
“Esclamado will rise!”

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Robert nudged Christopher again because Tope wasn't responding to him. Tope would usually stare blankly into space after an episode was done, but this time was not the same as that. He's obviously thinking about something he couldn't tell Robert or Mila and has just stood there doing nothing.

Christopher continued to look glum until he mumbled, "I can't show my wings."

Although Christopher purposely said it in a soft, indistinct voice, Robert and Mila heard it with their superior hearing and asked why.

"Mother hates my dragon form."

Mila approached Tope worriedly after she heard the child's concern.

Actually, Mila was still frightened of the dragon that plucked out her left eye, but still doesn't entirely hate the child that is obviously not intending to hurt her.

Mila cupped Tope's head and spoke with honesty, "Yes, I hate your dragon form."