
Maid To Bea

The sudden storming in of a figure caused my whole figure jolting, gaze shifting to the doorway where a form came pushing in. Somewhat familiar, It didn't take long for me recognising him—the same boy from yesterday, advancing towards me, his eyes never for once evaded my profile. His hair remained ruffled, jaw clutching tight, gaze held strongly on my form. Anger sure filled his eyes. I noticed that so well. "Where's the money?!" His voice travelled into my ears, tone loud. "What money?" My own voice came out weak, low and barely audible even for my ears. "Don't play games with me. I know you took the money." He said almost immediately. "I don't know what you're talking about." I defended, trying to walk away, but his hold on my wrist pulled me back to the position I was. My eyes shifted to the area of my skin which he had just touched, staring at it like something acidic had grazed there. A brief silence filled the air, and just then, he began moving towards me, eyes matching mine. "I don't know who let you in my room" He began, words pouring out one after the other, while he inched closer to my figure. "but you and I know very well that you took that money." At this point, I was already backing the wall, and had nowhere to go. "You'll pay me my money. That's for certain. I don't care how you're gonna do it, but YOU WILL PAY ME." I heard call in a low voice. His face was just a finger away from mine, and for certain I could feel his breath fanning against my skin. "Nia, have you seen-" A voice from nowhere spoke, with Denna stumbling in, freezing at the sight in front of her-- The boy peering intently at me, hovering over my figure, while I remained like a lost puppy begging to be rescued. His eyes remained fixed on me, and the anger resting there was just too obvious. "The name's Nia, huh?" He uttered, pronouncing my name carefully. For some reason, it sounded so soothing to my ears. The way it rolled off his tongue. “You owe me, Nia”

ArazellaSnow · Teen
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40 Chs


I woke up to bright lights shining around me, the sound of a monitor beeping. My eyes fluttered open slowly, causing me to look around the room I was laid in.

The entire walls were covered in white painting, even the curtains were of the same colour.

Where was I?

Sitting up slowly, the bed gave a creaking noise and only then did I notice the other presence in the room.

He was sat on a chair, just by the door, arms rested on his knees while he held his head in his palms. 

Why are we both here?

And then it all came flashing back to me.

I jumped out of his car, while we were on our way back. I could have killed myself. That's for certain.

That's one foolish thing to do. The car was at full speed, yet I jumped out.

I suddenly felt a burning pain in my chest, which caused the monitor which was just by my bedside, to beep faster than usual.

His head snapped up at once to my figure, eyes accessing me.

At that minute, a nurse walked in.

"What are you doing?" 

"You should be resting" She uttered to me, pushing me slowly back on the bed, as she then injected something into arm.

His eyes watched me intently, while the nurse attended to me. I noticed the burn in his gaze, and how for once, he never looked away.

Just before the nurse left the room, she uttered something in a low voice to him, passing some instructions.

The instant she was finally out, Our eyes met, neither of us uttering a word to each other.

"How are you?" He uttered.

His voice was low, laced with much concern and sympathy.

My eyes stared on at his figure, watching him. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or if that was just his everyday expression.

He wasn't smiling nor was he frowning.

His eyes just watched me. 

"I feel pains all over my body"

He got up from where he sat, moving closer to me.

"You are something else, Nia" He said with a chuckle, eyes staring into mine.

He brushed his hands through his hair, a sigh escaping his lips, and soon enough, the grin on his lips faded.

"Why did you jump out of the car?" He asked in a low voice.

I remained silent, looking away.

He knew the reason why.

"You're a maid, and nothing can happen between you and I" I remembered his words.

Tears filled my eyes immediately I thought back to them.

Even though what he said was the absolute truth, it hurt to hear them coming from him.

A figure soon walked into the room, which caused me wiping my tears now.

"She can be dismissed now" I heard a man's voice.

Looking up at the person, I realised it was a man who appeared to be in his mid-forties. Perhaps, the doctor.

He had a file in his hands, while he scribbled something down on the pad.

Slowly detaching every wire attached to my body, he helped me sit up. 

It didn't take long for me getting to my feet and then walking out of the room, while Cameron and the doctor followed behind. 

As we got to the reception, I found a lot of people, either waiting for relatives, or waiting to be attended to.

There were some elderlies by a corner talking and laughing. Some had drinks in their hands. I only wondered if that was allowed in the premises.

Cameron was stood to a side conversing withthe doctor. He probably was discussing on the bills, which seemed very sweet of him, but I knew just well all of that was a facade.

Deep inside Cameron, was something inhumane, waiting to be unleashed. 

He shook the hands with the doctor, and soon began walking towards me.

For someone his age, he took up responsibilities really well.

"Let's go" He uttered to me.

We both walked out of the hospital, moving over to where his car was parked.

The sky had turned dark already, which got me wondering what the time could be.

"What's the time?" I voiced, as we got into the car.


"How long were we in the hospital?" I asked. 

"3-4 hours" He said. 

He fastened his seatbelt, then drove out of the hospital, and just like before, the ride remained silent, none of us saying anything to each other.

This time, I noticed he wasn't speeding. He drove the car slowly, moving at the normal limit.

The sound of his phone ringing, broke the silence which had enveloped the atmosphere.

I watched his fingers swiping the other way, seemingly ignoring the call.

The phone rang several times more, and he kept ignoring whoever it was.

"Why don't you wanna pick up?" I was forced to say.

"It's mom calling" He said to me.

"Probably wondering where we are" He added. 

He ignored the calls a couple more times, driving a bit faster. 

Finally getting to the mansion, we were met with a worried Mrs Williams, stood right outside the door pacing up and down. 

The instant her eyes came across Cameron's figure, She moved over to hug him, while he stepped out of the car.

"You had me worried" She spoke quietly, squeezing his shoulders.

Lifting the groceries in my hands, I muttered a low greeting Mrs Williams, my gaze averting away from hers.

"What kept you guys so long?" She queried, as we all walked into the house.

"Something came up" Cameron answered immediately, not giving me a chance to say anything.

"I'm just glad you're fine" Mrs Williams spoke in a soft voice, her eyes focused on Cameron.

Entering into the mansion, I found all the kids sat in the living room.

"Where's dad?" Cameron questioned, eyes searching around the room for the figure of his father.

"He was called to office for something urgent" Mrs Williams responded.

"You won't believe how many people are turning up tomorrow" Logan said to Cameron, a slight grin appearing on his lips.

"Don't care"

"Oh you will care, when you find out how many hot girls are gonna be there" Logan replied.

"Lots of 'em" Tyler added.

"Just remember, what your dad and I told you. We don't want you disturbing the neighbors"

"We're not gonna be around, doesn't mean you go out of bounds" Mrs Williams said.

"By the way, I heard you saying something about girls" She added, eyes boring into Logan.

"You need not worry mom, we'll be using protection" Tyler called out, a chuckle escaping his lips afterwards.

His utterance earned him a glare from Mrs Williams, as she stared at his figure with a warning look.

"This is what happens when you have a bunch load of boys in the house" Ashley uttered, rolling her eyes at once.

"Ma'am, can I leave now?" I questioned in a low voice, my gaze rested onwards at Mrs Williams.

"Of course, Nia. Drop the groceries in the kitchen" She responded.

Instantly, I went into the kitchen, placing the bag of groceries right where they belong.

Proceeding out of the mansion, I found the gaze of Cameron lingering on my figure while I walked out.

I was more than grateful he didn't tell his mom that we took a stop at the hospital, just because I so happened to jump out of his car.

Now, that would have been pretty bad. The lady would have demanded for answers as to why I did that

Walking out of the mansion into the cold streets, i began my journey home.