
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 90: Liu Erlong

Liu Erlong image:

Yu Xiaogang put his hand on the tired dean Flender's shoulder with an apologetic look :"Flender, I'm sorry. It's my fault."

Flender :"it has nothing to do with you. Just like Ali said, it's just our bad luck. I'm not in the mood to rerun the school at all. Maybe I'm too tired."

Zhao Wuji :"what shall we do now?"

Ning Rongrong :"why don't we go to my palace now? It's not far from there Qibao Amber tribe here."

Flender :"haha, thanks for your kindness, Rongrong. But, I don't want to feel being under someone else's roof anymore."

Mr. Qin took a step forward as he kneeled on the ground :"dean, it's my fault. Please punish me."

Flender :"Qin Ming, what are you doing now? It's not your intention. I should have said sorry. We have ruined your future."

But Mr. Qin had a serious face as he put his hand on his chest :"if it wasn't your teaching, I wouldn't have a future.

Dai was right. Let's rerun Shrek School. None of us would want to see it end like this." All of the students nodded :"yes!"

I smirked as I tapped my chest, right where my beating heart was :"dean Flender, it seems that you have misunderstood. Shrek isn't a school, it's people. As long as we are here, so is Shrek!"

They all nodded eagerly before dean Flender had his tiredness disappear and replaced with his old look :"okay. Shrek school will not end. But before that, let's find a place to stay in Tian Dou city."

When we finally reached the city gate once again, the sun was beginning to set as the world was taking a shade of yellow.

As we walked, I glanced around and saw what I was looking for. I tapped dean Flender's shoulder as I pointed at what I was looking :"dean Flender, look. look at that."

He turned to the side and saw what I was pointing at, a board with a paper on it. He had a curious look as he walked towards it and read it out loud :"recruitment. Lanba advanced soul master school.

Due to expansion, we would like to hire for the following positions. Ten soul sects at level 40 and above.

Ones with high soul power are preferred. Once hired, treated favourably. Why is a school's advertisement attached to the city gate's bulletin board? How much does this need?"

We all shook our heads helplessly at him getting back to his stingy self as Mr. Qin's voice came :"Lanba school.

I know something about it. It's located in Tian Dou city. I heard that the teaching of this school is quite strict. Moreover, it has a specialty. They only accept civilian students and reject all nobles."

His words caused surprise among the students as dean Flender had a satisfied face :"very soon, they can compete with Tian Dou Imperial School."

Hehehe, another way to add suffering to this bastard Yu Xiaogang, taking away his woman.

I'm making a harem and am looking am into milfs anyway! So it would be total waste to not take that banger!


"Let's start." The examiner old man said as he stood in front of the teachers after we arrived in the school.

Senior Qin went first as he released his martial soul and soul rings. Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black! 6 ring soul emperor!

Not bad at all, he is young after all. As his soul rings floated around with him in the center, he introduced himself :"I am Qin Ming. A war soul emperor of storm attack branch at level 62. Martial soul, fiery grey wolf. I'm here to apply for a teacher position. Please advice."

Examiner :"you don't have to undergo evaluation. The school rule states that a soul master above level 60 can exempt additional tests."

We all smiled smugly at each other as dean Flender pushed back his glasses :"since there's no need for additional tests 4 above level 60, we don't have to waste time. Go!"

All of the teachers stepped forward as they introduced themselves. The old man who accepted us first :"tool soul emperor, Dragon Bar at level 63."

Then the fat cafeteria's teacher :"tool soul saint with jelly bean at level 71. Shao Xin, from food branch."

Then the old gentleman teacher :"level 66 Othello, tool soul emperor. Lu Qibin, controlling branch."

Then teacher Zhao :"supreme bear at level 76, war soul saint. Zhao Wuji, storm attack branch."

And finally, dean Flender :"eagle owl at level 78, war soul saint. Flender, keen attack branch. Is that alright?"

The examiner middle aged man was taken aback as he clasped his hands and bowed a little :"of course, yes.

Fellow seniors, please keep your martial souls. I'm Yin Shu. A war soul master of storm attack branch at level 54.

I couldn't rate your grades, fellow seniors. Why not allow me to lead you to our dean? Let her decide your grades and payment."

Flender smiled smugly as he scoffed :"hmph, let's go." As we walked, we reached a board that said :"private area. Do not enter."

But well, we were allowed to, so we entered. As we walked, we saw the beautiful view of the trees and the small river.

Yu Xiaogang :"doesn't your dean stay in the school area?"

The examiner :"dean likes peace. She usually stays alone in the forest. The daily affairs of the school are managed by the teachers. Only peak issues need to refer to the Dean."

As we walked, the gentle melody of a beautiful voice singing came :"beyond~ the tree~, fire~ burns~"

Hold up, why does that music sound so familiar? But it continued :"secret~ love~, bloodline~ yearns~"

My eyes went wide with the realization of just what music that is. But there is no way! That music isn't even from this world!

