
Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong

A young man in the normal world , earth , dies. but even in death door he only had one wish , that was to be with Bibi Dong , thankfully a bored ROB while looking at the mortal realm , by chance heard his wish and decided that he might as well fulfill it. MC will be the younger brother of Tang San but not by blood , he won't kill grandmaster but he will do something more interesting the story will be from the anime it will be a small harem of: Bibi Dong Qian Renxue Hi liena Zhu Zhuqing There might be other ones but these will definitely be there

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

CH 101: Tang Yuehua

(Ali's POV)

Tang Yuehua...?... Where have I heard that name...? It feels strangely familiar, but I can't put my finger on it...

Oh well, I was always bad at remembering names, that fact hasn't changed even in this life. So I will know when I meet her.

I gave a gentle smile smile as I kept running my fingers through Zhuqing's smooth hair :"so? What kind of person is she?

Zhuqing smiled up at me with a gentle hum :"she is an incredibly gentle and polite person. Whenever we met up with her, she treats us lovingly."

I looked at her with a little nervousness as my smile tightened a bit :"did you... Did you guys tell her about me? And what must've or should happened?"

They both knew me well, I was a merciless person if I wanted to be, but I really cared for my lovers.

So Zhuqing brought her hand up to my face and rubbed it soothingly while Erlong brought her hand to the back of my head.

As I closed my eyes with a soft sigh of satisfaction at my lovers' gentle touch, Zhuqing smiled at me :"Ali, we know how much you care about us.

That caring side of yours that just belongs to us made us fall in love with you. I know the reason why you are worried is because you care, but it's alright, my love.

As I leaned into their touch, Erlong's hand moved lower to my neck as she gently massaged it, causing me to sigh again :"she's right, Ali.

I know that you are worried for what her reaction to seeing you would be, because I had that worry too.

Whenever I thought of you, the the horrible thought of what if you forgot about me and lost your love would creep around my mind.

But in the end, I'm extremely happy to know that it turned out fine. And I'm telling you this as well, it's alright.

Believe me, in the past, there were many times where we would get mad or sad about why you left us with your only words being that you would return.

But at the end of the day, the only thing the both of us wanted was to see you again and have your love."

I know that it was weird and cliche for most people, but the feeling of being loved, was something that I appreciated more than anything.

So knowing that such an amazing pair of girls were waiting for my return without giving up on me, filled my heart with happiness to the brim.

I smiled comfortably as the feeling of happiness and joy took over my heart and overshadowed the worry.

With the worry at bay, I was suddenly curious about this second lover of mine who I met up more than 20 years ago.

So I smiled gently as I glanced at them both :"so? What was her reaction to my return?" It was Zhuqing who answered this time :"she was extremely happy, to the point of tears.

When we first met, she was very polite. And when she saw the happy mood of sister Erlong, she immediately became curious with a gentle smile.

But when sister Erlong told her happily and excitedly that you've returned, tears of happiness immediately took over her as the two hugged.

She then immediately asked sister Erlong questions such as "where is he?" And "why didn't you bring him here?" And "is he doing alright? Is he healthy and safe?" It was kind of funny to see someone so polite with such a majestic aura become so flustered and excited."

I chuckled gently as Erlong smiled embarrassingly as she shook her head :"how can you find that funny? We finally found out that our lover has come back, of course we would be excited."

I smiled at them as I tilted my head a bit into their hands :"so from what you are saying, she is a polite lady, with a noble and majestic aura and temper. Am I right?"

Zhuqing nodded in approval :"yes, that's correct. Unlike the carefree sister Erlong, sister Yuehua is extremely polite, kind, patient and has a very calm temper."

Erlong gave a mock offended look at that :"hey! What, are you saying that my personality isn't good and that I have a bad temper?"

Me and Zhuqing looked at each other before we could stop ourselves from bursting into laughter, causing her to gasp before she pinched my neck and Zhuqing's leg with a little force as she smiled :"you two brats!"

We all laughed before I smiled :"alright, jokes aside. What did you tell her and how did she react? I hope you told her the truth."

Erlong scoffed in response as she playfully rolled her beautiful eyes before she smirked :"you know how much of an straightforward person, it's something that you like. So of course I would tell her the truth.

And her reaction? Well, let's just say that she was pissed. Her being an incredibly gentle person doesn't mean that she doesn't get mad.

In fact, she deeply cares about us two. Sigh, it's embarrassing to tell you this, but I will since I want you to have a good impression of her.

During the time that you weren't even born, there were many times that I felt extremely sad. So I would go to her to comfort me and lend me a crying shoulder.

And she never once refused me. She was always there to help me when I felt sad and weak. She truly cares for us.

When I told her that you were kidnapped, she didn't even let me finish my sentence before she burst into rage and so did her soul power.

She wanted to immediately come to your rescue. It was only after I told her the person who kidnapped you was Dugu Bo that she calmed down slightly.

