
Maid for me

Princess Arielle, that's what she's been called her whole life. She's brave, disciplined, uptight and beautiful. When a threat is made to her life, Princess Arielle becomes Marissa a common maid to the enemy who threatened her life. Prince Scott, the guy every girl wants. carefree, fun loving, impulsive. In order words Arielle's opposite. When Scott goes on a buisness trip to Revillon he finds himself enthralled with his maid who seems like more than he can handle. Trouble arises when Prince scott falls in love with the very lady he came to Revillon to get help to destroy

AndrianAlex · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

TODAY WAS A DAY OF CHANGE, an emotional and mental change. The type of change that affects the atmosphere.

It was a few days into the second week of December, the winter was wild and cold gusts of wind rattled and shook windows endlessly, yet snow had made no arrival.

I felt it before it happened. It was like a low buzz of energy underneath my skin that seemed to make me lightheaded. Every time something of significance was about to happen, I felt it.

I felt it before my dad failed to show up to my seven years old birthday, somehow I knew something was wrong.

One day later, he was found gravely wounded close to Revillon borders.

I felt it the moment my mother got pregnant: She lost the baby a few months later.

I feel it now, I've felt it since this morning.

I stomped across the room and back again, Almost out of my mind with anxiety, the strange feeling bothered me endlessly. It's hard to be settled when I have felt the buzz since this morning.

The door of the queen's waiting chambers opened and my parents King Andres Theron and his wife Queen Vanisha walked in regally.

My mother took her sit by the fireplace where a warm fire crackled dispelling the cold winter air, and she gestured for me to do the same.

Despite not wanting to sit, my mother hated weakness, and pacing anxiously does not exactly exude the strength my mother expects me to show, so I took a sit in a lower chair opposite my mother while my father stood by my mother's chair with a solemn look on his face.

"Zura my child, you know how the war has panned out over the years between Graham, Revillon, and Berravin. You are aware that in recent times, Graham soldiers have grown braver since they got the valley. Our spy in the court of Berravin has sent word of their latest plan." my dad said gravely.

My mother gently held my hand.

"Child, the warning from our spies at Berravin is serious. They have armies ready to take over the bridge at the front border which you protect, along with a very descriptive and detailed way in which you would be kidnapped and killed. Apparently, The king has sent an assassin to kill you, so we have to be on guard."

This is stupid, and I feel mocked. I'm the most dangerous soldier in Gaham, I was trained by Alexander himself, not to brag but I can't consider the miserable soldiers of Berravin a threat. So what if they defeated some of my men and got the valley, that was a slip up. These soldiers must realise that I can destroy them all without breaking a sweat. Honestly, all these elaborate plans are as futile as they are annoying.

I would say they're bluffing but I know my mother well enough, she has never informed me of silly threats I can handle. There is more information I am not privy to.

"Mother" I began in a patient patronising voice.

"you know I can handle myself, is there a real reason as to why I am being informed of this attack?"

"Don't be arrogant Arielle, your pesky training is not enough to fight back ten thousand trained soldiers, You failed to secure the valley, you have been slacking. You will be crushed like dust. I want you out of the way when those Berravin armies arrive." My mother said.

She withdrew her hand from mine, stood up, walked to the fireplace, and turned her back on me.

I know she turned her back on me to stop any argument, she always does dramatic things to signal the end of conversations she prefers not to have.

That's not my problem, seeing as I don't exactly care for running away and leaving my men to fight in battle.

I stood up and walked towards her.

"Every time we face these Berravin soldiers something always goes wrong, I'm not making excuses for my failure, but I need a chance to defeat them and claim back the valley. So what if they send an assassin, let them come I'm prepared.

"You will do as I have told you, I am your mother and your queen. Do not question me Arielle."

Mother walked out the door, leaving father and I behind.

That's not any consolation, although he is kinder to me, he is so lovesick he is practically mother's mirror. It's disgusting he always tries to be a bridge between mother and I yet he never fully supports me in any arguments.

"Zura you know she loves you, you leave tomorrow night. It's best if you don't question it child. Remember the rules, always hide your identity at all costs. That shouldn't be too hard since no one knows what you look like. I wish you good luck, my dear, until we meet again.

My father said as he gestured for me to leave the room.

Nothing surprising about that. Not an original thought in that head, he's weak and he knows it. Love made him weak. I understand my mother, admire her even. She married a wimp forever bound to her by an emotion she doesn't feel. That's what I want someday, to never feel that weak emotion but to use it as a weapon keeping some wimpy king forever bound to me.