
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 102: Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet

CH 102

(Ali's POV)

I chuckled with a slightly raspy voice as I hummed in satisfaction :"well, I'm glad to be hearing that."

But then I looked at the two with an awkward smile as I gulped :"by the way, how did she react once she found out about Zhuqing also being my lover? I hope she wasn't mad..."

Erlong laughed out loud as she patted my back :"relax, my love, she was very calm about it. Once I told her about it, she sighed helplessly with an amused smile and sad :"of course Ali would do that." She was always the calm one after all.

But after that, I introduced Zhuqing to her and she accepted her with love. I have told you, she is very caring for her family.

And we are a very after all, so Zhuqing is just like a little sister to us. Of course she would accept her with love.

We all even went out to shop and play around from time to time to strengthen the sisterly bond and get to know each other more."

I sighed in relief at the news as I let my head fall back :"well, that is very awesome thing to hear. Thank goodness that you both were so chill about it. Well, I expect nothing else from the women who I decided to love, haha."

Erlong rolled her eyes playfully as she gently hit the back of my head :"so? Do you want to go and see your friends now? They have missed you a lot after all."

I sighed with a smile as I nodded :"yeah, let's go and see them. It's been quite a while since I've seen those idiots."

As they both nodded, Zhuqing lifted her legs from Erlong's legs and put them down on the ground before getting up.

But just when she lifted that ass from the couch like swing, I smirked as I grabbed her sweet ass and squeezed it.

She squealed in surprise before turning around with her hands guarding that sexy ass as she glared at me with red face :"y-you!"

But I knew that she wasn't actually angry, just embarrassed and shy, so I chuckled deeply as I smirked hungrily :"what? I had just missed the feeling of that tasty ass. You can't blame me for wanting to have a feel."

Her blush grew as she looked at me with embarrassment before she shyly looked away :"b-but, you can't do in front of sister Erlong..."

As I smirked at her shyness, I got up as I reached out and groped Erlong's milf ass as well :"what? This sister Erlong?" making her squeal in surprise as she looked at me with a shocked smile :"Ali!"

I just humphed in satisfaction as I raised an eyebrow with a cocky grin :"sorry, not sorry. Didn't want you to feel left out."

As I looked back at Zhuqing with a predatory smirk, I reached out as I lifted her chin :"my cute, sexy love, you better get used to this, because I will definitely "eat" you both at the same time in the future~."

Her blush grew at the image that I had just put in her mind as she whimpered before turning away an walking away :"y-you... You pervert!"

I chuckled in amusement before grabbing Erlong's hand and following Zhuqing while she was chuckling at the bashfulness of her younger sister wife.

After taking a few fast steps, I reached Zhuqing and took her hand as well before leading them on, making them giggle happily.

After walking for a while happily hand in hand, we finally reached Erlong's house where she said the others were at.

But when we reached there, we other people just about to reach the house, San'qe, Xiao Wu and Yu Xiaogang.

But there was something different about him of course, something that I was stuck on either wanting the omniverse to delete from my mind or engrave it there for me to laugh at.

What stood in front of us, was Yu Xiaogang with a pregnant stomach and a slightly depressed face.

He also looked quite tired, but San'qe was supporting him in letting him stand up. I pushed down the sick feeling when they saw us and I gave an upward nod as hello since my hands were currently occupied :"hello there, mister. I heard what has happened. I don't know what to say honestly, I just hope that you a good health."

He turned away with a sad and pained look once he saw me holding Erlong's hand :"yes, hello, Ali. I'm happy to see that you are well and have come back safely. And thank you for the kind words."

Hahaha! You are welcome, gahba! It's the least I could do when I was the cause of that!

Once Erlong saw his sad face, she tried to gently pull her hand back, but I squeezed it and didn't let her since I wanted Yu Xiaogang to get an eyeful of who Erlong belongs to :"yes, well, I'm honestly shocked, so I don't know what to say. But how about we go in?"

He nodded with a sigh as San'qe helped him walk :"yes, we should. The children have missed you two in the past few months."

As he opened the door and walked in, we followed after them to see Oscar on the ground.

But he as well as everyone else got up in excitement as Oscar rushed towards us :"Xiao San, boss Ali, you're finally back!"

He put his hand around San'qe's shoulder with a smile as he patted my shoulder. Zhuqing let go of my hand as she went to stand beside Rongrong and Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai :"if you had taken any longer, Xiao Wu and Zhuqing would be worried." He and the rest didn't know that we had actually gotten kidnapped, so he meant that they would get worried for us being away.

Even Xiao Wu didn't know, only the teachers, Erlong and Zhuqing. As Xiao Wu and Zhuqing blushed, San'qe nodded :"We've been away for a long time, we've made you worried."

