
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 89: Xue Xing and Xue Beng

He scoffed with a proud smile :"hmph, you want to see my face? You have to earn that privilege.

Now, let's stop wasting time. Let's see if we can really perform martial soul fusion skill. In the books, it is mentioned that we should first check how much soul harmonization we have."

Showing the arrogant beauty side now, huh? Alright, I would like to conquer you anyway. Hehehehe, let's see who is arrogant in the end.

He held out his hand :"grab my hand let your soul power flow towards me. How smooth they flow with each other and how much resistance they have will determinate how compatible our martial souls are."

I chuckled before reaching out and grabbing his hand. he blushed a little before forcing it back at the contact.

As I let my soul power flow to his hand, he also did the same to me. As our soul powers finally made contact, as I had thought, they flowed and fused with each other without any resistance.

He had a shocked look as he went wide eyes :"how is this possible?! There is no resistance at all?!

No way, is this... I-is this the legendary 100% martial soul compatibility?! It has to be it! There is no resistance at all! They have completely fused without any problem!"

Man, thank the omniverse this carriage is fully soundproof. She is seriously surprised, huh? Well, it is a very rare thing to have martial soul compatibility with someone.

And as she has just said, 100% compatibility is just the stuff of the legends. Heh, but I have it with 3 different people.

But I was still happy to find out as I laughed softly :"well, well, well. It seems that I'm really lucky to meet you here!

Not only do we have martial soul compatibility, but we also have 100% soul harmonization! Truly lucky."

She nodded in response before taking her hand away :"yes, not only do I meet you, but we also have such a luck.

Now I feel really bad that I didn't come to meet you sooner when grandpa told me to. I could've found out sooner."

I raised my eyebrows in curiosity :"oh? Old man Daoliu actually wanted you to meet me before?"

She nodded with an amused smile :"yes, he did. In fact, he wanted me to meet you because he said that I would definitely like you.

He said that with your talent and looks, you are the only person worthy to be my husband in this world. Other than you, no one is."

<We're going with the mix of an slightly arrogant (tsundere) beauty and teasing older sister here personality, alright?>

I blushed a little as I honestly felt bashful about someone wanting to set up a date between me and their granddaughter.

I may be EXTREMELY beautiful, but that doesn't mean that I am arrogant. Even in my previous life where I was average I had high requirements for a partner.

So someone actually wanting to set a date for me is kinda new to me. I rubbed the back of my neck as I chuckled shyly :"ahaha, really? I didn't think that he would go to that extent."

He himself blushed at my suddenly shy look as he chuckled with with his hand over his mouth :"well aren't you cute? Grandpa did say that you can change moods in the drop of a hat, guess that's true as well."

I pursed my lips a little as she looked at me with amusement :"hey now, don't you tease me."

He chuckled at me :"sorry, sorry. You're just suddenly so cute. It's not fair to act so shy when you have a face like that."

I folded my arms in front of my chest as I pouted a little :"hmph, didn't you just say that old man Daoliu has told you how my moods change?"

She awwed at my appearance, causing me to blush a little more as I looked away bashfully :"I know, but you are just so adorable that I can't help it."

I narrowed my eyes at her with embarrassment :"hmph, I will seriously ignore you if you keep teasing me."

She chuckled again before she put her hands up in surrender :"alright, Alright. I will stop teasing you.

So, when do we meet so that we can get to know each other and also practice our martial soul fusion skill?

After meeting you, I have decided that you really are more than what I have ever hoped for. And your martial soul is also compatible with mine, so that's a plus."

I hummed as I thought about it, Dugu Bo should kidnap San'qe today, which I will also tag along with.

So I will be unavailable for 6 months. I also should tell her to not inform the martial soul about me getting kidnapped.

Since I am sure that Bibi Dong will definitely send some titled douluos to rescue me with how protective she is.

And the douluo palace will also definitely send some people because of Qian Renxue's words that old man Daoliu wants to wed her to me.

Heck, he himself might rush at the poor Dugu Bo. Hahaha, that will be too damn funny to watch.

I looked at her with a smile :"I can't for some time. I will come after you when I see the right time, alright?"

He raised an eyebrow at that :"oh? Something more important than trying out martial soul fusion skill with me?"

I chuckled as I shrugged :"yup. Having fun is my top priority. I got out of martial soul city to explore, so of course I'm going to have fun."

He looked at me with amusement as he smiled :"alright then. You really are carefree, huh? In fact, that seems to be an understatement.

