
Captain Chakara

Mahayoddha is the story of those great warriors who possess amazing powers but use their powers only for the betterment of the world.

Mahayodha begins with a great warrior named Aryabhata whom the world calls Captain Chakar

Captain Chakra Part - 1


1. Aryabhata - Captain Chakra

2. Prof. Kumar - Aryabhatta's father who is a Scientist.

3. Vatsala - Aryabhata's mother

4. Manas - Friend of Aryabhata

5. major Surendra - Army Officer


1. Aryabhatta - aka Captain Chakra - born with amazing powers, sharp minded and a genius, when he came to know about his powers, he set himself up to help people with his powers.He told everything to his father, then he became Captain Chakra because he was the only one who can handle all the Mahayodha's by becoming a captain, he still does not know from where he got these powers.

Aryabhatta while walking on the road said to Manas, "Manas today I am missing my father a lot, he has gone to the center lab for many days but he has not even called."

Manas said, "It's okay, you know that he is the biggest scientist in the city, and he keeps on doing a lot of research."

Aryabhatta said, "I know, they get so lost in all this that they don't remember anything, well let's go, see you tomorrow."

Manas and Aryabhata standing outside Aryabhata's house

Manas said, "Okay, see you tomorrow bye."

Aryabhatta switched on the TV and news was coming on it that there has been a terrorist attack on the center lab.

Vatsala panicked and said, "Aryabhatta son, your Dad has been there for a long time, what should I do now if Something happens to him."

Aryabhatta said, "Nothing will happen to Dad, you do one thing, you go to the temple, I will talk to the police, what is happening there."

Vatsala said, "Okay son."

Aryabhatta (to himself), "I have sent my Mom to the temple, now I must go to save my Dad."

center lab

The terrorists said, "Prof. Kumar quickly tell us where is the weapon you are making."

Prof. Kumar said, "No, I will never tell you that weapon I have made for this country, and I will never give it to terrorists like you who want to destroy it."

The terrorists said, "Okay then die now, we will find that weapon."

someone breaks the window glass and Comes in

The terrorists said, "Hey who are you wearing cartoon clothes and how did you come by breaking the window of the third floor."

Aryabhata said,"I didn't come here, your death brought me here."

Terrorist said, "Well, without any weapon, you are threatening us, it seems, you will die before this Prof."

Aryabhatta said, "Okay then let's see."

Terrorist (shooting bullets towards Aryabhatta) - "Now let's see how you survive , what has he disappeared from."

Aryabhatta (suddenly comes from behind the terrorist and blows his gun in the air) - "I told you guys, now suffer by obeying my dad, I mean leave Prof. and surrender yourself to the police If you had done it, you would not have been hit so much."

Aryabhatta lifted him in the air and took him to the police outside and said, here are your terrorists, take care of them properly.

Aryabhatta lifted him in the air and took him to the police outside and said, here are your terrorists, take care of them properly.

Prof. Kumar said, "Who are you and how do you have such amazing powers."

Aryabhatta said, "Prof. You can just call me the protector of people". (Aryabhatta flew away from him)

Prof. Kumar (leaves to go back home) - I know you very well."

Aryabhatta (calls his mother after returning home) - "Hello mom, the terrorists have been caught by the police and dad is also fine."

Vatsala said, "Okay, I am coming home."

Prof. Kumar and Vatsala had reached home.

The professor said, "Vatsala where did you go and where is Arya?"

Vatsala said, "I went to the temple and saw that there was a terrorist attack on the center lab, so I went to pray for you. Arya will be in her room."

The professor said, "Okay, I have to talk to him alone".

The professor said, "Arya, where did you go today, why didn't you go to the temple with your mom."

Aryabhatta (hugging Prof.) said, "Dad you have come, I was so scared, I was calling the police asking what they were doing to catch the terrorists."

Pro. Kumar said, "No Arya, this is not true, you are lying to me for the first time, I know that the protector of people is none other than you."

