
Mahayodha The Ultimate Worrior's English

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What is Mahayodha The Ultimate Worrior's English

Read ‘Mahayodha The Ultimate Worrior's English’ Online for Free, written by the author rohanvishwakarma1, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering SUPERPOWERS Fiction, VAMPIRE Light Novel, WEREWOLF Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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In a world built with lies, does the truth still matters? Who cares about the truth? When we're all slaves to power. .*. Her sharp sword reflects the moonlight as she drags its tip across the blood-stained floor with her right hand. Her floor-length white nightgown⁠- now stained red with blood flutters as she walks barefoot in the dimly lit hallway, slashing anyone who comes her way without mercy. The pupils of her eyes turned into a dark shade of red with golden streaks, filled with rage, she could only see red. She walked until she made it outside the east palace, her home— her prison. Several assassins appeared out of nowhere and attacks her altogether, before they could even touch a single strand of her hair, they were suppressed mid-air, unable to control their bodies. The swords they were holding fell to the ground as their hands try to pry off the invisible hand tightly squeezing their necks. "That's just the first step of suffering you'll have to endure, soon your blood will flow backward and out every hole in your body." Seconds after, the words she uttered happened and the assassins fell lifeless on the hard cold cement floor, bathing with their blood. Not bothering to spare them a glance, she continued her pursuit and walked forward. Arriving at the main palace, she scans her surroundings before going inside. Just as she excepted, six assassins flew down from the ceiling and launched toward her. They were much stronger than the ones sent to her residence. "This isn't too bad for a warm-up." Raising her sword vertically, she parried an attack. Kicking the opponent's knees, she hopped and landed on the other assassin's shoulder causing him to tumble back with a loud thud. Without falling with him, she turns mid-air and twirled her sword, slashing the previous assassin in the neck, whose attack she blocked earlier. Veering around, she slashed the torso of the assassin behind her, landing on the marble floor. She released her sword, and it floated, and moved on its own accord towards the three remaining assassins, piercing their hearts in one swift manner before returning to her right hand's grasp. As she walks forward more assassins appeared, and getting impatient she decided to use magic. "Halt." With a single command, everyone came to an abrupt stop, others who lunged toward her were left floating mid-air. "Hell's Tango." After uttering the command, the assassins were able to move again, but could only attack one another. She took a few steps and stopped before the palace's golden double doors, that's separating the throne room and the receiving area. She just woke up from a deep slumber, she didn't expect to be welcomed this way. She closed her eyes as if trying to calm down, everyone close to her is gone. Their deaths shall not be in vain. Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... She sharply opened her eyes, and a gust of find blew from her back and pushed the double doors apart. Smirking, she looked at the person across her, sitting on the golden throne. . . . . . . . Instead of attacking, she stretched her limbs and yawned. "I was asleep for so long... did you miss me?"

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Titan Smithing in the Magical Apocalypse

The world comes to an abrupt end on one Wednesday afternoon as a deep voice suddenly booms across the sky. "Pitiful lifeforms, I am your creator. I have grown bored of your world so I have decided to change it. From now on you will have to fight in order to survive. Those of you that please me will gain abilities beyond your imagination and those that choose not to will suffer at the hands of higher lifeforms." A red light suddenly envelopes the world for a fraction of a second and then the world changed." I have changed this world and every living thing that calls it home. You will get stronger or you will die, appease me peasants and you just might survive." The entire population of the planet suddenly got a searing pain in their heads at the same time. *DING* *DING* 'Congratulations on becoming a Player' The world grew silent as they read the words in front of them, no one knew the language in front of their eyes and yet everyone knew it. It was ingraved into their brains as if it had been their forever, their own languages dissappearing as if they were never there to begin with. The planet descended into chaos it was as if the entire world had suddenly decided that nowhere was safe and everyone was their enemy. Then every single living thing on the planet fell into a trance, their eyes turned a glossy white and the whole world stopped. 'Welcome to the player creation screen please follow the systems instructions and create your player.'

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