
Escape From the Cunning

The fox-masked individual just stood there before taking a letter out from their sleeves. Descending from the steps, they handed it over to Elder Shen but he did not take it. 

"I believe that my answer has been made clear. Anyone affiliated with Heaven's Gate will not be taking part in this fight. It doesn't matter what your master offers me, the decision will not change."

Despite his words, they did not budge, holding the letter out for him to take. 

"My master believes that you will want to consider this. It involves the one your companion is looking for", they said. 

His expression changed once they mentioned that and the air around him grew tense. As for Bai Ying, the white cat came out from behind, staring at the figure opposite to them. Although the beast seemed quite harmless, its eyes said otherwise.

The Elder's gaze sharpened as he stared at the masked figure before looking at the letter. And then he grabbed it.