when I was a kid.

But it seems that my sigh caused suspicion as she narrowed her eyes at me :"hey, Ali, why did you sigh like that? Are you hiding something?"

I quickly shook my head and my hands at such a speed that I wouldn't be surprised if I created a wind attack :"No no! Definitely not!"

I quickly tried to change the subject as I looked back at Zhuqing with pleading eyes :"Zhuqing, I know that I'm asking for a lot.

I know that this is unacceptable in a sense. I know that I'm being a scumbag by sharing your lover, me, with other women.

But please, you know how I am. I treat people how they treat me. And even though she acts so intimidating, I can feel it deep inside that she has love pouring out.

So if I were to reject her love, which I developed myself when I went back in time, I would have one of the deepest regrets and pains in my heart.

But I also don't want to lose you. So please, would you forgive me and give this a chance? For me?"

She looked into my eyes for a few seconds before she asked with a serious face :"will you love us the same? Do you promise that you won't favor one over the other?"

A moment didn't pass before I slammed my hand on my chest, over my heart and then held up 3 fingers :"I swear on my martial soul and name that I will love you, her and the girl that she talked about all the same."

She narrowed her eyes at me before smiling helplessly :"sigh, I knew that with your talent and charm, it would be extremely difficult to have you just for myself.

So I knew that the chances are low, but I still wanted to try anyway from day one. But who would have known that I have sister even before you did.

Fine. Let me use your favorite phrase, as you know, I am not someone who bluffs. The moment I said that I wanted to spend my life with you, I had already decided that you are the only one.

And you couldn't help it that something happened even before you were born. So, alright.

I agree to you forming a harem. But you better treat us equally, or else, we will definitely take care of you."

I gulped as she and Liu Erlong looked at me with malicious and threatening eyes :"a-alright. I promise."

Seriously, weren't tiger and dragon supposed to be enemies and fighting against each other all the time?

Why are these two cooperating and becoming sisters from the get go? I guess it's a good thing, but may the omniverse help me.

Liu Erlong walked forward a little as she reached out with a smile towards Zhuqing :"let me introduce myself, my name is Liu Erlong. We are sisters from now on, so just call me Erlong from now on. Let's get along."

I knew that she was a very straightforward person, so I was happy that she made up her mind to get along with Zhuqing.

I was worried that Zhuqing might not get along with her, but to my surprise, she gave a small smile as she shook her hand :"nice to meet you, Erlong.

I am Zhu Zhuqing. I am happy to have a sister like you who wants to get along with me. I hope to get along with you too.

And also, I am level 38, so I'm weaker than Ali. So please help me take care of him when he tries something."

Zhuqing?!?! What happened to my sweet kitten?! Erlong had a surprised look before she laughed loudly :"hahaha! Good, good!

I'm glad that my sister is willing to get along. And don't worry, I will definitely take care of him if he tries something. And don't worry about getting bullied by him either. You have sister's protection here!"

Oh, omniverse... What have I gotten myself into...