
Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun: King

first fanfic don't hate it please also I ONLY OWN MY OC. What if instead of iruma getting adopted by Sullivan A boy with immense pride did

Lxzy_Ackerman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

mc info,abilities, and waifu,REWRITE

REWRITE: im rewriting this fanfic I realized that Iruma can never conform to my writing as he has already been defined by Osamu-sensei's writing so in the universe that this fanfic takes place iruma never existed only Hokori so yeah if thats fine with you then continue reading after im done with the rewritten chapters and if you dont find that you like that change you can stop reading I won't be mad (I will be mad) but yeah thats all I had to say.


He looks like rimuru but darker hair to match iruma's. His eyes are gojo like in a sense since they're "special" he'll also be a little taller than iruma since he's older forgot to mention that. His name is hokori meaning pride in japanese I think.

ABILITIES: his abilities are mainly based on his eyes which are a mix of six eyes,emperor eye and sharingan.

He awakened his eyes fully after being exposed to magic by sully but he has microscopic level control like gojo and can see the flow of magic he can predict attacks because he can see magic form into an attack kinda like emperor eye and he can copy magic attacks because he can see the essence behind it like sharingan. kinda OP ik but ay my fanfic my rules..


Some of you probably only read this chapter for this and here's the reveal it's CLARA THE BEST GIRL IN WTDSIK and no there is not going to be harem fuck harem real men appreciate monogamy *AHEM* sorry I have strong feelings about harem but yeah that's the waifu idgaf about any opinions


Added this last second but he's very prideful and is very confident not egotistical but he is calm confident like he exudes it not necessarily says it and he's very compassionate his hyperness scared people off in the human world so he built up kind of a act that being confident and all he subconsciously restrains himself to not scare people and that's why he's perfect for clara

LITTLE SPOILER/TEASER: I want his act to become reality so throughout the story I might base things on pride or ego that's where he makes big transformations kinda like iruma p.s familiar and ranking owl arcs have surprises ^_^