"Brother San, boss Ali, where are the gifts? Hurry and show us!" Who else was so thick skinned to say that other than Ma Hongjun.

I raised my hand that was unfortunately let go of and raised it while clenching it with a smile :"here it is. Do you want it just like this or with a ribbon on it?"

He shivered before backing off and smiling awkwardly :"I'm happy to see that boss Ali is the same as ever."

We all laughed before San'qe nodded and took out the pouch that old freak had gifted him and poured his soul power in.

As the pouch shone with a green light, the children stared in astonishment before the herbs that we had brought for them got out of the pouch.

San'qe introduced as he made each herb fly to the person who he brought it for :"we've brought boss Dai this rare powerful chrysanthemum.

Eight petal fairy orchid is for Xiao Ao. Cockscomb Phoenix flower is for fatty. Rongrong, yours is silk woven tulip."

But the ever so moody Yu Xiaogang had to butt in at the children's excitement :"you're giving them the herbs that you got from Dugu Bo. For your ability, you don't need a shortcut like this."

But thankfully, San'qe fixed him before he got even more on my nerves :"don't worry, master. I've picked these premium herbs according to their characteristics. Mainly to solidify their body and remove impurities. It won't do them any harm."

Yu Xiaogang :"okay, I believe that you know what you're doing. Xiao San, although Dugu Bo is in favor of you, he's willing to be our school's adviser, we still have to stay vigilant as he's weird."

And that's why you're arrogant ass was so unlikable in our world, you don't trust anybody. But well the others nodded before Xiao Wu said with a slightly worried face :"qe, master, are you saying that Dugu Bo has come to our school?"

I get where her actual worry was coming from, but San'qe and the others didn't know. But San'qe reassured them since they didn't have a good impression of him :"master, Xiao Wu, and all, don't worry.

Senior Dugu is a nice senior. Besides, he has promised me that he won't hurt anyone from Shrek. You can rest assured."

The worried look on Xiao Wu's face didn't get any better, so the only thing that I could do was pat her shoulder with a sigh :"he's right. Senior Dugu might not show it, but he has a caring heart that is just hidden away."

San'qe then walked towards Zhuqing :"Zhuqing, this ultimate premium herb is for you. It can raise the dead, grow flesh from bones and seize the world's fortune.

However, to consume this premium herb, you need to pay a price. I hope that you will be prepared for this."

She looked at me, and I nodded in reassurance that there won't be any problems. So she then looked back at San'qe and nodded seriously :"I understand, thank you, brother San."

San'qe smiled before taking out another herb and raising it :"this herb is named Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet.

There's a lovely yet sorrowful story about it. Once upon a Time, there was a young man. He was placid and he loved to care for the flowers and trees.

His garden was full of green lotus, which was a beautiful sight. He sang to the flowers and drank with the moon.

If you saw a flower withered, He would mourn for it. He would collect the petals, bury and mourn for them.

It is said that emotions touch heaven and earth. His love for flowers touched the flower fairy. She descended to earth and married him.

But their good time didn't last long. God knew about this and was furious. As fairy and human can't be together, he ordered flower fairy back to heaven.

Since the young man lost his wife, he was in deep sorrow and he didn't take care of the flowers. Thus the walls and fences fell apart and the flowers withered.

It was a miserable sight in the garden. One day, an old man came. He told the man that his favourite white peony in the garden was the incarnation of his wife.

If he ruined the flower, flower fairy would lose her fairy form and descend to earth again to be his wife.

But he must not give up caring for his garden. After saying those, the old man disappeared into thin air.

The young man woke up. He regretted his actions, so he cared for the flowers again. Yet, although he loved his wife, he couldn't afford to ruin the peony.

So he cared for it more than usual, and cried to the flowers day and night. Lovesick and heartbroken took away his life.

When he died, he bled on the petals. The blood stained on the petals is the young man's heart blood.

This flower is extraordinary, and it chooses its owner. When you pluck it, you must think of your loved one.

Drop a drop of blood on the petal. If you change your mind, even if you bleed to death, you can never pluck the flower away.

The stone under the flower is the dark absolute. If you ruin it, this Lovesick Heartbroken Scarlet will lose its healing ability as well.

After plucking the flower, as long as it is stays with its owner, it will never wither. Zhuqing, among us eight, you and Xiao Ali are the only couple.

We all have seen just how much you two care for each other, so that's why I brought this flower to you. I hope that you can be the fateful one."

As he said that, he took out a needle and held it out for her. He actually had let go of the flower, but it literally floated in the air by itself.

Zhuqing looked at me, but I just smiled lovingly in reassurance, causing her to smile as well before taking the needle and gently poking her finger with it. As she held her hand above the flower, the blood fell on it, causing it to glow red.