
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 74: Ali Qing fights again

I forgot to ask, what did you all think of the "evil Altair" chapter? Was it enough brutality for just three people? Or should I raise it some more?


The sexy red headed cat scoffed as she threw her hair back with the back of her hand :"Acting mysteriously in purpose." While the yellow onion headed announcer was flying in the sky :"Now, the second round of double soul battles in Thirteenth Sub Soul Arena, begins!"


(a while ago)

Ali looked at his classmates and teammates after Tang San just walked away :"alright, guys, me and Zhuqing will also go for a double soul battle. We will all meet up after we are done with our matches. Does that sound good? Ready, Zhuqing?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a serious face :"yeah, let's go." The others also nodded in response just like Dai Mubai :"alright, we'll do just that. I know that there is no need to say it, but be careful you two. Don't get caught off guard."

Oscar laughed from beside him :"and be careful to not accidentally deal too much damage, Ali!" but all he got back from Ali was a snort :"what? Like I do to your asses every time we fight? You have been nice target practice, so I don't think I will. Bye now."


The mood of the audience was the same for this stage, since even though the announcer was different, he was still a professional who was trained in keeping the audience hyped :"Welcome to Suo Tuo Soul Arena!

This double soul battle will be joined by Ali Qing team against sword and dagger which has won three times in a row in double soul battles! If they can win against their opponents, Ali Qing, they will have four victories in a row!"

As the lights focused on the fighters, the audience saw the marveled as they stared at Zhu Zhuqing's extremely well developed body. Well, they looked until they felt an extremely blood thirsty aura oozing off of Ali, the white haired man beside Zhu Zhuqing.

When Ali looked at their opponents, he saw two men who seemed to be in the older side. Both of them seemed to be older than 35 as one of them had a big and muscular figure like Altair's body while the other one wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that looked like a thief.

Ali cracked his knuckles one by one while keeping his eyes on their opponents :"it would be too mean of me to just get rid of them, Zhuqing. So I will take care of the bigger guy who probably has the sword martial soul while you take care of the other. He will probably be a sensitive attack type soul master, so you will have an easier time to deal with."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a serious face as she also looked at their opponents, observing them herself. And when the fight finally began, she did just as Ali said and went after the tall, lean and thief looking guy while Ali went after the buff guy with a wild face, full of excitement.

They had already released their martial souls, which was just the normal white, yellow and yellow that normal people have most of the time. They will be lucky if their third soul ring is purple since they need help to hunt down their soul rings.

Zhu Zhuqing wasn't planning on making this fight long, so she immediately activated her first soul skill :"fist soul skill: Hell Rush Stab!" but her grinning opponent wasn't ideal either :"first soul skill: poisonous dagger!"

When the enemy attacked, Zhu Zhuqing who didn't have that much of a defense beside her martial soul, nephilim jaguar's, decided to be careful and dodged the attack. But the opponent was of the agility attack type, after all, so he quickly followed after her and tried to attack her again.

But Zhu Zhuqing's speed was already boosted a lot because of her martial soul's evolution, and now that she had gotten a double the speed boost from her first soul skill, the opponent had a hard time even staying near her.

Forget about harming her. But she finally took the chance when she saw it and activated another soul skill again :"third soul skill: hell blade! Second soul skill Hell Hundred Claws!" the third soul skill that she got from the thousand year soul ring was already deadly as it is.

But by combining it with the second soul skill which allows her to attack 100 times in a short amount of time and even just in a second or less, it was just something else. The fusion of the two soul rings and their combination was an attack that her opponent did not anticipate or was prepared for.

So when it came, all of those deadly attacks took out the opponent as soon as they came! But the moment she was about take him out by delivering the final blow, the familiar and lovable voice of Ali came :"Zhuqing!"

The three months that they were trained by Yu Xiaogang, they also did some work on their teamwork. So when she heard his call, she knew that it wasn't an ask for help, but a sign to do a combo together.

So instead of taking the opponent with the dagger martial soul, she smirked a little and kicked him in the gut instead. The kick was a roundhouse one, and there was a heavy force behind it. In fact, heavy enough to lift him up and send him flying.

And the destination of the flight? Well, it was the same exact place the man with the sword martial soul who was fighting Ali was forcibly flying towards! The two teammates hit each with such an impact that it sent a soul power wave to the arena!

But it wasn't done there as Zhu Zhuqing rushed towards them and started hitting them while circling around them along with Ali and inflicting damage together! And the two couldn't escape or fight back either.

As for the reason why? Well, it's because Ali had completely tied them up and immobilized them using his darkness manipulation! So they couldn't do jackshit but just roll spin in place because of the rapid attacks and hope that they will finish soon!

