
Maid To The Prince

Set in the 1800s were the elite and peasants are very much set apart. Aurora is 18 years old and she is a maid in the palace, one fateful day tragic events lead to her serving Prince Caspian. Prince Caspian is used to having any woman at his abode, with his good looks, wealth, and charm, he sets his eyes on Aurora, he wants her in his bed. He knows that with social norms he can never be with her but what happens when this develops to more than they both signed up for? When sex ends up coming with strings attached. 18+

TaniaShava · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 57

Caspian and Nadia headed outside, "Are you okay Sire?"

"Yes I am, I have to discuss something with you Nadia."

"I am listening sire."

"I know it's not fair to you being my wife and I giving another woman attention that is supposed to be going to you. If you want a divorce, I can grant it for you so that you can find a suitable suitor."

"I love you Sire, and even if you don't love me back, I will be patient until you feel the same way for me."

"I don't want you to waste your time on me Nadia, I had not planned to fall for Aurora. I was happy for you to be my wife but then I ended up falling in love for the first time. I don't want you to spend the remainder of your days being lonely."

"I might be slightly alone but waiting for you is worth it, I won't ever feel the same way about someone else the way I feel for you."

Caspian sighed, he did not know how to convince Nadia, he did not want to fake anymore as that was draining him.

"The choice is yours, Nadia, when you are ready someday you can tell me and I will make sure you get a way out."

"I don't want a way out Sire, I want to be beside you all the time. Do you remember the night of the banquet, we chatted and connected."

"That is true."

"What if we try that again, I don't mind you having Aurora as long as you have time for me, that is all that matters."

Caspian realized that this conversation was not going anywhere, Nadia was hell-bent on staying with him.

The day for him to depart for war came, and he stood with Aurora as he kissed her and embraced her for a while.

He smiled when she pulled out a ring and slipped it on his finger.

He climbed on the horse as they headed out, he turned back once more and saw Aurora waving at him. He smiled at her and they became out of sight.

They made their way and it was getting late so they set their barracks for tonight, as he slept in his tent, he thought of Aurora wondering what she was doing.

He missed her so much, he could still remember her scent, the way she smiled. The next morning they carried on their journey and after a couple of days they finally arrived at their destination.

Caspian wanted to first try and negotiate with them before they went to a full-blown war. He headed to the barbarian's leader so that they could work it out.

Caspian went with one of his guards, they walked in and they saw the leader. He looked rough and very unkept.

He sat opposite him,

"So this is the most admired prince."


"Are you here to offer a peace offering?"

"Yes, I don't want unnecessary casualties."

"What are you willing to offer us so we don't go to war."

"What do you want?"

"Gold, and for you to provide rice abundantly to us."

"That is not possible, we have to also feed our people."

"I guess we don't have a deal then."

Caspian knew that war was the only way, he could hear that it had started and this a distraction. Caspian stood up but there was a very strong blow to his head, and everything went black.

He woke up, and he found that he was tied up in a dungeon. How had he got here? What had happened in regard to the war?

"You are finally awake."

Caspian looked and saw the leader of the barbarians, "What happened?"

"Your men won but we knew that we need collateral, that is why a few of my men who survived carried you here."

"When do you plan on releasing me?"

"Never, I want your parents to feel tremendous pain, thinking that their son got killed and they can't ever see him again."

"So you will keep me locked up in here?"

"Of course, not my prince, you are going to work hard labor, very hard labor. So you better prepare."

Caspian leaned against the wall, he should have known better, he wondered if they were searching for him and he hoped that he would be found.

Caspian woke up abruptly when cold water was splashed on his face,

"Wake up, it's time for work."

Caspian got up and he could see that it was dawn, the whole place was barricaded which made it impossible for one to escape.

He began to plow the fields, the sun was hot and his hands were hurting as they got many blisters.

There was not much water and food for them, and they were whipped for being slow but he did not know what to do as there was little food and they had no energy.

He could not believe the conditions they were working, a lot of men died due to starvation, the flu breaking out and the living spaces were very small and cramped up. There was the other issue of there being a lack of rest.

Some of the women were also put on hard labor and the other ones spent their days cooking and cleaning. Then there were a few that entertained them in exchange for receiving favors from them.

Thinking of Aurora was the only thing that kept him going, he would look at the ring she gave to him and wonder how she was fairing.

Was she still waiting for him? Was anyone still looking for him? At times the barbarians would taunt and laugh at him.

He had to keep calm as he did not want them to get the satisfaction of him getting upset or losing control.

"Tired already?"

Caspian looked up and it was a woman, she was standing in front of him wearing the barbarians' attire.

"What do you want?"

"I was curious as to how a prince such as yourself could fall for such a trap."

"It happens to the best of us."

"My name is Rurina, I am the daughter of the highest barbarian."

"Did your father send you to get information from me?"

"No, I have been watching you and studying you for a while."


"You have a kind soul, you are good-natured.

"What would make you focus on me of all the people here, unless your father told you to do so."

"I was there on the day of the treaty, peaking from outside. I was wondering how the prince looked and I was surprised when I saw you."

"Surprised in what way?"

"I will tell you later."

"Why approach me now?" he had been counting the days on the wall of his cell and two years had passed, and she was only approaching him now.

"I have meant to approach you for a while now but I finally did it."

"What do you want from me then?

"I wanted to first ask what is your name?"


"Ahh that name is fit for a prince, well Caspian can we be friends?"

Caspian was confused with her, she seemed to be very sincere but he was in a position where he could not trust anyone.

Maybe if he was nice to her, he might earn his freedom at some point.

"What do you say Caspian?"

"Sure, why not. I don't have friends here and one would not hurt."

"Thank you." She smiled in excitement.

Caspian wondered why she was so excited to be his friend. Had she no friends of her own here? He watched her retreat when they called her name.

"I will see you later Caspian."

She rushed off, and as he heard his name from Rurina.

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