
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 88: Qian Renxue

After I walked to the hallway that they were, I saw how all of them except Mubai and San'qe we're leaning on a wall with sick expressions.

Mubai had his hand on Fatty's shoulder as he looked at San'qe :"Xiao San, just now we..." He didn't continue his sentence.

As San'qe took of his mask, I made my way towards Qing'er after nodding at him :"master said they're a group of ruffians."

Ning Rongrong who was kneeling on the ground while holding her stomach as Xiao Wu supported her panted :"but, we..."

She was cut off as she covered her mouth when her mood sickened. I rubbed Qing'er's shoulder soothingly as Oscar panted :"are we wrong?"

I sighed as I looked at them :"as a soul master, this is an action that you must always be able to perform.

Not because it's a good thing, but because if you aren't able to do it, your opponents might cause that fate to you."

That they a surprised look on their sick face as Yu Xiaogang also walked in :"Ali's right. As a soul master, this is a problem that you'll face sooner or later.

Those in front of you are the obstacles that you must overcome. To face it now is better than on the battlefield in the future.

Or else, the one who falls can be you. Any strong soul master have to go through this. You have to pay a price for any victory in a battle. Battles of soul masters are not games."

Dean Flender also added from beside him :"fiend battle team used soul battle as an excuse to do violent and illegal things.

Alone in silver soul level battles, they have killed 64 people, and injured 98 people. They weren't punished for the crime, instead, they earned their income.

He even got the attention and invitation of some stronger force. Fiend battle team is heavily injured by secret weapons.

Although they're alive, they have lost their power to fight. They can't do any crime anymore. This is a good thing to fellow soul masters."

What? So they aren't dead? Tsk, waste of time. I should've just ripped those bastards to shreds myself.

Yu Xiaogang :"if you don't want to be the centre of attraction, you'd better hide your masks and leave with us right away."


We had reach the Tian Dou city, but parted ways because of my request. There were a few questions, but I just said that I want to stroll around the city for now.

Everybody knew just how stubborn I was and that I would hardly change my mind if I made my mind.

So they just agreed that I would meet up with them at the Tian Dou Imperial School. At the moment, I was walking slowly and nonchalantly through the streets with a covered face.

My beauty was too high after all, I didn't want to be the center of attention at the moment. So I had my veil on.

As I walked around and looked around the fancy streets that weren't much worse than the martial soul city's, the sound of clattering came from behind me.

I didn't pay attention to it since a carriage wasn't that rare. But when it passed me by, my heart clenched as my soul power reacted to a nearby presence!

I knew this feeling! I was very, very familiar with it! Because I had already felt it twice in this life!

I first felt it when I was about to meet Dong'er, and the second time when I was about to meet Qing'er!

This feeling and reaction from my soul power and martial soul only meant that someone who I could perform martial soul fusion skill with was nearby!

"Stop the carriage!" Was what I heard from the carriage that had just passed me and was a few meters away.

As I looked at it, I saw a fancy carriage with the royal family's symbol on it. Then it all clicked together.

When I met that R.O.B, I asked for 100% soul harmonization with 3 people! Bibi Dong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Qian Renxue!

And if I remember right, Qian Renxue was undercover as the prince of Tian Dou Empire in the original!

My suspicions were proven right when the person riding the carriage stopped it :"yes, your highness!"

As he stopped the carriage which was just a few meters away from me, the fancy door opened before a young man stepped out.

When he looked at me and we locked eyes, the same feeling as the first time I met Dong'er came back.

That feeling of as if the entire world had stopped moving and time itself had stopped flowing.

I clearly felt how my soul power was attracted to him, and he seemed to have felt it as well.

Well, calling him isn't right, since that is a mask and behind it is Qian Renxue. She walked out and towards me as she... Calling her she doesn't feel right either since she is wearing a mask!

Sigh, fuck it... He smiled politely at me as he nodded :"hello, little brother. I'm sorry if this doesn't seem inappropriate, but would you please come with me to my carriage?"

I nodded with a smile that was barely visible from the other side because of the vail :"alright then, please lead the way."

He nodded and smiled as we walked back towards his carriage. And just when he was about to step in, he looked at the man riding the carriage :"take us for a stroll around the city."

"Yes, your highness!" Was all he said before we both stepped in and sat down. Gotta say, this carriage is high quality, I could barely feel it start to move.

As we sat opposite of each other, he smiled as he clasped his hands :"excuse me for being rude, little brother.

Let me introduce myself. I am Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tian Dou Empire. Could I ask for little brother's name?"