And fortunately for them, Aki and Zhu Zhuqing got tired of playing around and thought that it was enough, so Ali took away the darkness that tied them. Because of how Ali and Zhu Zhuqing were attacking and how they had gotten proficient in it because of practicing it on other Shrek students, the kept spinning in the air even after getting their backs parted from each other!

And the already finished fight was completely done after one of them was kicked away by Zhu Zhuqing and the other punched away by Ali to the outside of the field. And the match… more like the one sided massacre was done after they fell to the ground!

The entire field was in silence before the audience started cheering loudly after the announcer's excited announcement :"The battle has ended! Ali Qing won!" Ali and Zhu Zhuqing stood there as the audience cheered for them and fireworks went off.


All of the students of the Shrek school were inside of a private rooms and had taken off their masks as they relaxed after their fights. But of course, someone had to show off. And that person was obviously Oscar:

"I can't believe that today's battle is this easy. I only used a little bit of soul power to provide a Mushroom Sausage for Boss Dai and nothing else, and then I got the points. The plan to use on the ring to dodge the opponent, I didn't even get to use it."

Ali and Zhu Zhuqung who were sitting together and wearing matching colors also nodded as Ali showed off his partnership with his basically lover before a high five :"Zhuqing and I, Divine Devil and Nephilim jaguar also won really easily.

They were a piece of cake to take care of. I guess all that "practice" that we did on all of you for our simple teamwork paid off in the end, huh? Hahahaha I am really thankful for the cooperation that some of you showed. Haha willingly or unwillingly!"

A shiver ran down the spine of small of them at the memories of how they were "practiced" on even if they refused. Flender and Yu Xiaogang also were watching them from the side as they talked about their conditions.

Flender :"Five battles of single, and three battles of double, all win. Our Shrek School is not bad."

Yu Xiaogang just smirked at him before walking up to the relaxing teenagers :"It's time to go for the group battle. You'll come onto the stage at a later time. Remember, you're going to face teams above level thirty. Group battle is unlike single or double battles. Your cooperation is more crucial than dominance."

Dai Mubai as the captain of the team instead of Ali who wasn't going to participate tonight walked forward with confidence :"Master, don't worry about our cooperation. San, you're a soul master of Control Branch. You'll lead the battle later."

Yu Xiaogang and Flender nodded at each in agreement as Tang San nodded :"alright. Later, Mu Bai, Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, three of you will attack. I'll be in the middle, controlling the opponent and supporting you.

Fatty, you'll stay behind and attack from a distance and protect Xiao Ao and Rong Rong. Xiao Ao, start preparing. You will Give everyone your three types of sausages at the start of the battle. Is there any problem?"

Oscar :"no problem!"

Tang San :" Rong Rong, be careful and protect yourself. You and Xiao Ao must not leave Fatty's side. I'll aid Fatty to protect you both."

Oscar :"okay."

Ning Rongrong :"Don't worry."

As they planned out, the female announcer's voice was heard :"Frenzy Battle Team, Shrek Seven Devils, please gather at group battle lounge."

Dai Mubai :"alright, let's go."

They all put their masks on before they walked outside and towards their destination. But in the middle of their way, Ali clearly felt that someone observed them, but quickly stopped when noticed that Ali has noticed.

And Ali in response, just smirk and continued walking with everyone, awaiting the fun that might happen. And something did happen, after reaching their room and while checking out their opponents' information, the door of the room was kicked open.

When Ali glanced towards the door from the corner of his eye, he saw very buff guy wearing a small jacket and shorts with one of those spiky haircuts along with a girl with a rather good figure but very bad fashion sense in his arm.

The two walked inside and he sat down while the girl sat down on his lap and he put his other leg on the table and his hand on the couch rudely. But the actions of the uninvited dog and the bitch were left ignored by everyone.

Tang San :"This is our first group battle. Thus before the fight, we must set a strategy. Later, Mu Bai will be in charge of storm attack-' but he was interrupted with the large, rude dog who was checking out Zhu Zhuqing :"Young lady, you have such a nice figure. Why are you covering your face?"

He put down his foot with a bang as he started to walk towards Zhu Zhuqing with a smug face, but Zhu Zhuqing only spared him a single sentence :"Get lost." But it seems that wasn't enough for the large dog to piss off : "Do you know who I am? How dare you to talk to me like this?"

But when he reached out his hand to touch her, Ali grabbed it but didn't squeeze. Though he did apply enough force for him to not be able to take back his arm :"didn't you hear her clearly the first time, gahba (rabbit_kun, I summon thee!!) she told you to piss off."