She was always calm headed, so after I told her about our exchange after I went looking for you, she decided to wait for you to meet her with a sad expression."

I smiled softly at the woman who sounds like someone I would definitely go after :"I see. We should go and see her later on.

By the way, you said that she wanted to actually fight my kidnapper knowing fully well how strong and talented I am? Is she someone strong?"

Zhuqing nodded excitedly on my lap :"yes, sister Yuehua isn't that much weaker than sister Erlong! She is a level 89 soul douluo as well!"

My eyes went wide in surprise as I looked at Erlong for conformation :"is what she said true?! She is seriously a level 89 soul douluo?!"

Dude, was I fishing for harem members or was I fishing for an army?! Now, my harem has a level 98 titled douluo, Dong'er and two level 89 soul douluos, Erlong and Yuehua!

Liu Erlong should be a little over 40 now, that means that if she breaks through titled douluo, she will break dad's record!

Erlong chuckled at my surprised expression before she nodded :"yeah, do you remember that I said you had given me a herb that raised my talent?

Well, you also gave sister Yuehua one. In fact, her martial soul had mutated upon awakening, but it was in a bad direction.

She couldn't even break through level 10 at first, but after you gave her that herb, the soul power that she had absorbed for all that time finally had a release and her cultivation became a lot stronger.

And combined with the herb that you gave her, her talent was as strong as mine. But her martial soul is incredibly weird and powerful.

Hehe, but I will let sister Yuehua be the one to surprise you with her mutated martial soul. She always liked getting your praises after all. In fact, the reason why she couldn't break through level 10 was probably because of how weird her martial soul is."

Well that explains a lot. The herbs that I took from Dugu Bo's garden are real game changers.

In fact, there were a lot of people in my previous world who said that the Shrek seven devils wouldn't be so talented and be able to ascend to godhood if not for the herbs.

So it's reasonable how they are both so talented. But something was really weird, how come the empire nor the martial soul hall come after to fetch these two?

I mean, they are both just one step away from becoming the youngest douluos! So how come they weren't recruited?

I couldn't contain my curiosity and these two were people who I trusted, so I looked at Erlong with a raised eyebrow :"hey, Erlong.

I have a question. With your talent and your cultivation, neither the empire or the martial soul hall would hold back from recruiting you two.

You are one step away from titled douluo after all. They would definitely try their hardest to recruit you."

She nodded seriously :"yes, they have tried to recruit us in the past. But we refused and they couldn't force us. The reason being sister Yuehua."

I looked at her with a puzzled expression :"is she someone important? I get that you two are strong, but you aren't strong to the point where they wouldn't dare to offend you."

She smirked as she answered my question :"that's true. The reason why they didn't offend or force us, is because sister Yuehua is the boss of the one and only Moon Pavilion!"

... What...? Tang Yuehua... Moon Pavilion...? .......... Tang Yuehua?!?!?!!!!? Isn't she my step aunt?! I remember her now! She's the person who will help San'qe after he gets out of slaughter city in the original!

Damn, talk about sweet home Alabama... I'm really down bad. I actually went after my own step aunt.

Not only that, I have changed her fate a lot. In the original, she was just a level 9 soul master, but with my help, she came all the way to soul douluo.

But oh well, I am not a narrow minded person. It has already happened and it's not like I haven't watched step whatever porn.

In fact, I like the rush of adrenaline in feeling like I'm doing something bad, hehehehehe. Guess I'm a pervert through and through.

But I still looked at Erlong with surprise :"Moon Pavilion?! The same Moon Pavilion that every noble child goes to?! She is THAT Tang Yuehua?!"

They both laughed at my shocked reaction as Erlong nodded :"yes, she is THAT Tang Yuehua. It seems that you already know of her. That good. It will be better than not knowing anything about her."

I sighed as I looked at the distance with a shocked look :"hell yeah, I know her! She is hella famous! The noble children that graduate from the Moon Pavilion have a higher social standing of other nobles! That explains why nobody forced you two."

She nodded with a smile :"yeah, after the Moon Pavilion rose to such a high position, sister Yuehua became a very important person. She also helped me a lot in opening this academy."

But a mischievous smile and glint suddenly appeared on her beautiful features :"in fact, there were a lot of nobles who were after her, you know?

Even the emperor himself wanted her to join his harem. But she refused saying that her heart only belonged to one person."

My face twitched in anger and annoyance as my possessiveness over her made its appearance as I smiled angrily and cracked my knuckles :"it seems that I have to show his majesty who the real majesty in this world is, that son of a bitch."

She laughed as she shook her head in amusement :"oh Ali, you are as possessive as always, huh? Even though you are so perverted, you are so possessive of us."

I smirked at her as I smugly raised an eyebrow :"oh? What? You don't like this possessive side of me?"

She smirked as she closed the distance between our faces and whispered seductively :"oh, of course not~. In fact, I find it quite charming about you~."

And I smirked as she kissed my cheek with her plump lips that I really wanted around my cock that was just a little above Zhuqing's head.