
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 104: Yu Xiaogang's misfortune

CH 104

(nobody's POV)

As the light shone brighter and brighter, the same incident as before happened, the stone disappeared and the flower descended.

Ali opened his eyes and smiled at the flower. The smile wasn't one of excitement, it was only one of true and pure love.

The smile was bright to the point that everybody in the room was awestruck by the mesmerizing sight.

Ali chuckled and turned to his lovers with a toothy and bright smile :"see, even if there isn't just one love, my love is still true!"

The two looked at each other and chuckled at the sudden childlike mood of Ali before walking to his sides again and holding his hand :"yes, my love, we saw it and we are extremely happy about it."

They both said before closing the distance and kissing each side of his cheeks. Some looked at this scene with happiness, some with jealousy, and one person turned away with pain and a few tears in his eyes.

But as they all waited for the same light to flash, it never appeared as the flower still kept its appearance while floating in top of Ali's hand while he caressed it.

Tang San smiled as he nodded :"congratulations, Xiao Ali. Seems like this flower was really fated to be with you. You should eat it. It will definitely help you."

But Ali smiled mischievously as he chuckled :"I have better plan. I will show you once we're all eating our own."


After a while, all of them were sitting in the yard while absorbing their herbs. When they saw that only one herb had remained, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were both saying that the other must eat it.

Zhu Zhuqing said that she has already reached level 40 and that she doesn't need it, but Xiao Wu said that the herb isn't that suitable for her.

In the end, Ali proposed that they decide it by flipping a coin. And the result was in favor of Zhu Zhuqing in the end.

So she reluctantly agreed to absorb the last herb. Tang San looked at Ali in the midst of the little talk, but the younger brother just shook his head with a serious look.

And now, everybody but Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong were busy absorbing their herbs at some corner of the garden.

Every one of the children had their martial souls out, except Ali. He actually had released his bloodline state while the others had released their martial souls.

His hair was blond and there was the same mark on his forehead as always. While everybody else were shaking and absorbing the huge power inside of the herb, Ali was just like a mountain as he absorbed Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet calmly.

Even Yu Xiaogang had gotten a herb. It wasn't at the same quality as the others, but it was still something that could have helped him.

After a while of all kinds of colors flashing from the martial souls of the young teenagers, Oscar was the first to finish :"great, this is awesome! Five levels, my soul power has increased by 5 levels!"

He excitedly said to Xiao Wu before Ning Rongrong's voice also came :"why are you so excited? It's just five levels. I've increased by 6 levels."

Oscar didn't argue as he put his hand under his chin with a cheerful mood :"this premium herb is so powerful. Why should we work hard then? We should just eat this everyday."

He should thank the omniverse that Ali didn't hear him. Otherwise, he would have definitely landed a punch to that smug face of his.

But thankfully Xiao Wu knocked some sense into him :"stop daydreaming. Xiao San has said previously, everything has their limits. Herbs are harmful if we overeat them."

Oscar rubbed his head awkwardly before looking at Ning Rongrong's Qibao Amber Pagoda with shock :"I'm just saying. Rongrong, look! One, two, three, four. Your Qibao Amber Pagoda has nine levels now!"

Ning Rongrong put her hand over her mouth in shock as she trembled :"it has turned into Jiubao Amber Pagoda. Is it that silk woven tulip is the secret key to breaking the limits of my tribe?"

The young girl was so happy that tears started to fall from her eyes before she heard Tang Voice :"you are all done absorbing?"

When Tang San got up, she immediately rushed towards him before she hugged him :"brother San!" And giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Xiao Wu was taken aback while Oscar had a heartbroken look :"brother San, thank you so much. I have no idea how I can repay you."

Liu Erlong shook her head at the side with an amused smile at the interaction. Xiao Wu Patted Oscar's shoulder with a sympathetic face.

Oscar nodded before a mischievous look made its face to his face as he pointed at his cheek and made kissing sounds.

But the only kiss that he got was from Xiao Wu's fist before he fell to the ground and she went after him to him him up.

Ning Rongrong immediately took a step away with a smile :"brother San, my Qibao Amber Pagoda has turned into Jiubao Amber Pagoda. That means I'm no longer restricted by my tribe's inherited constraints."

Tang San :"you're welcome, we're teammates."

But suddenly, his eyes turned purple before a sharp wave of soul power was released from them. Ning Rongrong and the others closed their eyes.

But Tang San had a shocked face when he looked at Xiao Wu before Ning Rongrong's voice came :"brother San, what is this skill? Why did I lose my sight just now?"

Tang San's eyes turned back to normal :"Rongrong, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't control my vision power just now.

This is my purple demon eye. All tanks to the eager gaze dew, I've grown to the surreal level."

Xiao Wu walked to his side as she locked her arm with his :"brother, congratulations." Tang San just looked at her lovingly.

