
Maid To Be With You ( The forbidden love)

A tale of vampires and wolves looking for a certain mortal who isn't as mortal as they think, she serves them as they bring it back

Vellichxrr · Fantasy
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5 Chs

《Secret Interest》

They say "True friends are never apart maybe in a distance but never in heart" but something went horrible in my case, our friendship was ruined by love but how you may ask can love ruin friendship and not make it stronger? read my story if you would like to know, my name is "Choi Ssounyoung" and this stabbed me really deep in the heart.

"Catch me if you can sonnie!" he shouted as I chase him, he was my bestfriend. I used to run to him when I'm hurt or if something was bothering me. he was the one who always has my back and I always have his. He never notices the one thing that bothered me the most, we promised each other that we wouldn't hide secrets from each other but, this one I had to keep to myself I didn't want him to know the things I feel and it's better like that for now I also didn't know, I wasn't sure, and I was never really ready for anything. We were only babies when we knew each other

Our parents were always bragging about each other's child like who was better but they do get along very well just like us, we are never seen without each other by our side and here I am chasing him for taking my sketchbook

He never notices what I feel about him but I don't have the guts to tell him since he only sees me as his little sister. It hurts me, it hurts me that he doesn't see me like how I see him

And I see him as my secret love interest.