I acted shocked as clasped my fists :"so it's your highness, the crown prince. Excuse me for my rudeness."

But when I tried to bow, he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me :"please, don't, little brother.

I was the one who suddenly called out for you. You didn't show any rudeness. Now, will you please tell me your name? And please, just call me brother Qinghe."

I nodded with a barely visible smile :"alright, brother Qinghe, my name is Tang Ali. It's a pleasure to meet you."

His eyes went wide a little for a moment before quickly changing back to normal :"the pleasure is all mine, brother Ali."

'that name! Only the disciple of that person who grandpa told me so much about has that name! But I can't act foolishly.'

"Brother Ali, I won't beat around the bush and waste your precious time. Just now, did you also feel a change in your soul power and a reaction from your martial soul?"

I nodded in reply :"yes, brother Qinghe. The moment your carriage passed me, I felt a change, as if my soul power and martial soul were attracted to something. And when I saw you, that feeling got a lot stronger."

He had a thoughtful expression as an excited smile took over :"my goodness! brother Ali, tell me, have you ever heard of martial soul fusion skill?!"

I nodded my head eagerly :"yes, brother Qinghe. It's the extremely rare compatibility between soul masters that let's them unleash a very powerful skill."

He looked at me seriously :"then what if I told you, I have read in the books that the first sign of martial soul compatibility is a feeling of extreme desire?"

My eyes went wide in as I looked at him with shock :"brother Qinghe, you don't mean to say, that was what just happened?!"

He nodded with a serious smile :"yes! If what the both of us felt was right, then we must have martial souls that are compatible with each other! Tell me, brother Ali, but what is your martial soul?"

I smiled as I tilted my head a little :"I call my martial soul the "Divine Devil" martial soul, brother Qinghe."

Qian Renxue :'the martial soul is the same as well. This cannot be just a mere coincidence.' "brother Ali, is there a special reason for you wearing a vail?

If not, can you please take it off? It doesn't feel appropriate to talk like this when your face is covered."

I smiled a bit as I realized he got more serious. He probably suspected who I am. The reason for me uncovering my face is probably because of grandpa Daoliu.

He must've told her about me and just how high my beauty is. I nodded as I closed my eyes :"no, brother Qinghe. I will take it off if that's what you want."

As I reached out with my right hand to my left ear, I grabbed the vail as I slowly uncovered my face and opened my eyes.

When I fully uncovered my face, he was taken aback as his eyes went wide and so did his mouth as he was left speechless.

I smiled sweetly, causing him to blush as I tilted my head a bit :"are you satisfied? Since I have uncovered my face, shouldn't you do the same, Qian, Ren, xue? Hahaha."

His face went from full on mesmerized to a serious look as he lost all the politeness from before :"so you really are Tang Ali, the disciple of that woman."

I shrugged my shoulders as I smiled :"the one and only. It's a pleasure to meet you, the girl who grandpa Daoliu has talked about."

He folded his arms in front of his chest as he leaned back :"oh? So my grandfather has talked about me?"

I chuckled, causing her to blush a little before forcing herself back to normal :"yes, he has. Quite often in fact.

Telling... Well, more like bragging about how beautiful you are and that you have talent far above anyone else on top of your beauty."

He smiled proudly :"hmph, he has told me a lot about you as well. About how talented and good looking you are.

In fact, your face was what confirmed my suspicion of who you actually are. But I am still surprised to see you.

What brings you here? Grandpa last told me that you went out to explore and have fun in his last letter."

I smiled as I chuckled nonchalantly :"oh? That old man has talked about me? Hope he has been saying good things.

And well, for my reason as to why I'm here, didn't you just answer it yourself? I'm here to explore and have fun."

He smirked :"yeah, he has talked a lot about you. Telling me how much of a gentleman you are and how kind you can be.

But also how carefree and nonchalant you are I guess his words have proven right so far. You have certainly been acting as he has described you."

I nodded with a small smile of satisfaction :"well, I'm glad that you like it. But it's really surprising that I seem to have martial soul compatibility with you."

He nodded in Agreement as he smiled :"yeah, who would have thought that the most handsome boy that my grandpa has talked about so much actually has a martial soul compatibility with me.

Since the heavens have gifted us with such a thing, shouldn't we give it a try? And see if it's true or not?"

I nodded with a smile :"of course, of course. It's not everyday that I come across a person who has martial soul compatibility with me.

But first, shouldn't you take off that mask of yours? I have already unmasked myself. So I am quite curious to see this most beautiful girl in the world as described by that old man."