
Mainland 01

In the year RE-500, a scientific discovery was made that pushed humanity to newer heights. The Keltar potion was born, allowing humans to extend their life beyond expectations.  With this discovery, Humans found that they could live for 380 to 400 years. The human body grew stronger, no longer succumbing to major illnesses. The rapid rate of cell healing and generation had multiplied ten tens over.  What a glorious discovery! No doubt, the world was in a joyous state. But with this blessing came a sharp rise in Crime.  To counter this, the World Administration, called the ‘Absolutes,’ not only declared the Death sentence Void... but also created a far ‘better’ solution for these many criminals with now longer lives – Mainland 01! … In a massive courtroom, a young man had his eyes lowered to the ground. He was innocent. He knew he was.  Now, it was time for the court to decide his fate! Bain thought matters would seemingly end with justice always prevailing. However, how could his journey begin if it were that simple?

lumydee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Oden took a whiff of his cigarette, lightly chuckling at the trembling moron.

"Mr. Ignus... I've been the owner of this establishment for 175 years. I've had customers come and go and go. So you wouldn't be so foolish to think we have some special relationship, no?"

"But, but, but... Bah! I've spent so much money in this f**king rundown place. No matter what you say, that should count as something."



The gang leader couldn't believe it, but the pain was a reminder that he was really shot.

His gun dropped to the floor. And when he tried to reach for it with another hand, another bullet pierced through the air.


The gang leaders' cries echoed, but no one seemed to care.

Oden's face was flat and expressionless.

"Mr. Ignus... I hate being pointed at. If you're not going to take the shot, then I suggest you keep your filthy hands away from your opponent's face."


Son of a b**ch!!!

Oden stopped on the gang leader's bloodied right hand, awakening a nightmare of unbearable pain for the gang leader.

Oden's eyes were ice cold.

"To run an establishment, one must have rules. No firing on my turf! It costs a lot to maintain the place. What's more, you've disturbed the guests from getting quality sleep... So Mr. Ignus… I guess this is the end of the line for you."



It has been an hour since the fiasco died down.

Bain had long returned to his bed, listening to the steady sounds of footsteps carrying several items away. Items?

They should be the bodies and well, maybe the broken pieces of furniture.

Today served as a reminder, not just to himself but to the other guests.

The rules were the rules. No firing any weapons in the establishment, no matter how chummy and close you think you are to the answer or their here.

So what if you've spent a ton of money over the years patronizing the establishment? It was a simple exchange. You paid for a service, and it was delivered.

Point, blank, period.

If it were other newbies who experienced such a thing, they would stay awake with red cautionary eyes till dawn.

But Bain didn't care. He closed his eyes and began sleeping soundly, not caring how many peeping holes had formed on the walls.

The night flashed by swiftly. And soon, it was morning.

One didn't need a bloody alarm clock to wake them because the noise outside alone would do the job.

He felt there should be no hour of the day that people aren't robbing, shooting, driving about crazily, and killing each other endlessly.

Bain lay on his left side and continued sleeping for a few more hours.


Yesterday's operation disrupted his sleep. Soon, he was finally up after a good rest.

Out of habit, Bain initially wanted to leave his window door open for air circulation. But on 2nd thought, never mind.

He wouldn't be surprised if a thief found their way into his room through his open window in braid daylight.

Here, no one would report the matter but laugh and even encourage the thief to make it into his.

Bain headed to the bathroom, cleaning himself up nicely.


His belly rumbled for food. Very quickly, he ate one of the sandwiches he stored in the fridge and was finally ready to begin exploration.


He slapped his cheeks.

He couldn't very well hide forever, especially with how long he had been sentenced into the Mainland. Besides… It wasn't his nature to keep hiding like a rat in a sewer.

Bain clenched his fists in determination. 'Though I don't know how to start, I think I should focus on fitting in fast.'

He tried thinking more of what he should do, but his brain kept frying the more he thought.

'Big brother... If it were you, what would you do?'

Bain scratched his head, embarrassed by his foolish brain.

Well... There was no use thinking of it now. He should first explore the town before concluding on what to do next.

Like so, he left his room. And bypassing the open next-door room, all he could see was blood, blood, blood everywhere.

There were no dead bodies, fixtures, or people in the room.

The blood had already begun to smell. But from the looks of things, these people should soon be on their way to clean things up.

Bain shrugged, chewing on his sandwich, as he walked down the creaky stairway.

Ah... What a great day to be alive.

He walked past the busy bar, stepped on the turbulent streets, and began his exploration.

And 5 minutes later, a fierce white van drove crazily, opened its doors, and someone grabbed him, placing a white piece of cloth under his nose.


"bahahahahahahaha~... We've got another one, boys! Quickly, quickly!... Let's get outta here!"

"Well, you heard the man Angus. Take us away!!!"

"Hehehehehe~... Say-no-more!"

**Angus shifting gears, with his gloved fingers and cigar in his mouth.**


The vehicle moved in a crazy zigzag manner, bumping into other vehicles too.


The van flew up a speed bump and vanished.

... Gone.

Bain's situation was now uncertain.