But it's alright. I have a tight schedule to begin with as the crown prince. But I will inform my grandpa about our meeting today and our martial soul compatibility. I'm sure that he will definitely be happy since I have taken a liking to you."

Damn, this girl really is the daughter of that Bibi Dong, huh? She acts as dominant as she does.

And she has gotten me at a bad time, in my sub state. Since I'm a switch and bipolar, I can sometimes be really dominant or really submissive.

This girl got really lucky and caught me while I was in my sub state. I just sighed with defeat at her teasing as I pursed my lips a little :"fine, go ahead and do that.

I will meet up with you after some time. Don't look for me while I'm trying to have fun. I don't like being interrupted."

He smiled and hummed in agreement as he folded his arms in front of his chest :"alright, I will meet you again when you come back and find me."

After that, she opened the window and told the person riding the carriage to stop it before handing me something.

As I looked at what she gave me, I saw a fancy object with the name Xue Qinghe written on it.

When I looked up at it him, he smiled as he winked :"this will allow you to come and go to the royal palace as you please.

It's a symbol that you are one of my people. It will help us a lot since we can also meet up when planning something."

I nodded before I opened the door and walked away. I then stood in place as I watched the carriage go away.

With a helpless smile and sigh, I started to walk towards the city gate as I thought just how similar this mother and daughter are without knowing.

But well, it's good that we seem to get along. I did wish for us to be soul mates after all. So it's just a matter of time.

I had already put on my vail, so I just walked towards the city gate while humming to myself nonchalantly.

I spent some time walking around, and then I met up with Qian Renxue, so those guys should have been finished by now.

As I walked towards the city gate, I then made my way towards the Tian Dou Imperial School in hope of meeting them along the way.

After walking for a while, I saw them walking back with gloomy expressions and moods. I of course knew what had happened.

But I still had to act dumbfounded to not arouse suspicion. As I walked towards them with faster steps, I looked at them one by one with confusion :"hey, everyone. Why are you all walking back?

The Tian Dou Imperial School is that way. Don't tell me that you have been lost this entire time."

They all had embarrassed faces, probably because of what happened. Dean Flender sighed with a tiered face as he shook his head :"sigh, it didn't go as expected, Ali.

The teaching committee and the directors of the school welcomed us with hospitality and open arms, but..."

I cocked an eyebrow at that :"but what? What the hell happened when I was away?" Teacher Zhao clenched his fists with an angry look :"but the brother of the king, Xue Xing kicked us out!"

Rage took over me as I yelled out :"what?! Why?! What the hell happened?! Who dares bully my classmates?!"

Qing'er sighed as she walked forward :"when we reached the school first, a group of students showed up.

Dean Flender told them that we are from the Shrek School and that we have come here as exchange.

He asked them to lead the way, but as you had already told us, they were very arrogant and tried to tell us off.

When one of the students attacked, Mubai took care of him and went after the leader of the group.

The leader of those students was very weak and couldn't stand a chance. After Mubai beat him up for a bit, Mr. Qin showed up and led the way for us.

After introducing the school, some of its functions and places, we finally reached the place and met up with the directors of the school.

They were all above level 80, but the all accepted us politely. One of them even tested brother San and that led to him fully fusing with his external soul bone.

Sigh, but after that, the prince, Xue Xing and the student from before showed up. He made up excuses to kick us out, saying that we are violent and bossy.

Who would have thought that the person Mubai beat up was actually the 4th prince of the kingdom, Xue Beng.

After that, he said that he actually appreciates talents and would ignore the humiliation if we could hold on for 5 minutes against the person who came with him.

But when Mubai tried to attack him, he was poisoned with just a glance from him. Who would have thought that person was actually the poison douluo, Dugu Bo.

After that, the three directors decided to fight with him, but dean Flender considered our safety as the top priority. So we walked away and met up with you here."

I had a shocked face at the turn of events, of course it was fake :"what? So many things happened? Damn, such a bad luck.

Sigh, don't worry. It isn't your faults, we just got unlucky. But, it's also a good thing that we didn't have to tolerate those bastards.

It was the better decision to walk away and not get harmed. Your health is of the up most importance. But, what now?"

Dai Mubai :"dean, let us expand Shrek school. You've always rejected students' sponsorship. I understand. But at this time, even if we are to strive for vindication, we can't stop here."

Oscar and fatty patted his shoulder as they smiled :"I agree. Boss Dai is right." "I agree. Boss Dai is right."