
Magus X Testimony

StarMutiny · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Stuck on Road

We finally made it to our car after a while, it took a solid minute from the constant limping I was doing, but here we are. My dad had a bunch of cuts all over his arms from that stunt he pulled off, I could tell he was in a lot of pain, but he was about to receive even more.


My mom started smacking him on the shoulder before hitting him on the head.

"Robert, you stupid dumbass! Doing something so reckless!! We have to pay for property damage now!"

"Ow, ow! Hey, Susan, calm down. Look, at least I got us out of there! Emmeline was feeling scared around those people."

"You could've done it another way, you stupid man!"

"…Yeah, I know, let's just go before those damn idiots catch up with us. Forgive me for my language, lord."

My dad started up the car and backed out of the driveway, speeding off before those journalists could reach us in enough time.

I took a deep breath, sighing in relief.

Thank god. Socializing with so many people is nerve-racking. Not to mention, I stutter a lot when I don't try to. It's hard to understand me sometimes, I dislike my voice.

"Those people have no respect," I muttered to myself, catching the attention of my little sister.

"Here, have this, big sis." Matilda stretched her teddy bear forward, offering it to me.

I just looked at it with a clueless glare, but smiled before taking it, saying, "Thank you, sissy, I feel much better already." I held onto the bear, hugging it tightly.

I was still in my hospital gown, so I was freezing right now.

It was 30 degrees out here, it felt like my body was gonna freeze. But it's also weird to be honest, considering the city of Bellensworth never experiences cold temperatures like this. It was always hot and humid. You could barely even breathe sometimes.

Maybe it was climate change, I don't know, but it did let me know that I needed to start shopping for some warm clothes.

"Mom, when we get home, do you think we can go shopping for some clothes? Seriously, it's freezing out here."

My mom looked at me in the rear-view mirror, smiling, as she responded with, "Not today, Emmeline, you need to rest before you do anything else, dear."

Darn. I expected those words.

To be honest, I just didn't wanna go home and experience PTSD after what happened.

Maybe staying the hell away from my bathroom is a good choice, who cares if I stink?

"…Yeah, I guess I do."

I rolled my eyes, resting my head against the back window of the car, staring out into the streets.

The bumpy road made my head rattle against the glass a few times, but I wasn't paying attention; my mind was filled with uncanny thoughts, making me squeeze the teddy bear even tighter.

Was all of that real? Me meeting Absceline and witnessing that weird library. It all feels so preternatural. I don't wanna deal with it again, that much is obvious.

"Hey, Emme, I got your favorite." My dad turned around, grinning at me.

"My favorite?"

"Darn right. On our way over to the house, I picked up some Bellenburgers."

"Bellenburgers? Really?!"

"You betcha. I know they cost an arm and a leg, but I wanted to surprise you with a little something."

That was honestly the best news I heard all day.

Bellenburgers is one of Bellensworth most famous burger joints downtown. It's always packed with people, especially teenagers on the weekends.

Jeremy was the one who actually invited me there one time, and that's when I fell in love with their food.

Mmm… just thinking about it makes my stomach growl.

At least I'm not a zombie and didn't crave brains, considering I apparently died and came back to life somehow.

"Thanks, Dad, I appreciate it. Did you get my favorite burger?"

"Of course I did, who the hell do you think I am?! Hahaha!" Robert pridefully laughed his lungs out, slowly coming to a stop at the red light.

"On the bright side, guys, I'm not craving any brains, so I guess I'm still human."

I made a small joke which made my mom and dad chuckle, but my sister tensed up her body, scooting away.

"I hate zombies, they're scary. Big sister might be tricking us…"

"Oh?" I look at Matilda, gaining a wicked grin, "So you found out my secret?!?" I was playing with her, but she took it seriously.

She started bicycle-kicking her legs, trying to keep me away from her, screaming, "Ahhhh! Stay away, stay away!!"

