

I was going to miss my comfort zone, my safe heaven, where I was just me in my PJs binging on series and admiring my Polaroid pictures

But I was also bored just being alone here, I needed change, a new scenery that was going to get me excited and ready for the next day

I looked at my house one more time before closing the door and locking it

Sorry home but I need me some exciting adventure

I walked down the steps and entered my car before driving off to my Parent's house where I'd leave my car and keys to my house

Definitely wasn't going to take them with me

I parked my car in the garage of my parent's home and went inside the house

"Mom!... Dad!" I called making my way to the kitchen

I left home with an empty stomach, I hoped on finding something to fill up my tummy like I usually do every time I walk in this house

My father soon appeared in his usual suit obviously ready for work

"Good morning" he smiled as he approached me with open arms

"Good morning Dad" I hugged him

He pulled away before he sat on the kitchen island while I opened the fridge to search for anything that could make my hunger magically disappear

My eyes rolled up to the top corner in the fridge and my lips curled upwards


I found a very creamy cake and I took it out instantly

"Are you really serious about thisss maid thing? Dad asked emphasizing the word "maid"

I nodded as I served myself the cake on a white plate, I took a fork from one of the drawers that connected to the counter and looked up

He was looking at me seriously

"Jenny they're a lot of jobs you can find out there"

I pouted as I sat on a stool next to him

"I know dad but I wanna try something different" I whined

"You have an advanced diploma in procurement and supply and you want to be a maid?" he asked disappointedly

"Please?" I smiled sheepishly at him the fork at the corner of my mouth

"It's not happening, look for a better job ..I'm not going to let you clean people's toilets what's wrong with you?" He asked "you have to focus on getting experience and work your career" He reasoned

I studied him as I slowly ate my cake

He was getting angry, if I didn't convince him soon then I was going to lose my job before it even started

I snaked my arm around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder

"Dad pleeeeeaaase please please please I just finished my internship and I want to do something different... like work in a different you know ...field"

"Different field?" He snorted "I can get youa job in the marketing department of any company to get a different perspective of things not-"

"Please dad" I whined "only for a month and that's it... Its not a permanent job and I'll work at any place you wish after that" I tried convincing him

"Nothing's changing my mind child" he said sternly

"Leave the child be Anold" my mother appeared from the door that led to the corridor in her nurse attire

I smiled at her, she was my ticket to victory

Mom to the rescue! Yesss!

She stood next to Dad and pulled a food warmer I hadn't noticed causing me to furrow my eyebrows

How come I didn't see the food warmers here?

Mom began serving dad some chips and sausages on his plate

"You agreed to this?" He asked giving mom a disappointed look

"Yes let her have a little fun she barely does anything in that little shell of hers" she said and went around the island

Did she just insult my home?

"And you think being a maid is fun?" he asked in distaste

"Daaaad" I whined

"No I won't let you" he raised his voice

Mom sat down across dad before giving him his cup of tea

"It's only for a month honey plus she can get a real job there if she introduces herself correctly" She gave Dad a knowing look

I face palmed and sighed

Mom and her belief in connections

"Dad?" I leaned into my dad the more and gave him my puppy dog eyes

A few seconds later I noticed his demeanor faltering

"Alright" he sighed

"Yesss" I squealed and tightened my hold around him "thank you thank you thank youuu"

He chuckled as he tapped my back, I pulled away as mom smiled at us both. I mouthed her a thank you to which she low key nodded

We made small talk after that while we ate breakfast, I left my car and house keys with my dad before he drove me to the Knight mansion

Who would've known he'd drive me there himself


"You're assigned as my sons maid... everything that concerns them is your business" Mrs Knight said

I nodded

I'll be working for sons, they're more of little Patricks. How nice

She was showing me around the house, scratch that she was showing me her mansionnn and it's hella biiiig

It's interior was modern cream white and navy blue, it looked fresh out of a magazine

I'm gonna take a lot of pictures and selfies here

She led me to the second floor of the mansion where the bedrooms were I guess

"This is Patrick's room" she said entering the first room from the right

I followed her in

His room was very nice, king size bed on the center of the room with a marvel superhero wallpaper behind the headboard of his bed

Hmm Thor huh

His entire room was dark blue, black and white. He had a massive desk to the left where there was a computer and two controllers with two toys. There was a black rag just at the end of the bed.

"There's the bathroom and toilet and that's his walk-in closet" she said pointing two doors I didn't see earlier

"Oh... right"

This literally looks like a typical teenager's bedroom

"He gets home from school around 13:00... you know the rest"

I don't but okay

We got out of the room and she went further down the hall a little and opened the second room to the left

The interior was different in here, a king sized bed with dark grey bed cover was pushed back to the wall opposite to the wall that connected to the door, there was a wall length window a few feet away with light grey curtains

There were two doors to the right and a mirror opposite the window with a dressing table beside it

The floor was marble white

"My other son is coming and you'll attend to him too"

I thought all the sons stayed here

"Oh ...okayy"

"He's getting his house renovated so he'll be staying here for a while"

His house? This one must be a whole man

"Clean his room daily ...he likes everything clean and in place, don't touch any of his personal stuff"

"Okay I'll do just that" I nodded

She looked in open space and sighed, she gave me a glossy look

"We've fired ...well he has actually fired a lot of maids because of their flirty behaviors around him"

Woah maids flirting with the boss ...didn't know that kind of drama actually existed in real life

She held my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes

"Please be an exception?"

I smiled at her as I took her hand on my shoulder

I don't know about the other maids here but I came here for just the job and well actually to have fun

One thing I know about me is I don't mix relationships and work

It's just not me so she didn't have to worry about this

"Don't worry Mrs Knight... I'm only here for the job" I assured her

She nodded and smiled

We were out of the room after that, we walked down the stairs and out of the house through the kitchen

Outside was woooow. There was green trimmed grass and their backyard was biiiiiig. To my right was a pool and to my left was a pavement which led to a building and another pavement leading to a swing.

My parents house was almost like this one but this one was so extra, sue me for looking so surprised

Mrs Knight led me to the building I saw earlier

"This is were you'll be sleeping" she said as we entered

This was where the maids sleep by the looks of things. We entered what seemed like a living room which consisted of two modern L chairs forming a C facing a big flat plasma screen

We walked further in the room and I saw a small corridor I'm guessing where the rooms are and steps leading up the stairs to other rooms

We went upstairs and reached the last door to the right

"Here are your keys... this is your room for the next four weeks" she smiled

I looked at her

For a billionaire she was way too nice, she could've simply told the head maid to show me around but she did it herself and even escorted me to my room

Her humbleness was truly authentic no lies about that

"Thank you" I smiled back and received three keys

She left after that

I was fumbling with the keys when one lady reached a door next to my room, I'm guessing my neighbor

"Hey" she said


And she went in her room after that

I entered my room which consisted of white walls with a bed to the left side and a small desk with a chair to the right

Typical college hostel

There was a window which consumed the whole wall which led to a balcony, well that just made the whole room fun

I left my luggage down and closed the door

I looked around as I bit my bottom lip

This room needs changeee

It was literally plain

I walked to the glass window and opened it, a cool breeze hit my face as it revealed the view of the whole house

This is nice

I stepped out to the balcony and looked around, there was a huge tree house I hadn't noticed just after the swing and what seemed like a basketball cort further to the right after the swimming pool

With the camera that hang on my neck, I took a picture of the beautiful view in front of me

I went back inside after admiring the place for a a few minutes

Throwing my body on the bed, I spread my arms and looked at the white ceiling

I sighed my lips curving upwards

"This is it"