
Maiden Of The Night [GL]

[MATURE CONTENT] Kyle dissappeared one day without a word living a young Lara broken and angry with the world. The two meet again However Lara hated her so much for she thinks  Kyle was the reason for her ruin but what will she do when someone she despises the most becomes her only muse?. On the other hand Kyle wanted redemption but the little teen and kind Lara was no more, How can she survive the wrath of a beast like her, Especially when she is on hunt for her soul. And all in all why did she leave in a first place?.

Yuri_ca · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Chapter 29

" Give Kay to me, I don't care about anyone else but I fucking want her ".

Ayra said playfully but the air turned murderous for a second and disappeared in an instant, Lara who was about to snap Arya's neck a second ago wore a bright smile and looked at the two of them

" I don't own her you can ask her "

" What?"

Ayra didn't expect that kind of answer, she was a little disappointed but truthfully that wasn't what she was after so she went directly to the point as well.

" Fine fine! Give me Kim Seo-Hyun's number and I'll work for you, Not only in one season I'll prioritize your company over any other I may sign a life contract with you "

" But-,"

Kyle began just to be stopped by Ayra, " Let me finish, it's that or I'll never work with you no matter what, either hot or cold I don't want anything neutral ".

She was talking so fast that she was out of breath when she finally stopped.

It wasn't so hard to just give her the number but Lara was a very cautious person so she asked her just in case they wanted to steal her precious employee

" Why do you need her number? "

" Well it's personal "

" What is it? It doesn't matter if we lost the deal because of My--, I mean our assistant Park is so precious to us"

Ayra chuckled, only she knew what was going on in her little head, she lifted a glass and drank the remaining red liquid that was half of it, she wiped her mouth and laughed.

" Well if you insist...Fine fine! "

"I want to sleep with her. I want her sexually, mentally, and spiritually but mostly closer physically. "

The bold answer leave the two women's mouths wide open and in surprise Lara grabbed Ayra's phone and typed Assistant Park's number that very instant ignoring Kyle who was poking her.

Everything went smoothly afterwards and they were now heading back,

" Are you serious? Why did you give her your friend's number after hearing what she said " Kyle scolded.

" She wanted to sleep with her and I think Soo-jie needs to blow off her steam. You know there is a limited number of gays "

" Lara?"

" They are not children they will figure it for themselves"

Sounding like a wise martial arts grandmaster Lara left Kyle with nothing to say. The task that would take forever an intern to accomplish took them a few hours and now they had a lot of time to do whatever they liked.

" I don't know why people love to be CEOs, I mean it's so good to be lazy around all day long ". Lara said lazily.

" Look who is talking "

" I'm not suffering by choice, I had to ".

Her eyes weren't as confident as they always were, Lara was a little scared as if someday a big chaos would come and swallow her and her everything.

 She had so much fear that she couldn't be seen with naked eyes even kyle who was zero centimetres away from her didn't notice or maybe she did but chose not to pry. Nobody knows what is hidden in two deep hearts.

Kyle paused and turned back to Lara, ignoring that they were in public and there could be so many eyes she grabbed her and slumped her on the wall, Lara couldn't get a chance to figure out what was happening when Kyle claimed her lips, she was kissing her harder and rougher, with her hands pinching her tits Impatiently. The kiss lasted for about five minutes before they let go of each other's.

" Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight " Kyle apologized nervously.

" Fuck me if that wasn't hot "

Lara teased as she licked her lower lip which was bleeding at that moment, there was a faint scent of blood that didn't bother her at all rather It excited her. " I wasn't thinking, it was a mistake "-Kyle defended

" Yo-you always bring out the gay in me "

Ignoring her explanation Lara's brain was already making scenarios, she wanted the woman in front of her, and she regretted a lot when she let go of the chance to have sex with her but she wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

She slowly bent over her head and whispered in her ears as she intentionally let her breath bring goosebumps all over Kyle's body " Wouldn't it be a waste not to have sex in such perfect weather? "

Only if Kyle could see her evil smirk she wouldn't be laughing like a teenager in love. The air became more and more tense as the hearts of the two became more closer. Kyle held Lara's shoulders and looked her in the eyes as a faint smile appeared on her lips,

" Should we go to the motel? "

Lara couldn't express how excited she was just by the word of mouth. If she could snatched her and teleported to the bedroom she would have done that.

However, all she could do was hold each other's arms and walk beside the road while admiring the scenery,

It was quiet and peaceful until the car stopped in front of them. Two women with top-tier beauty get off the car and walked towards them, Lara was startled but Kyle felt a sudden shock hit her entire body as she saw the red hair getting closer to her,

The other woman walked hurriedly and hugged Lara tightly while pulling her away from Kyle. She was so possessive of her and even if you are slow-witted you could just tell with one glance how she felt about the other part.

As if she didn't notice any other presence Clara started kissing Lara all the places on Lara's face until Lara herself scolded her to stop,

" That's disgusting! " She cussed.

" Bab-"

" I'm not your babe or whatever Clara, I hope you will consider our contract and never cross the line again," Lara said coldly and Clara backed down a little.

" Now! Now ! Isn't that a wicked way to treat the girl who loves you ".

The woman who was beside Clara said with a wide grin, her presence which had been ignored by Lara before grabbed her attention.

Lara looked at her with indifference she glared dagger at her which brought a shiver down her spine. She could have given her some face and replied but she didn't which stripped the last pride the woman had.

" Isn't that so, Seven? ", Her eyes were fixed on Kyle as she rambled arrogantly. 

Something tickles Kyle and not Clara or Lara knows what it is but Merlin surely knows what it is. " What are you saying? I'm in no position to interfere in lovers quarrel unless you want to see me pulling the trigger "

Clara chuckled " Look who is talking! I think we need to catch up, don't you think "

" We have nothing to talk about"

" I think we do darling "

" For the fuck-sake Merlin stop!".

Kyle scolded not knowing the two who were quarrelling earlier were now looking at them in awe. Merlin and Kyle were like heaven and earth, there was no way they would cross paths, they both might be working in the army but even their occupations and ranks were so different for them to be friends,

" Cuz! Do you know this bitch!? " Clara who had a dissatisfied look on her face asked in annoyance.

Clara smirked and gave Kyle the knowing look but before she could answer Kyle who was nervous explained Impatiently, 

" We crossed paths several times and we fought each time so we are just mortal enemies ".

Clara looked at her suspiciously. In their family everyone knows how infamous Merlin's temper was, nobody messed with her and lives to see tomorrow and now they are telling her there is someone who considers herself Merlin's enemy and a poor vixen at that.

" You gotta be kidding, When did you become a softie "

" I don't know, maybe because we have so much in common, that's why we clash in most things or maybe it's the opposite, who knows "

" Give me a break Cuz. Ask her what you want to ask and then let's go shopping " Clara pouted

" Ooh! I almost forgot, Lara, it has been a long time, I hope you still remember me. It's Crazy Merlin. We came to find you because I want your help in setting me up a date with Ass_ Park' " She insisted on " Ass "

Clara "...?"

Kyle "...? "

Lara "...! "

" You seem confused, my bad! I mean to say that I like her and I want to have a blind date with her or maybe-,".

Hey!! I'm back, how have you been these days? I hope that everyone is okay, here is a new chapCreation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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