
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 103: The strange light

CH 103

(nobody's POV)

The moment the blood dropped on the petal of the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet, it started to glow as Zhuqing closed her eyes and thought about all of her memories from when she met Ali.

When she was at the death's door and in danger of being assassinated by her sister's people, it was Ali who saved her.

When she was injured by those same assassins who he took care of, it was him who took care of her.

It was him who she was mesmerized by not just the looks of him, but also his politeness and gentle aura that felt so easy to get close to.

The memories of when they traveled together to Shrek academy, when he protected her. His caring and gentle side that was only shown to her.

His changes of mood that made life so interesting for her. His strength that he was proud of but not arrogant of.

His willingness to help her get stronger. His willingness to not only let go of 2 levels that could take more than a year to achieve but also train with her all the time.

His help in letting her martial soul evolve and helping hand in letting her achieve the strength that she so desperately wanted.

His love that was never hidden from the plain side. His care for her that was always easy to notice.

How even though he was so lazy, he was willing to train with her, teach her, and help her to fight whenever she desired.

How he always wanted to show his love and care for her by having her by his side. The comfortable silence that only he could give her.

The wild and beast like side that he had towards everybody else, but the love and care that was just for her.

The martial soul fusion that was so powerful. How he ignored the fact that she had a fiance that didn't love her and even promised to help her.

Then when they came here, she met Liu Erlong. She didn't feel mad or sad, she felt happy. Because she found a family, a person who treated her just like a little sister.

She truly enjoyed the care of her new sister. Then the memories of when Ali was kidnapped. The sorrow that she felt.

She never wanted to experience that pain ever again. The pain of thinking that she could lose the person who she so desperately loves.

The memories of when Liu Erlong being there and comforting her when the sadness of being apart from Ali with a heart full worry would get the better of her.

Then when they met Tang Yuehua, her other sister wife. The person that was so caring, elegant, polite and sensitive to her lover and sister wives.

How the three would go around shopping and playing to spend time together and getting to know each other.

The music that she would play for her to calm her mood. The teaching that her older sister wives have her to get stronger.

All of these precious memories were there, in her heart and mind by the boy that she met in death's door, Ali.

Then the happiness that completely took over her heart to the brim when she got her Ali back.

As she thought about all those memories, the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet glowed brighter and brighter by the second.

And when she finally sot open her eyes, the stone under the flower disappeared and just the flower remained as it descended on her hand and floated there.

Her eyes shook as she whipped her head towards Ali with a giant smile. As the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet floated in the air, she pushed it slightly away as she rushed and threw herself in Ali's arms.

Ali and Liu Erlong also shared Zhu Zhuqing's giant smile of happiness from having her love approved by such a legendary flower!

"I did it, Ali! I did it! Did you see? My love for you is true!" She said with a voice full of excitement as she hugged Ali in a bone crushing hug.

Ali lowered his hands to her waist as he hugged her and spun in place after picking her up :"yes, you did, my love! You did! You can't imagine how happy I am!"

As the others watched with smiles while Zhu Zhuqing giggled happily in Ali's arms, a weird scene happened.

The Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet flashed with a black and dark purple color Ali with a red light before the stone appeared again and it returned to its original appearance.

They all had puzzled faces as Zhu Zhuqing looked at Tang San with a worried face :"brother San, w-what does this mean? Does this mean that it doesn't approve of my love for Ali?"

Tang San was also confused, but he shook his head :"no, I don't believe that's what happened. If it didn't approve of your love, it wouldn't have fallen off.

But as we all saw, it approved and your love is true. So there is no need to worry. Whatever happened, must've had something to do with that weird light."

Zhu Zhuqing sighed in relief as she nodded at him with a smile :"it's alright, brother San. I don't care if I didn't get the flower, all I care for is that my love for Ali was approved."

Ali smiled as he hugged her and gently kissed her cheek with a loving smile :"silly girl, I don't need a flower's approval to know that your love for me is true. I can see it with my own eyes and feel it with my own heart, so of course I know it's true."

Tang San also smiled as he nodded and then held out the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet up for Liu Erlong :"teacher Liu-"

But he was cut off by Liu Erlong :"silly boy, I am your younger brother's lover. You should call me sister Erlong now."

An awkward atmosphere took over as Tang San looked at his younger brother awkwardly, and thankfully for him, Ali decided to help.

Ali rolled his eyes as he raised his eyebrows at Erlong in an "are you serious?" Face as he said :"Erlong, you are the cousin of his master.

wouldn't that make the relationship between me and him really complicated? He should just call you aunt Erlong."