I quickly took off my vail with shaky hands as I quietly sang along with the voice, causing surprise among everyone else :"dark minds~ embrace~, crimson~ joy~"

I gulped as I sped up and passed everyone else, making my way towards where the beautiful voice was coming from :"does your~ dim heart~ heal or~ destroy~?"

There was a moment of silence before we all saw a beauty watering the beautiful plants with a nostalgic and sad face :"Ali, when will you come back to me?"

My eyes went so wide with surprise that they hurt when I heard her! That name is not Chinese! I can swear that only I have that name!

I shakily looked back and saw that everyone but the examiner had the same looks as me, cause they fucking knew that only I have this name!

The examiner looked confused, but he walked forward and bowed respectfully :"dean, these people are soul masters who have come to apply for a job in our school.

6 of them have soul power above level 60. We couldn't decide it. So, we need you to make the decision."

The dean, who I know now is definitely Liu Erlong, looked at us slowly. But when she saw us, the glass that she was using to water the plants fell and shattered to pieces.

I knew that would happen. It was supposed to be because of the shock of finding Yu Xiaogang, but why is she looking at me?!

Her mouth opened slightly as her lips and eyes kept trembling. She suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of me as she grabbed my shoulders :"A-Ali?

Is that really you? I-I'm not dreaming, am I? You have really come back to me? After all these years of missing, you have finally come back to me?"

I looked at with confusion as my heart beat like drums from the sudden surprises that kept showing up :"e-excuse me?

Ma'am, my name is Ali, but I don't remember meeting you before? D-do I perhaps know you from somewhere?"

What the fuck is going on?! Wasn't she supposed to go after Yu Xiaogang?! Not that I'm complaining, I'm just really fucking surprised!

She had a sad look as she looked into my eyes :"h-how is that possible?! It's me! Liu Erlong! Your Erlong! Your lover!"

I shakily shook my head :"I-I'm sorry, but I don't recall meeting anyone with that name. Nor do I remember having a lover called Liu Erlong."

She was shocked sadly as tears started to form in her eyes but then she smiled desperately as she squeezed my shoulder with hopeful, teary eyes :"r-right!

You yourself said that because of a future incident you won't be able to remember me! You said that I must ask you a few questions, and if you answer them as yes, then you really are my Ali!"

I gulped as I nodded shakily with a shaky voice :"o-okay, ask ahead."

Liu Erlong :"is your martial soul called the "Divine Devil"?"

I gulped as I gently nodded while shaking :"y-yes." She smiled hopefully as her eyes shone :"is your father just an ordinary, lazy blacksmith?"

My lips started to tremble as I nodded with a dry mouth :"y-yes, he is." The hope in her eyes shone brighter as she smiled happily :"i-is the martial soul of your brother blue silver plant?"

I turned my shakily as I looked back at San'qe who had wide eyes like everyone else and then I looked back at her :"yes, i-it is."

She smiled happily as her face beamed :"tell me, is the martial soul of your master a spider?!!"

She even knows about Dong'er?! I'm pretty sure that I looked like the scared hamster meme by now as I gulped :"y-yeah, that is yes as well..."

Her smile brightened even further as she got even more tearful :"are your favorite curse words gahba, motherfucker, bitch and son of a bitch?"

Alright, what the fuck, gahba?! What in the motherfucker is going on here?! What's up with today :"ye-e-es, they a-are."

Tears started to roll down her face before she gulped and grabbed my left hand, raising it and looking at my pinky which my majesty's ring was on :"t-tell me, is this ring's name, the majesty's ring?"

I think my heart was about to beat out of my chest by now :"yes, that is t-true as well." She gulped with nervousness, anxiousness and happiness :"f-final question, you have told me that you have a mark under your belly.

It's a heart that has one half as blue and the half as red with black wings spreading from them while dark purple lines are in the mark? I-is that a y-yes as w-well?"

Is this woman a worm in my stomach?! Why does she know even that?! The only person who knows about my mark is Dong'er!

She looked really desperate for an answer, so I just nodded shakily as I swallowed dryly :"y-yes, that is correct as well."

She smiled so brightly that I think my regeneration activated automatically to heal my eyes from burning as she hugged me tightly as she put her hand behind my head :"it's really you! You have really come back! My Ali has really come back!"

I heard her sobbing softly beside my ear, but I was shaking with too much surprise and shock to do anything.

But thankfully, someone decided to help me. As I thanked the omniverse while being pulled away, a feeling of despair rose in my stomach when I saw it was Qing'er.

My instincts screamed at me to make a run for it as she pulled me away and glared at Liu Erlong :"hey! What do you mean your Ali?! Ali isn't your lover! He is mine!"

Liu Erlong was taken aback before she wiped her tears and glared at me :"you bastard, we two weren't enough?! You went e for another one?!"

What the fuck is going on?!!!! What the fuck do you mean you two?! There are two of you?! Who's the other person?!?!??!

Qing'er whipped her head towards me as she glared with gritted teeth :"Ali, who is she? You better choose your words carefully. Or you will be in serious danger."

I looked at the tiger and dragon staring me fiercely while shaking before I turned my head and looked at the other, looking for help!! Someone save me from this fuckery!!!