
Mainland 01

In the year RE-500, a scientific discovery was made that pushed humanity to newer heights. The Keltar potion was born, allowing humans to extend their life beyond expectations.  With this discovery, Humans found that they could live for 380 to 400 years. The human body grew stronger, no longer succumbing to major illnesses. The rapid rate of cell healing and generation had multiplied ten tens over.  What a glorious discovery! No doubt, the world was in a joyous state. But with this blessing came a sharp rise in Crime.  To counter this, the World Administration, called the ‘Absolutes,’ not only declared the Death sentence Void... but also created a far ‘better’ solution for these many criminals with now longer lives – Mainland 01! … In a massive courtroom, a young man had his eyes lowered to the ground. He was innocent. He knew he was.  Now, it was time for the court to decide his fate! Bain thought matters would seemingly end with justice always prevailing. However, how could his journey begin if it were that simple?

lumydee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Enter: The First Monarch.

James' heart sped up, seeing those mysterious eyes flash his way. And before he knew it, he was stuttering.

"I, I, I, I…."

"Mr. James…" The cold voice ahead called slowly, yet it made James' clothes feel damp with sweat.

The figure unhurriedly stood, revealing himself into the light.

Inky dark hair, raven eyes, and a face christened by the gods, the man was indeed good-looking. But James had no time to admire his beauty.

His eyes were dark and deep like an abyss, drawing those who stared to fall into its bottomless pit.


James didn't see the kick coming.

"Ahhhh~... Ugh-Ugh"

Son of a b**tch!

His nose was all broken!

James inwardly cursed from habit, controlling himself from cursing loudly. Did he dare? Of course he didn't. His fear for Mr. Hearts kept his lips sealed.

And while he was rolling and holding his nose in anguish, Elric placed one hand in his pocket, taking and releasing a thick fog of smoke from his massive cigar.

"Mr. James… we didn't bring you here to listen to your pathetic excuses... We already have a sound understanding of everything… Well, everything except one."


In his anguish, James' ears were perked. Maybe this was his chance of leaving here alive!

Yes, they probably didn't kill him because of this important information.

To be a criminal sent into the Mainland meant they were also intelligent enough to have evaded several forces while committing crimes in the outside world. They had given the law enforcers a good run for their money until caught.

It was funny to say that after 60 years here, most Mainland criminals would still see his brain intelligence as average.

This had nothing to do with how long one lasted. It all came down to talents.

With millions of criminals here, believe it or not, some could easily rival the proclaimed geniuses of the outside world.

As they say, to be a villain requires intelligence to survive in this game.

Finding his lifeline, James was ecstatic.

He also knew he couldn't push things too much.

With the forces Mr. Heart had, it was only a matter of time better whatever information he wanted was known. They probably brought him here to choose the easy route and get the answer out his mouth.

This doesn't mean they couldn't find it out. Maybe it would take longer by then.

In that case, refusing to tell what they wanted and stalling his time was a bad idea because once they eventually find it, they'll kill him mercilessly for wasting their time.

Maybe with other criminals, this tactic would work. But with men like these, his best bet was to confess it all now while also putting forth an ultimatum before opening his lips.

Rumor has it that Mr. Hearts is a man of his word. So if he can get a guarantee from him, won't walking out alive be simpler than he thought?

Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!!

That's what he should do.

James's mind spun while listening to Elric's words.



Elric released another thick fog of smoke.

"Mr. James… Among my things you stole was a special parcel labeled X.D.K."

"Wait! Wait!... I know the one you're talking about!" James yelled.

How can he not know?

It was the only item so carefully packaged and secured that he knew it had to be necessary. But when he opened it up, he was 'disappointed' with it.

Only after a good friend of his former leader came by did he know the item was powerful.

He became leader by secretly disposing of his mighty former leader, who always underlooked him. But he dared not brag about it or even mention this to another soul.

In the end, he still had to be careful since his leader also had powerful friends like the Good doctor who came by.

The doctor had stayed 150-something years here, with a record that petrified James. So when the doctor ordered to take the parcel, he unwillingly obliged.

But now, isn't this his time for revenge?


James held his nostrils, trying to prevent the blood from dripping on the carpet.

"I know it! I know who has it. I'm willing to tell you everything you want to know. But first, you must guarantee not to kill me."


James felt everyone's deadly aura evade his senses.

So choking… So choking…

He felt like an ant watched by giants. But even though scared, he still gritted his teeth and stood his ground.

This was his only way out!


Claus chuckled from behind James, feeling it funny.

Would his boss agree to the buffoon's request? Of course he will. Their only anger was that the weasel dared to make negotiations with their boss.

What Impetus!

Who gave him the guts?


As expected, their boss agreed, and the fat lady began to sing.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah~

James said all he knew about the good doctor, from rumors to which territory and city he currently resided in.

One shouldn't forget that the good doctor had left the island he was on and headed his way to talk to his dead boss about something. It was by coincidence the bastard saw the parcel and seized it.

The mainland was a combination of hundreds and hundreds of small landmasses.

Some land masses were equivalent to a single state/province in the outside world, having 20 cities, 50 towns, and whatnot.

And in other land masses like the current one the Hearts Headquarters was in, it was as big as a small country.

The reason why the Monarchs have always been called King of hearts, spades, diamonds, and Clubs was that just like a pack of cards, some owned and overlooked over 52 different landmasses/ islands, others fell a little short of 52, having 49, while others had 56.

Either way, none of these monarchs governed less than 49 territories of different sizes.

But of course, not all places in the Mainland belonged to these Monarchs.

North (Clubs)... South (Hearts)... East (Spades)... West (DIamonds).

These 4 monarchs were divided like so. But at the center, as well as the borders dividing each territory, were islands many called the 'Neutrals.'

There, negotiations and all sorts of activities went on.

These places were no man's land. So these sites were a mix of spies and forces from all emperors, as well as gatherings of criminals who wanted to make it big.

For the Mainland to keep millions and millions of criminals for thousands and thousands of years shows how thoughtful the Absolutes were in allocating this site

It was like a world in its own bubble.

The place has existed like this for millions of years and was a perfect dome for their prison plans.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah~

James said all he knew. But when he rose to his feet, attempting to leave, someone's big hands gripped him on the shoulders.

"You!~... You said you'll let me leave alive!"

"And I will, Mr. James… But where in our agreement does it say you need to 'Walk' out alive?"

"You bastard!" James cursed anxiously,.

Elric turned around, heading back to his seat. "Deal with this, Jing."

Jing looked like a boxer, with his low-cut hair and muscles almost bursting through his trench coat.

"You let me go, God Dammit!"

This isn't what he wanted.

"Stop! Stop for me! You can't do this to me! I am the leader of the Don Perro Mafia! I–"

Mumble, mumble, mumble.

James' voice grew lower and lower until it was nonexistent.


Finally, the room had resumed its earlier state of quiet.

"Ryu Hajiban…"

Elric tapped his gloved fingers along his table.

"Find him."