
The End Of The Trip

I walked along the deck of the airship, leaning over to observe the land below. Beyond the swamps, I spotted a few human villages and a small town.

The landscape was dotted with light yellow wheat fields, each sprinkled with tiny windmills. Along the silvery road, which stretched like a thread, I saw carriages the size of ants.

The airship was heading south.

As we approached the south, the landscape became greener, though human activities were still sparse. Whenever we neared a human colony, I could distinguish vast and dense forests around it, teeming with the bustling wildlife that inhabited them.

This was the current situation on the Mage Continent.

Every human colony was surrounded by a vast virgin forest and dense wild woods. Within them dwelled countless wild beasts and demons. Human forces could face common beasts and demons, but when confronted with strange and unpredictable demons, humans needed the aid of superior powers.

And those powers resided in the Mages.

As beings with supernatural abilities, the Mages were the true rulers of this world. Although they had transcended common humanity, most official Mages were willing to contribute a small portion of their power to ensure that ordinary humans could thrive in this place.

Common human society was like sheep living in captivity, and the Mages were the shepherds tending these farms, eager for new blood with talent to join their ranks. In the eyes of common humans, Demons had powerful, mystical, and bizarre abilities, but in the eyes of official Mages, they were still just ants.

As I watched the world unfold before my eyes, my desires to become stronger surged in my mind, but I had currently reached the limit of my physical body, to the point where I had to control myself not to break a wall with my new muscles.

Though I had been working hard recently, it was more out of habit and the need for survival. But today, the desire to become stronger came from the depths of my heart.

This is a mysterious, profound, and strange world, entirely different from Earth where I came from. Back on Earth, the strength of an individual was insignificant, and one could only become stronger by relying on the strength of the masses. But in this world, which possesses an ocean of magical energy, the strength of an individual holds great significance. Things that could not be achieved on Earth are possible here.

For the second time, I cannot contain my desires. I want to be at the pinnacle of this world with my own strength, so I can shape the real world. Perhaps that is why somehow something drew me from Earth, a world without magic, to this world of advanced magic.

A strong wind blows from the side of the airship.

Although the deck is protected by a barrier, sparing me from the full impact of the strong winds, the temperature is still very low on the deck.

However, with my 5-point physical body, I can obviously withstand the temperature change with just my toned body, but for me, this cold wind was just a rather refreshing breeze.

This is just one of the numerous benefits someone with a strong body could obtain.


A few more days later...


When I first saw it, the scenery outside the airship was truly breathtaking and too beautiful to absorb all at once. But after looking at it for some time, it became boring.



Life on the flying airship was monotonous and boring.

Though there was magnificent scenery below, it eventually became dull, causing some to close their eyes to it.

As the deck was crowded with more than three hundred apprentices, it was not a comfortable place to stay. But, fortunately, around noon the next day, the flying airship finally reached its destination: "The Great Conference of Magical Schools!"

It was a fortress built in the middle of the mountains, completely surrounded by dangerous high peaks that stretched to the sky. Clouds floated in deep valleys, ensuring that no one could peek through them and glimpse the ground below.

The flying airship docked at a huge tower thirty meters high in the center of a fortress.

The entire tower was built with something resembling enormous bones, each at least half a meter thick. Although it looked rough and simple, it had a touch of solidity that gave the feeling that nothing could destroy it.

Around the Great Tower, there were other airships, certainly also transporting young, future students of magical schools.

"This supreme queen likes what she's seeing!" said Mavia, as she watched other young people disembarking from the other airships.

I ignored her, after all, she is now a bit more controlled and has learned some basic limits, and I continued looking.

The airship I was on did not land on the ground but hovered beside the great bone tower. A wooden plank was placed between the airship and the tower, allowing the apprentices to disembark from the airship.



The mage with the duck-like appearance descended leading all the young people, and no one dared to say a single word as everyone followed in silence, for the feeling of respect and fear for the duck was evident in everyone's eyes.

As we descended and walked into the tower, a place resembling a small city appeared at the end of my line of sight.

