
Time Does Not Wait

"It's still the same as it was the last time I came", she thought. 

As the room that came after the trapped one, it was underwhelming, to say the least. There was a bed, a desk, and everything needed for someone's living space. But she's searched it once, there was no point in searching again. 

Rather, Ming Yue looked at the door leading out of the two rooms. 

It was a simple and unassuming door, a normal wooden door. She walked up and opened it, revealing a long hallway before her. It was dimly lit with a strange light and yet there was no sign of a source. No torches or glowing rocks were in sight, it was just stone bricks building up to a desolate hall.

There wasn't even an ounce of decor on it. 

It was quiet, save for the sound of her footsteps. Blood Moon was unsheathed and she walked slowly, keeping her surroundings in check. 

"Where does this lead to?" she wondered.