Aryabhatta said, "Okay, when you have come to know this much, then I will tell you the whole thing.

Dad, do you remember, when I came home two months ago, I was very hurt, then actually, I and Manas were coming from that deserted road after watching the movie.Because we were very late so we were coming from there, a robber attacked us and they were snatching our money and belongings from us Manas's father's watch which was the last thing Manas had with him after his death

Manas told him that I would not give him, so he had hit him and made him unconscious.

When I hit him in anger, he flew in the air and then as I was moving my hand here and there, he was going there, I picked him up and threw him on the wall, he also fainted.Then I don't know how I started flying, then I normalized myself and brought Manas, only then I came to know that I have powers.

Prof. Kumar - "I knew, you are not an ordinary person. In childhood, you used to use your powers unknowingly,But I used to hide everything. As you grew up, you never used your powers anywhere, no matter what, so I started to think that your powers are gone."

Aryabhatta said, "If you knew then why did you never tell me this, and does mom also know this."

The professor said, "No he doesn't know anything, I didn't tell because I didn't want you to get into any trouble and anyway I was beginning to feel that your powers are gone."

(suddenly the phone rings and Aryabhatta picks up the phone) Aryabhatta, "hello who is calling."

Major Surendra said, " Aryabhata the protector of the people I know everything about you, I am major Surendra don't be afraid I will not tell anyone about you,I have something to talk to you, quickly come to the army base near the city and bring anyone who knows about you, but don't tell him who I am."

Aryabhatta said, "Ok we are leaving now."

Professor said, "Who was there and where are you talking about going."

Aryabhatta said, "I can't tell who it was, but not only me, but both of us are now going to the army base outside the city. mom me and dad going outside."

Vatsala said, "Okay come soon."

Aryabhata (carrying his dad from outside the house, landed slowly outside the army base)

The professor said, "We could have come by car also, why have we come here at all".

Aryabhatta said, "Papa takes a lot of time to come by car. The one who called us knows everything about me." (Aryabhatta and Prof. both went inside the base)

An army officer said, " To whom you want to meet ."

Aryabhatta said, " we have come to meet major sir ."

The officer said, "Sir's Kevin is on the left on the second floor, sir has called you, or you have brought an appointment."

Aryabhatta said, "Sir has called, and thank you."

Pro. (Takes entry in Kevin with Aryabhatta) - "You here you have called us here but why and how did you come to know about Aryabhatta."

(in the middle) Aryabhatta said, "You know each other."

Major said, "Yes we know each other, we are friends and I have called you because I have a work with you, but before knowing the work, know how I came to know about you,When you Hit that robber by blowing him in the air 2 months ago, it was recorded in a camera there, when I came to know, I got that recording deleted and got all your information.I came to know that you are my friend's son and keep an eye on you.

Aryabhatta said, "Kept an eye but why didn't you call me then and there."

Major said, "Because I wanted to know whether you would like to do the work that I have asked of you and whether you are capable of it or not."

Aryabhatta said, "So why have you called me now, why would I want to do this and am I capable of this now?"

Major said, "No, you are not yet fully qualified for this, but now that you have become the protector of the people, you must do it and we will make you fully qualified."

Aryabhatta said, "What is this work, and why did you call someone who knows about me."

Major said, "Because someone has to know where you are so that they can help you figure out who you are. And I want to tell you that you're not the only one who has Power's."And this world needs someone who can save it, you have to bring them here, so that you can all form a team and save this world together with each other."

Aryabhatta said, "But why should I bring them here."

Major said, "Because you are the only one who can keep them together as a leader, every human being who has such powers,And he helps others, so he definitely keeps a different name of his own so that no one can recognize him, so what have you kept.

Aryabhata said, "I didn't give any name, that's why I said protector of people."

Major said, "From now your name will be Captain Chakra and your first mission is Ram, you have to bring him here."

Aryabhatta said, "Who is Ram, and where will I find him."

That's all in this part, if you also want to know who is Ram then read the next chapter.