I couldn't get close to her, so I decided to rely on her stuffed animal

"Grrr, fine then, your teddy bear will be the one to have his brains feasted upon!"

"Kyaaaa! Nooo, leave Itchy alone!!"

Matilda suddenly gained an ounce of bravery, dropping her legs and jumping towards her teddy bear.

"Fwa ha ha!! Watch as I consume him before your very eyes!"

"Nooo, leave him alone!!"

I lifted the bear into the air, out of her reach while she was lying on her stomach, trying to take it away.

"Now now, don't play too rough back there, your father is driving."

"Mom, Emmeline is gonna eat Itchy!"

I plopped the teddy bear against my sister's head, laughing at her desperation.

"Hahaha, Bwuhahaha! I'm just kidding, take him back. You already ruined him by plucking out his eyes."

My sister grabbed the stuffed animal and sat up on her knees, frowning at me while she hugged him.

"You're mean, Emmeline! That's why Betsy ripped your book to shreds!"

There it was. Confirmation.

Her words made me widen my eyes before I scowled at her, announcing, "So you did let Betsy into my room. Mom, don't you hear this?! Matilda purposely let the damn dog into my room again! It ripped up my entire book!"

"Hey, watch your mouth, young lady. You're only seventeen, no cussing around me. And Matilda, why did you do that to your bigger sister?! You know her books are the most important things to her. She buys them with her own money." Susan turned around, staring at Matilda with a disappointed look.

"Because it told me to do it, mommy!"

"What told you to do such a terrible thing?" Asked Susan.

"The Boogeyman did! The boogeyman that hides in my closet told me to!"

Here we go again. She's blaming this on things that don't exist rather than taking responsibility.

"The Boogeyman isn't real, Matilda. Just say you were the one who did it because you were mad at me for yelling at you the day before." I said, crossing my arms in dismay.

"No, I mean it. The boogeyman told me to do it!"

I sighed, saying, "Yeah right. Just like the time when the boogeyman told you to hit a kid in the face at school, or the time when you flushed all of Dad's cigarettes in the toilet. Did he tell you to do all of that?!"

"Yes, he did. The boogeyman told me to do a lot of bad stuff, but I only do the stuff that won't get me in a lot of trouble."

"What the hell makes you think you won't get in a lot of trouble for ruining my books?!" I shouted.

"Emmeline, language!!" My mom yelled at me before glancing at my sister, "Matilda, the boogeyman isn't real, sweetie. It's just your imagination, you mustn't do these harmful things and blame it on something else."

"Ignore these chumps, Matilda, I personally believe the boogeyman." My dad joined in, making fun of me and my mom.


"Robert, shut up!"

"No, no, let me speak. Ahem…" My dad cleared his throat as he focused on the road, "Where do you think all of these kids are getting these ideas from? The boogeyman, the monster under their bed, and scary ghosts. It's not just a coincidence. I personally believe they exist, and feed off the fears of little children, but go away the moment they get older."

"Robert, these fairy tales are just made-up stories created by their parents to scare them. That's it!" Proclaimed Susan.

"Aye. I'm a man with an open mind, I think outside of the box we're so limited inside. You know me, Susan." Robert smirked as he grinned at his beloved, chuckling.

"Honestly…" My mom sighed, turning around to face the fearful Matilda, "Ignore your father. This boogeyman is just an urban legend, Matilda."

"…No it's not mommy, he's real!"

I would just shut up. I let my mom deal with this problem, it's no use for me to get involved.

Matilda is gonna grow out of these fears she has in her childlike mind sooner or later.

"Woah, what's going on?!"

My dad absorbed the attention of everyone in the car as we looked out the window in front of us.

It was blocked by a bunch of police. What the hell?!

"Oh dear, it looks like a car accident." Said Susan, covering her mouth with her hand.

"No, it doesn't look like a car accident. This looks different." My dad unbuckled his seatbelt before opening the door, "Stay in the car, I'll be right back."

As soon as we were about to make it home, this happens… what a pain.