
Maid for the Brutal Boss

He had vowed never to loose his heart to anyone.Not until his damn gorgeous maid came into his life and began ruining all his set up plan. What will he do when he can't bear to let her out of his sight not to talk of seeing her with another man? And then his cunny Ex began threatening her life and is ready to go any length to push them apart. But he was ready to protect her. Even though it will cost him his dear life.

Boluwatife_Aderike · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter nine

Marcus strode into his living room after parking his Mercedes among his various cars. Everywhere was quite and clean, bit no sigh of his maid anywhere. He knew she hadn't gone because her car was still outside the gate. So where was she?

He dropped his suit jacket and brief case, then made for the kitchen when he saw her lying on his couch. Sleeping beauty. He thought as he moved closer to her. He wouldn't lie, her face had been on his mind the whole day, refusing to disappear. He patted her leg as softly and gently as he could.

"Miss Sophie? " No response... He looked at his wristwatch. It was few minutes past eight. She was supposed to be gone or leaving now.

"Miss Sophie" he called and tapped her leg gently. No reply from her but few mumures from her, she was mumuring some intangible words he couldn't make out and he take time to study her face. She was a beauty. And calling her a beauty is only getting him more attracted to her which he shouldn't be. But he couldn't deny the fact.

Her long dark hair was loose as it spread over the coshion like the flowers on his front porch. His hand moved on their own to smoothen her hair and her eye open.

At first they just stared at each other but her eye widen when he retrieved his hand. And she got up quickly knocking her forehead with his.

"Am sorry.....am sorry sir ....I was .....I was tired and decided to rest. I didn't know I will sleep off" she stammered and rubbed her painful red forehead which was on fire.

"Are you hurt?" He asked concerned.

" Am okay... Am fine " but it was obvious she wasn't because she keeps rubbing her forehead with her tiny fingers. He moved closer to her and grab her arm gently from her head.

"Cease rubbing, it'll only hurt you more, sit, am coming" he told her, sat her down and went upstairs to his bedroom to bring a pain relief tablet, a bottle water and a curing lotion for her head. When he came back he squatted down at her front and gave her the medicine to use.

Then he applied the lotion and began rubbing her forehead. She was uncomfortable, he could feel it.

"Sir..... Thank you.....I will continue from here" she said trying to take the lotion from his hand but he took it away from her grip.

"Sit still Sophie" he said, his voice thick and sexy which sent shivers down her spine and she trembled a little.

Wait....he called her Sophie? Not miss Sophie? Sophie thought and stared at his face. When he saw her looking at him, he looked up and locked eye contact with her. He stopped rubbing slowly as the stared at each other,none was able to look away from each other and his hand drop from her forehead.

She was irresistible, he thought as his gaze dropped to her full, red kissable lips. He couldn't help himself.

Sliding his hands around her neck, he drew her forward and slanted his lips against hers. He kissed her.

Sophie's eyes widened in surprise and delightness Ran down her blood stream as she closed her eyes. She had me been kissed the way be kissed her. His tongue weaved its way into her mouth and locked with hers. He kissed her truely and senseless. And Sophie knew right there and then that it will forever be embedded in her memory. She felt his hand in her hair like as if on cue Sophie freed herself from his grasp and ended the kiss with ragged breathing. Not able to look into his eyes. She swallowed hard.

"Am.... I...." With this, she stood up, picked her bag and shoes, and practically ran out of his house. Not minding her disheveled hair.

Marcus smiled.