
Heading Up North

After speaking, Shi Hou then walked out of the tent, leaving Kong Zhi with the other demons.  The three looked at each other before gazing at bandaged demon quietly. 

"We could end his life, couldn't we? My dear."

"We can, but now wouldn't be the right time, would it, Master Shiji." 

The pair of lovers talked quietly before looking at the old leader of the Shiji Sect. He sighed and looked back. 

"Yes, we've only just joined his army with our own forces. It would take time to convince them all to join us", he replied. 

"Hmph, once we take over, we can use them to revitalize our clans! They can pave the way for us to walk through. We just have to find the other clans, take them out of hiding. Use the army that Kong Zhi created to reclaim the continent!"

They all agreed on this notion before departing the tent.