
Maid To The Prince

Set in the 1800s were the elite and peasants are very much set apart. Aurora is 18 years old and she is a maid in the palace, one fateful day tragic events lead to her serving Prince Caspian. Prince Caspian is used to having any woman at his abode, with his good looks, wealth, and charm, he sets his eyes on Aurora, he wants her in his bed. He knows that with social norms he can never be with her but what happens when this develops to more than they both signed up for? When sex ends up coming with strings attached. 18+

TaniaShava · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 28

Aurora set out to work the minute she placed the laundry basket down, she could see that Nadia had left a lot of her things in there as if to mark her territory.

She finally finished cleaning and left. Tomorrow was a long day and she would be going home very late as Nadia's father was coming to have a drink with Caspian man to man so that they could set the date for the wedding.

She would have to serve till late, there were going to be a lot of maids and servants. The day finished and Aurora went home.

Today they were allowed to arrive late as they would be serving into the night, it felt great to sleep in. When it was close to time she got ready and made her way to the palace.

When she got there, they were all called by Madam Beatrice who gave them a list of orders and reminded them that they would be serving royalty.

Night time came and everyone watched as Nadia's father came and the drinking started, they made sure platters were replenished, their cups full and Caspian seemed to be charming the socks from Nadia's father.

Aurora was surprised as to how much they could drink, they were drinking as if they were fish, Caspian had to be in line with Nadia's father and he was doing a great job at it.

The night finally came to a close, and Nadia's father was escorted to his carriage and the rest of them started to clean eating some delicacies that were left behind.

A male guard tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped as her mouth was full of food, was she in trouble for that?

He leaned in, "Caspian wants to see you."


"Yes now."

Aurora went with the guard who stopped at the end of the hallway and motioned for her to go on, Aurora got to his chambers and knocked.

"Come in." his words slurred out.

Aurora opened the door and closed it lightly, Caspian was very drunk and wondered what he wanted at this time of night. He needed to be resting,

He staggered a bit and she ran up to him and balanced him, he was very heavy and his breath was strong with alcohol.

"You need rest, My Lord."

Caspian stood upright a bit, he touched both of her cheeks, "It's Aurora the one woman who won't sleep with me."

"My Lo......"

"You are cute you know, your innocence is refreshing, something you don't see much." He slurred some more.

"You need to rest My Lord, you are drunk."

Caspian stood upright and looked at her fully and she felt conscious, "I know but I think I like you more than I intended to, and I don't know how to deal with my feelings."

Aurora was surprised by his words, was it the alcohol talking or was it really him talking, he pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"You are mine Aurora, just you."

Aurora was surprised by all of this and wondered what she should do with the information that he had just given her.

"You need sleep, my Lord."

She went with him slowly to his bed, and as she was laying him down she fell on top of him, she tried to get up but Caspian's hand was strong around her waist.

"I need to go My Lord."

"You are staying with me Aurora and that's an order."

Aurora did not know what to do, if she defied his orders would she get into trouble if he called for her to get killed?

She just lay on top of him and could feel his heartbeat, hers was beating way faster than his. Later on, she finally got the opportunity to sneak out and head to her place.

It was very dark and was lucky to not break her neck along the woods, she got to her place feeling way too exhausted.

When she woke up the next morning she panicked, it was in the afternoon which meant that she had missed her duties, she got on her bicycle after getting dressed and made her to the palace.

She made her way to Caspian's chambers and knocked lightly,

"Come in."

Aurora walked in sheepishly, "Forgive me, My Lord."

"For what?"

Aurora scanned the room and realized that it had been cleaned, had she been replaced already,

"You don't have to look like you have seen a ghost, you still have your position."

"Thank you My Lord for your abundance."

Aurora looked up a bit and then away when she saw the way he was gazing at her.

"Come sit, I need help with a few things and as you will be accompanying me it's important for you to learn what your duties are."

Aurora nodded and went and sat on the floor,

"You can sit on the chair you know."

"Thank you My Lord but I prefer to be on the ground."

Caspian laid out papers in front of her and she did not know what to do with them as she did not know what to do with them.

"I don't know how to read My Lord, I don't think I will be much of help I'm afraid." She looked down self-consciously,

She looked up and found Caspian looking at her with kindness she had never seen, "That does not matter Aurora."

He explained to her in terms that she understood, in which place they would be going to hunt as he was prepping to go with his father and Nadia's father hunting so Caspian wanted to brush up his skills.

So they would be setting out at dawn tomorrow and they weren't sure how long the trip would last.

So Aurora would set the meals and see where they would be put but with food, she really did not have to worry as they were hunting and could roast any game that was caught but she had to prepare the sides and a few drinks as they could drink by the waterfalls.

She was given a few attires that were forest friendly so that she would not have any trouble treading through the forest.

Aurora finished the prepping and ate much earlier, she got home and wasted no time in sleeping. She would need to be up before dawn.

Morning came too soon and she was all ready and made her way to the palace she got some of the bags as they loaded them on the horses and some were carried by the guards.

She also took a portion that she would be carrying,

"Fancy seeing you here."

Aurora turned and saw Elliot, "Elliot what are you doing here?"

"Going on the hunt and assisting the prince with the horses as that is my forte, you?"

"Me too I am here to assist mostly with the kitchen stuff."

They were all packed and ready to leave, Caspian came and he really looked amazing in his attire. He climbed on the horse,

Douglas also got on a horse and they grinned at each other as they spoke.

Some of us needed to walk in front of Caspian's horse and some behind it in case there was an ambush and needed to protect him.

They set out and she was in front, Elliot came up next to her, "Feeling nervous?"

"No not really, I mean I did before but now I have someone I know and can talk to."

Elliot nudged her, "You are going to make me cry just as we leave, I don't want to be an emotional mess."

Aurora laughed, "I would have loved to see a tear or two."

"Sorry but it's not possible for now."

"I might try later on."

She and Elliot were having a nice chat as they walked, there was no boring moment even when her back hurt from carrying all these things.

They got to their first destination, which had a waterfall close by as they could the water, and they started to set up.

Caspian's tent was huge, bigger than all the other tents and it was just for him. Douglas had a normal tent but just for him.

The fire started and food was warmed up and made sure everyone got a serving.

She was glad it was not only her but had some extra hands to help. She saw that Caspian and Douglas weren't seated around the fire.

The fire was providing great warmth but the wood was burning out very fast, she stood up and got her basket and a small ax.

She started her way, and Elliot caught up to her,

"Where are you going?"

"I was getting some firewood."

"You should have asked me for help Aurora, I would be willing to help."

"I thought you were eating but I will take up your if it's still on the table."

"Let's go."

They got to the middle of the woods and they started chopping wood and putting it in the basket and what she thought it would take at least an hour ended up in hours.

The sun had set and they made their way back to the camp, she had an axe with her in the one hand and Elliot was carrying the basket.

They were laughing when they popped out, everyone was chatting around the fire,

"Great job you two." Said Douglas and that is when she realized Caspian was seated there and looking pissed.