

As I hastily pulled on my pants halfway back to my room, I felt a momentary relief knowing that if anyone crossed my path, they wouldn't see me completely naked. With the pants finally in place, I managed to reach my room without further incident.

Once inside, I threw the clothes I still held onto the floor, not caring about the mess I was creating. I flopped onto the bed and found myself immersed in thoughts. "Who would have imagined that one day I would be in another world, a magical world where ghosts and wizards exist!"

The memory of Maria brought a smile to my lips as I continued to reflect. "If that ghostly woman were a ghost with a warm female body instead of a cold and freezing one, I'd probably readily accept her as a girlfriend. Maybe even visit her daily."

I took a deep breath, feeling my heart beating calmly in my chest. I slowly closed my eyes, letting myself be carried away by the exhaustion that dominated me. But even as I surrendered to sleep, doubts continued to echo in my mind. How was it possible for a spiritual body to touch a physical body? Why didn't Maria come after me? Is she confined to that bathroom forever?

With no clear answers, I finally succumbed to sleep, sinking into the depths of much-needed rest after the tumultuous events of the day. After all, even in a magical world, the mind needs rest.


Dream world...


I open my eyes slowly, still feeling the haze of sleep enveloping me. The first thing I notice is the cold sensation of the floor against my back. A shiver runs down my spine as I force myself to breathe deeply, trying to calm my heart that seems to want to leap out of my chest.

With effort, I sit up abruptly, my body tense and alert. My eyes adjust to the empty room, and a shock of confusion crosses my being. Yellow walls, a chilly floor, and... solitude. Where the hell am I?

Perplexity overwhelms me as I frantically survey my surroundings, hoping to find a clue, an explanation for this strange and unfamiliar place. But all I see are lifeless walls, enclosing me in a yellow prison.

I look at my hands, observing the scars that tell stories of a scientist, like indelible marks of a life I no longer fully recognize. A strange sensation washes over me as I realize I'm a bit taller than I used to be before falling asleep. The shock of the discovery reverberates in every fiber of my being, echoing in my mind as I try to process the distorted reality I find myself in.

"Wait... am I really in my old body? But... how is that possible?"

Before I can gather my thoughts into some semblance of coherence, a young voice, laden with hatred and anguish, cuts through the silence. "Damned body thief, why did you steal my body?" The voice hits me like a blow, making me turn abruptly to face the owner of the voice.

My eyes widen in astonishment as I see the young man before me. Hair as black as night, piercing blue eyes overflowing with restrained fury, skin as white as the moon. Charles. The owner of the body I now inhabit, staring at me with a mix of desperation and anger.

"Answer me, thief! Why did you steal my body?" The demand hangs heavy in the air, as weighty as a sentence of condemnation. I swallow hard, trying to gather the right words to explain the inexplicable.

"That's a bit hard to say," I begin, my voice faltering as I try to find a reasonable explanation for this madness. "After all, I didn't steal your body... it was just an accident." The excuse sounds like a lie even to my own ears, but whether I like it or not, it's the truth.

I meet Charles's gaze as he furrows his brow, an expression of distrust marking his face. His arched eyebrows seem to challenge every word that comes out of my mouth. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" His voice is laden with skepticism, sharp as a honed blade.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep calm in the face of his palpable disbelief. "I think we started off on the wrong foot," I begin, my voice firm, after all, Charles is just a teenager, whereas in my previous world, I was 22. "How about we introduce ourselves first?"

Charles crosses his arms over his chest, his gaze still fixed on me with a penetrating intensity. "You already know me, I'm Charles Vol," he declares, his voice carrying authority. "And you, thief? What's your name?"

Unconcerned, I reveal my identity. "My name is Evol Drin," I say, feeling the weight of the words as I speak them. "I'm a scientist from another world. Before waking up in your body, I probably died in an explosion. After the explosion, I woke up in your body, but I swear on my honor it wasn't intentional."

Charles listens to my words in silence, his gaze passing through a myriad of emotions as he processes the truth in my words. Finally, he sighs deeply, seeming resigned to the incomprehensible situation that surrounds us.

