
To the Next Challenge

Ming Yue had only a blank stare on her face. It wasn't a look of confusion or of understanding, it was just empty. 

The 1,001st Supreme laughed at this display, walking around the woman while her tail twirled. 

"You understand but at the same time, you do not. That is to be expected. After all, the concept of creating a Heavenly Domain is the same. However, the process greatly differs for each person. No two domains are alike. This is something that cannot be rushed. You must take your time and truly look inward. That is all I'll say. Now continue onwards, see how far you can climb."

Leaving these parting words, the cat vanished, fading into bits of darkness. 

The stairs awaited her, leading up to the next floor. 

But she had yet to move, thinking about what she had learned. 

"Can't rush it.... perhaps this will come to me naturally."