
Mahabharata- The Great War

The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic where the main story revolves around two branches of a family - the Pandavas and Kauravas - participated in the Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of Hastinapura..

RajuKairi · History
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This storyline is based on Ancient India when India was divided into mainly two parts. North India was called Aryavarta (land of Aryans). South India called Dravida (land of Dravidians). This story took place in Aryavarta.

In Aryavarta the society was divided into 4 varnas according to their works-

1. Brahmins (priests, gurus, etc.)

2. ​Kshatriyas (warriors, kings, administrators, etc.)

3. ​Vaishyas (agriculturalists, traders, etc.)

4. ​Shudras (labourers)

​Various Gods and Goddesses involved in this mythology.

Supreme gods

1. ​Shiva (God of destruction), husband of Parvati (goddess of power). Main weapon- Trishula (Trident).

2. ​Vishnu (God of Preservation), husband of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth). Main weapon- Sudarshan Chakra.

3. ​Brahma (God of creation), husband of Saraswati (goddess of knowledge). Main weapon- Brahmastra.


1. Ganesha (Son of Shiva) (God of Fortune)

2. ​Indra (King of gods, god of rain). weapon- Vajra (thunderbolt)

3. ​Vayu (God of wind). Weapon- Mace.

4. ​Varuna (God of water). Weapon- Pasha.

5. Agni (God of fire). Weapon- Agneyastra.

6. Surya (God of Sun). Weapon-


7. Yama (God of Death and Justice). Weapon- Danda.

8. Ashvins (Gods of Health and Medic).

9. Ganga (Goddess of purification).

Main characters in this epic.

1. Krishna (incarnation of Vishnu).

2. Balarama (Supporting role) (incarnation of sheshnag-King of all serpents).

2. Hanuman (Supporting role) (incarnation of Shiva & Spiritual father- Vayu).

2. Karna (son of Surya). (Demi-God by birth). Weapon-Vijaya Bow (Celestial bow).

3. Arjuna (Spiritual father-Indra). Weapon-Gandiva Bow (divine bow).

4. Yudhishthira (Spiritual father-Yama). Weapon-Spear.

5. Bhima (Spiritual father-Vayu). Weapon-Mace.

6. Nakula (Spiritual father-Ashvins). Weapon- Sword.

7. Sahadev (Twins of Nakula). (Spiritual father-Ashvins). Weapon- Sword.

8. Shakuni (Great Strategist).

9.Bhishma (Son of goddess Ganga). Weapon-Bow and arrow.

10. Dronacharya (Great Sage). Weapon-Bow and arrow.

11. Duryodhana (Main Villain). Weapon-Mace.

12. Draupadi (Main female protagonist).

(Daughter of Agni).

This epic war focused on Dharma (Upholding Justice).