Numerous tents of various shapes and sizes were clustered together, forming a massive camp.

And there were people, mostly young individuals of similar ages, about 17 to 18 years old, each and every one of them carrying curious looks on their faces. I made a rough estimate and counted that there were at least hundreds of them, filling the entire base of the tower. From time to time, some young people emerged from the tents, various expressions adorning their faces.

"Okay, young ones! Welcome to the intermediate stop of your travel destination, the Grand Conference of Magical Schools! Everything you decide about your future academies will be done here, and afterward, you will return to your respective academies with your teachers to begin practicing magic!"

The mage with his duck-like beak continued speaking.

"Choose a school, but remember, you can check out all the various schools, but once you have signed a contract to join one, you must not renege or try to flee! Anyone who disobeys this rule will be slaughtered and then thrown into the abyss surrounding this great tower!"

The words that came from the mage's mouth made everyone's hearts turn cold, even Mavia, who seemed oblivious to reality, felt her body shiver with fear. Not only her, but also Nicolas and William, who appeared to have a bandaged arm along with a wooden crutch… Something truly amusing.

"Haha! Kelene! You finally arrived!" A voice sounded, and a fat man emerged from one of the tents in the camp. He was also wearing a mage's robe and approached, saying, "Don't scare these lovely newcomers."

"There were some difficulties along the way, a damned beggar from the White Lotus territory intercepted my airship to demand a magic crystal. I only refrained from capturing him for torture for wasting my time because of the Lotus family!" Explained Kelene, the mage with the duck-like body.

"Well! Newcomers! Now follow me to the camp!" The fat man talked with Kelene and the others for a bit longer, then turned his head and shouted to me and everyone who was with me on the journey.

"You can call me Steven, from the mighty Mystic Tower of Valtor. Trust me, if you are going to choose a school, the Mystic Tower of Valtor is definitely the best choice!"

Steven said as he led us to the center of the camp. Once we entered, various sounds traveled through my ears, reminding me of the markets in my previous world. Meanwhile, Kelene and his friend Steven seemed to have something else to do and soon left the group, but a little ahead, there was someone who would direct us to our destinations.

The surroundings were bustling with activity, mostly due to the young people around. Some of them gathered in a circle, while others were entering or leaving the tents.

With my body that inspired respect and admiration, as I walked, I stood out among all the other youths. Not only because of my impressive stature but also due to the well-defined muscles that seemed to challenge the limits of my body. However, despite my dominant physical presence, the mages around me seemed to completely ignore me.

It was a strange feeling, to be so visibly different and, at the same time, so invisible. When they looked at me, the gazes of the mages slid over me as if I were just a passing shadow.

But then, when they looked at Mavia. Beside me, she radiated an aura that seemed to attract the attention of the mages like a magnet. I watched as their gazes shifted from me to her, the faces of the mages frowning in an expression of confusion before returning to normal.

Meanwhile, I smiled to myself, realizing the true dynamics here. In the world of mages, they did not care about physical strength, but they cared about the possibility of discovering supernatural aspects. After all, I was sure they sensed the presence of Maria in Olivia, and even the duck-like Kelene, when he first met Mavia, stared at her curiously for a few seconds.

Certainly, Kelene recognized the female spirit that once haunted the bathroom on the second floor of the airship, but after a few moments, he did nothing and remained indifferent.


1657 Words


We have reached the end of the first volume. I thank all the readers who have accompanied us so far, as well as those who rated the work with 5 stars and donated power stones. If you haven't rated the novel yet, please help me out!

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50 power stones = 1 chapter

100 stones = 2 chapters

200 stones = 3 chapters

500 stones of power = 5 chapters

- 20 - Golden tickets = 1 extra chapter!

Thank you all!

To motivate you, I have established some simple goals:

50 power stones = 1 chapter

100 stones = 2 chapters

200 stones = 3 chapters

500 stones of power = 5 chapters

- 20 - Golden tickets = 1 extra chapter!

Thank you all!

Thinker_creators' thoughts