But she immediately raised her hand and slapped the back of his head before glaring at him :"Ali, what did you say? Are you calling me old?!"

Ali rubbed the back of his head with a pained face as he hissed :"no, I didn't. I just stayed a fact. If he calls you sister, then that means I'm as the same position as his uncle. That would be really awkward between us. But if he calls you aunt, then it won't be that weird."

She hmphed as she folded her arms under her incredible bust :"good, you better remember to explain better next time. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

A shiver ran down Ali's spine before he gulped and looked back at his brother, asking for help.

And thankfully for Ali this time, Tang was more than willing to return the previous kindness :"cough cough, aunt Erlong, since Zhuqing already tried and succeeded, but wasn't fated to be with the flower, maybe you should also try."

His words caused her to look Ali with a questioning look, but he just smiled and nodded towards the flower :"hey, you should give it a try. maybe you are the lucky girl."

She nodded back with a smile before she reached out and the flower flew towards her. As she grabbed the needle and poked her finger, a drop of blood landed on the petal of the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet.

As she closed her eyes and focused on remembering all her memories with Ali, Zhu Zhuqing and Ali took a step back to give her space.

In Ali and Zhu Zhuqing's amazed eyes, the flower immediately began to shine brightly as it trembled strongly!

She had more than 20 years to confirm her emotions and love for Ali, so of course she would be sure when she saw him again.

And after a few seconds of shaking, the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet glowed a sharp light before the stone disappeared once again and gently descended into Liu Erlong's hand.

She looked at Ali with a loving and smug face as she humphed :"see? I told you that my love for you will always be true."

Ali chuckled with a loving smile as he nodded and reached out with his empty hand to gently caress her slightly red cheeks :"yes. Yes, you did, my love."

But as everyone looked at them with a smile, some such as Ma Hongjun and Oscar feeling jealous but still happy, Yu Xiaogang had a heartbroken expression as he looked away.

And just like before, a black and dark purple light shone along with the red one before the rock returned and the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet turned to its original appearance once again.

They all looked in shock before Liu Erlong chuckled and sighed :"guess I'm not fated with it either. But as Zhuqing said, I'm happy and satisfied with just having my feeling approved."

Ali chuckled before he kissed her cheek, causing her to blush with a smile :"sigh, you two are really silly. I'm telling you, even if you didn't get its approval now, I would still work hard to get your love."

But then he looked back at the flower with a slightly serious face :"but that light, just what does that mean...?"

Tang San shook his head with a sigh :"I don't know either. I have never heard of it returning to its original appearance."

But suddenly, the Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet glowed as it gently flew towards Ali and floated in front of him."

Ali had a thoughtful expression as he hummed :"maybe, just maybe that light has something to do with me.

You all know how my signature light is black and dark purple. My martial soul, my martial soul fusion skill, my bloodline ability. All of them are the same."

Tang San nodded with a serious face before he smiled :"well, just give it a try. We have seen just how much you love both Zhuqing and aunt Erlong. Maybe it belongs to you."

Ali nodded before Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong took a step back to give him space. Ali raised his hand and brought it to the flower to caress it.

But to everyone's surprise, the flower shook as one of its petals actually slightly poked Ali's finger, causing it to bleed on the flower!

While everyone, including Ali was shocked, Ali closed his eyes as he thought about all of his lovers with one single thought and belief :'my love isn't like a water that someone can take a part of.

It's a lake that my lovers can take a bath and embrace each other in its comfort. THAT is my love.'

As he thought that, he closed his eyes as the memories of his lovers came rushing to his mind like bolts of lightning.

The Bibi Dong that seemed to distant and wanted to be away from him, but still fell for him. That arrogant queen that he was so obsessed with.

Hu Liena, the senior sister that was always around him to tease and play with him. The same senior sister that watched him grow up.

The same senior sister that still liked to sleep on the same bed as his. The senior sister that liked to flirt with him so much.

Then Zhu Zhuqing, the arrogant kitten that he unexpectedly met while traveling. The same girl that had so much desire for power and strength.

The Zhu Zhuqing that he liked to spend so much time with in a comfortable silence and just stare at the moon but also tease her.

Then Liu Erlong, the eve so straightforward dragon who wasn't afraid of wearing her emotions on her face.

The woman that waited more than 20 years to meet him once again with nothing more than just a few parting words.

And then the step aunt that he hadn't yet met. One thing about Ali had never changed, he didn't fall in love in months.

No, he fell in love in just minutes or at most hours. Because if he liked it, he liked it in the same second.

If he didn't, then he didn't like it. And for this aunt that he hadn't yet met, he still had developed feelings already.