
The Red Empress's Kin

A powerful beast and one recorded on the catalog, known as the Hua Mu Panther. It is both a rare and dangerous creature, equal to that of a rank 4 beast. Not only was it swift but the white tree bark on its body acted as armor, protecting the panther's body.

And its third eye was capable of stunning their enemy. 

Considering the beast's power, a fight would be difficult for Ming Yue, especially without her sword.

However, this was what she wanted, a sufficient challenge, a harsh test that she forced upon herself. Not to mention, she wasn't looking for a fight, she was looking for a kill. 

Hidden away within the bushes, she watched the Hua Mu Panther carefully as it laid by the water, resting.  From one angle, it seemed as if it was asleep but when facing it, you would find the panther's eyes wide open. 

"Hmm, I have to be quick enough, kill it in one strike and without it even noticing", she thought.