"Now that you're not a thief," he begins, his voice softening slightly, "I won't condemn you. Just leave and let me control my body again. After all, I have a family to save... My mother is sick, and my brothers too, so I need to become a mage to save them."

My eyes wander the yellow walls of the room, seeking answers that seem to elude me at every turn. "Where are we?" I murmur to Charles, perplexity coloring my voice. "And how did you suddenly appear, as if you had come out of thin air?"

Charles shakes his head, a shadow of confusion passing through his eyes as he responds. "I don't know," he admits, his voice laden with frustration. "I only remember looking in the mirror when an invisible force sucked my consciousness into this strange place. But that doesn't matter now, does it? After all, all you need to do is leave and give me back my body."

A malicious smile begins to form on my lips as I absorb Charles's words. "How interesting," I murmur, my voice a mix of amusement and disdain. "So you don't know where we are..."

My eyes meet his, shining with a malevolent light as I reveal my true intention. "Sorry, kid," I say with false sympathy, "but I can't go back to my old world, even if I wanted to. I don't know how to return, and even if I did, do you really think I would leave this magical reality? This extremely interesting world? Even if it's a violent world, it's still every existing scientist's dream..."

A sinister laugh escapes my lips as I revel in the sadistic pleasure of revelation. "Your body is mine now forever," I declare with icy confidence.

After hearing my words, rage erupts in Charles, a pulsating vein appearing on his forehead, marking his once white skin now red with hatred. His screams echo through the room, filled with uncontrollable fury. "Evol!!! I Swear I Will Kill You and take what is rightfully mine!"

Before I can react, a spear of crackling fire materializes in Charles's hand and flies towards me like lightning.

"Buzz~~" I feel the cutting pain as it pierces my abdomen, an agonizing scream tearing through my lips as my blood spreads across the floor, staining it red along with my internal organs.

The impact is strong, throwing me against the wall behind me. "Bang~~" I also feel my bones breaking, in a sharp sound of "Crash~~"

The surprise almost takes my breath away as the pain intensifies, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~" The scream echoes in the void, blending with the sound of my own agony.

Instinctively, I turn to my only recourse, my faithful chip. "Chip! Analyze my current situation and tell me how many minutes of life I still have?"

The chip's response, cold and electronic, hits my consciousness. "99.9% chance you will die at 95 years old, with a good old age."

The information seems surreal, a shocking contrast to the agonizing pain consuming me. "What?! Then what's happening?" I ask in despair, trying to understand the madness unfolding around me.

The chip's voice answers, bringing a glimpse of enlightenment. "Currently, your physical body is still lying in your room, but your consciousness is in a place I can't access. I can say, without a doubt, that this space is like a virtual laboratory. With just one wish, you can materialize anything here."

An epiphany dawns on my mind as the truth unfolds before me. "This is the dream world!" I exclaim, understanding flooding my being with surprising clarity.

The fiery determination still shines in Charles's eyes, his will to make me suffer evident in every movement he makes. Another spear of fire appears in his hands, his intention clear as he throws it in my direction, aiming directly for my head.


Prepared for the confrontation, I close my eyes and concentrate all my energy on visualizing an indestructible shield in front of me. In my mind, I see it forming, imposing and radiant with a golden light. And then, as a manifestation of my thoughts, the shield materializes before me, rising like an impenetrable barrier.

The spear of fire flying towards me causes an explosion of heat and energy that reverberates through the space around us. "BOOM~~" The sound is deafening, but more than that, the shockwave that follows hurls Charles against the wall with overwhelming force, breaking his bones in a cacophony of horrific cracks.




I watch him, the wounds I inflicted on him, even if it's in self-defense. He is now as injured as I am, though he doesn't have a spear of fire burning through his internal organs.

Without wasting time, I take a deep breath, gathering my last reserves of energy. With a titanic effort, I extend my trembling hand towards the spear of fire lying in my abdomen. The spear is hot and burns as I hold it, but I resist and focus intensely, imagining it disappearing into thin air.

And as if responding to my command, the spear dissolves before my eyes, leaving behind only a bloody hole.


1769 Words


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