Just when they finished their conversation, Zhu Zhuqing's Chaos Jaguar gave a low growl before it roared when Zhu Zhuqing was finished absorbing her herb.

The roar was loud, powerful and majestic. To the point where it shook the trees and the teenagers before it rested.

It seems that the constant use of martial soul fusion skill had an impact on her martial soul, because it actually grew a pair of wings and horns!

There was also the word "Chaos" on the Chaos Jaguar's forehead written in a bright dark purple light. It seems that the martial soul itself had approved the name.

As they all stared in amazement, Xiao Wu walked forward with a smile :"Zhuqing, what about your soul power?"

She smiled gently as she looked at her hand :"my soul power couldn't raise since I have already reached level 40 and need a soul ring, but I feel like it will increase by 7 levels once I get it soul ring."

They all whoaed in amazement as Xiao Wu smiled :"unbelievable. Your Daffodil Jade Beauty is better than us. Xiao San is right. It suits you very much."

Zhu Zhuqing looked away with embarrassment as she rubbed her arm with guilt :"but this was originally for you, I..."

But Xiao Wu held her hand with a sweet and innocent smile :"it is supposed to be yours. We did a coin flip and luck chose it to be yours, so no more complaining.

And besides, with your massive boost in strength, our team will definitely get a lot stronger!"

But just when she finished speaking, Fatty's martial soul roared <?> As it flew around. But there was a difference, it looked like a real phoenix this time!

A sharp wave of soul power was released from fatty as his stomach actually began to get slimmer, but not so much.

He laughed as he posed :"did you feel the majestic vibes in my flame? My Phoenix flame is purer. I'm finally a true Phoenix soul master."

They all smiled as Ning Rongrong said :"this Fatty is boasting again." Next, it was Dai Mubai's turn to finish as his martial soul roared and sent a huge soul power wave.

But something was interesting. The aura that Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's martial souls gave out, was actually weaker than Zhu Zhuqing's Chaos Jaguar!

It wasn't unexpected, after all, Zhuqing's martial soul had gone through two evolutions now and it was constantly getting stronger because of Ali's Divine Devil martial soul!

But his martial soul's aura was still strong enough to awe the teenagers before he looked at Tang San and nodded gratefully :"Xiao San, thank you. I've finally broken through the bottleneck of level 40."

Tang San smiled as he nodded :"your welcome. We are teammates, so we should help each other out."

But something unexpected happened. While Yu Xiaogang was absorbing his herb, he suddenly coughed a mouthful of blood before the aura from the herb completely disappeared!

Tang San quickly made his way to the side of his coughing master who seemed really weak :"master! What happened?! Are you okay?!"

But as if that wasn't enough, something even more strange happened! Yu Xiaogang's martial soul San Pao appeared as so did his soul rings.

But what was strange, was that his second soul ring began to shake and tremble sharply before it shattered into tiny bits of lights!

Yu Xiaogang gave a sharp, painful yell as he opened his eyes in horror as he whispered with a trembling voice :"my... My second soul ring...

How could this be... How could this be?! I've worked hard for many years to reach the 20th level, but now I've returned back to level 19!"

The unexpected bad news was too much for the pregnant Yu Xiaogang to bear as he coughed up another mouthful of blood before he passed out.

Tang San knew how much the topic of his master's soul power was sensitive to him, so he watched in horror when he heard Yu Xiaogang's words.

When he saw how his master spat a mouthful of blood and passed out, he shook him as he called out worriedly :"master! Master!"

The other also came to his side as they watched in shock. Liu Erlong kneeled beside the laying Yu Xiaogang with a serious face as she checked his pulse.

She sighed in relief and sadness as she shook her head :"he has just passed out. But, his soul power level has actually lessened to level 19."

Her words caused everyone's eyes to go wide in shock as Tang San yelled unconsciously :"what?! But how can that be?! The herb should have definitely helped him, not make him weaker!"

Oh, Tang San, did you honestly think that Ali would actually help Yu Xiaogang with his own hands and martial soul?

Liu Erlong was straightforward, but she wasn't stupid. A feeling inside her told her that this had something to do with Ali.

Seriously, a woman's instinct is sometimes a scary thing. So, trusting her gut feeling, she shook her head with a sigh as she looked at Tang San :"you should take him inside to rest.

His health isn't good at the moment. The child will also be in danger if he isn't taken care of. You should take him inside so he can rest."

Tang San looked at her with lost and sad eyes before he glanced at Ali. He knew that Ali was a kind person who wouldn't harm people unless he had a reason, so he dismissed the idea of his younger brother having a hand in this.

He looked back at Liu Erlong and nodded with a sigh before he gently and carefully picked Yu Xiaogang up and took him inside the house.

After a little while, he walked out with a sorrowful face as he walked to the others. Liu Erlong looked at him with a confused face :"Xiao San, what just happened? Wasn't the herb supposed to help him?"